
The System Begged Me For Help

Aria was the Goddess of beauty. She got killed by other gods and ended up at Li Ye's world, whose real name was Leon and he vaguely remembers the memories of all his past lives. She thought he was just an ordinary son of heaven and could take his luck by helping him defying his fate. She created a system with her authority to help Li Ye change his destiny and take his luck slowly. But Li Ye wanted to live an ordinary life, leaving no choice for Aria but to devour his soul and move on to the next son of haven. As she was trying to devour his soul, she found out that Li Ye was not someone she should have messed with. After witnessing Li Ye's power, she told him everything. Li Ye then wanting to experience the lives of his past self decided to help her. Leon then began his journey with his beautiful Goddess to know the secrets that the omniverse holds.

Pretom_Barua · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 16: Training Grounds

As the woman beheld Leon's stunned expression, she couldn't resist a triumphant smirk. "So, my divine beauty leaves you speechless," she declared with a hint of arrogance. 

Leon, undeterred, responded with unabashed admiration. "Indeed, you're worthy of being crowned the Goddess of beauty. Even in the recesses of my past lives, your radiance remains unmatched," he affirmed, nodding in affirmation.

Caught off guard by Leon's effusive praise, the woman felt a delicate flush of embarrassment color her cheeks.

[Master certainly possesses the art of enchantment]

Curious, Leon questioned, "Why do you think that, Sara?"

[Master, when you complimented Mother on her beauty, her affection for you surged to 100]



Affection: 100

Relation: Eternal lover]

"Why did you go blabbing that, Sara!" Aria scolded her, vexed that Sara had revealed her elation over Leon's praise.

"Next time, just indicate the affection level, Sara," Leon sighed, feeling a tad exasperated.

[Understood, master]

"I'm about to head out," Leon announced, ready to leave the soul space when Aria intercepted him.

"Where do you think you're off to? Did you assume I'm clueless?" Aria shot him an accusing glare.

"Just because I wasn't present, you think you can spend time with your maid and take her shopping?" She pouted.

Leon was bewildered by Aria's anger over him buying clothes for Yanmei. He shook his head.

"Couldn't you have just asked Sara if you wanted some new clothes? And why are you acting like a wife who found his husband cheating on her?" Leon couldn't fathom her intense reaction to a simple gesture.

[Master, Mom is upset because she's jealous of you spending time with your maid]

Leon found himself in a curious state of disillusionment regarding his fortune to have a goddess like Aria.

"I hope you haven't forgotten your attempt on my life. I'm assisting you in gaining power and seeking revenge because I require someone under my control to rule the omniverse. Don't think you can act that way just because I'm being kind, and that goes for you too, Sara," Leon warned both Aria and Sara.

Aria and Sara felt a shiver down their very soul as Li Ye's warning sank in.

"Now, open the shop and filter everything except swords related to fire," Leon instructed Sara, eager to move on from the momentary conflict.


Inferno Edge 

With a blade forged in the depths of hellfire, Inferno Edge slices through enemies with ease, leaving behind trails of searing flames that consume all in their path.

Price: 1500 Destiny points


Crafted from the heart of a volcano, Flamebringer's blade glows with an intense heat. Its swings leave trails of scorching flames, capable of engulfing foes in a fiery inferno.

Price: 2000 Destiny points


This sword is imbued with the essence of fire, causing its blade to flicker and dance with fiery energy. Each strike ignites the air, creating waves of intense heat that sear through armour and flesh alike.

Price: 4000 Destiny points

Infernal Blaze

This sword is said to draw its power from the depths of the underworld, unleashing flames that consume both flesh and soul, making it a fearsome weapon in battles against both mortals and demons.

Price: 5500 Destiny points


Emberstrike's serrated blade crackles with the essence of smouldering embers. Its strikes leave behind trails of burning ash, setting everything it touches ablaze with relentless fury.

Price: 8000 Destiny points


With a hilt carved from the charred bones of ancient beasts, Firebrand radiates an aura of unquenchable flames. Each swing of this sword ignites the air, leaving behind a wake of smouldering destruction.

Price: 15000 Destiny points

Ignition Blade

This sword is a conduit for the very essence of fire, channelling its power with each strike. When wielded, Ignition Blade erupts into a blazing inferno, consuming foes in a whirlwind of searing heat.

Price: 34000 Destiny points

Volcanic Fury

Forged in the heart of a volcano, Volcanic Fury is a weapon of unparalleled destruction. Its blade pulsates with the fiery energy of its birthplace, unleashing torrents of molten lava upon all who dare to oppose it.

Price: 50000 Destiny points

Pyracrisis Blade

This sword embodies the chaos and devastation of a wildfire unleashed. Its very touch sets ablaze everything it strikes, leaving behind a wake of scorched earth and charred remains.

Price: 80000 Destiny points


Wrought from the scales of a fire-breathing dragon, Flametongue is a weapon of legendary power. Its blade glows with the intensity of a raging wildfire, leaving behind a wake of desolation wherever it is wielded.

Price: 250 thousand Destiny points

Infernium Slicer 

Forged in the fires of the deepest abyss, the Infernium Slicer's blade is imbued with the essence of demonic flames. It cuts through armour and flesh alike with ease, leaving behind trails of infernal energy.

Price: 1 million Destiny points


Scorchblade's razor-sharp edge is tempered in the flames of a thousand suns, rendering it nearly incandescent to the touch. Its strikes leave behind trails of blistering heat, reducing even the most powerful kingdoms to smouldering ruin.

Price: 5 million Destiny points

Searing Justice 

As its name suggests, Searing Justice is a sword that punishes the wicked with righteous fire. Its blade burns with the intensity of a divine flame, purging evil wherever it strikes.

Price: 250 million Destiny points

Crimson Conflagration

This legendary sword is said to have been tempered in the blood of dragons and fueled by the rage of a thousand infernos. It's every swing unleashes a torrent of fiery devastation, leaving behind nought but smouldering ruin.

Price: 930 million Destiny points

Flamekeeper's Fury 

Wielded by an ancient order of fire-wielding guardians, Flamekeeper's Fury channels the raw power of the sun itself. Its strikes are as blinding as they are devastating, capable of reducing worlds to nothing in moments.

Price: 7 billion Destiny points

Eternal Ember Edge 

Among the most potent of fire swords, the Eternal Ember Edge is said to contain a fragment of the primordial flame that birthed the universe. Its power is unrivalled, capable of incinerating the entire universe.

Price: 100 billion destiny points]

"Now I know what it feels to be poor," Leon said to himself.

"Buy Infernal Blaze," Leon told Sara.

[Infernal Blaze purchased for 5500 Destiny points]

"Now, I'm heading back," Leon announced, returning to his courtyard.

After a full day of rest, Li Ye emerged from his seclusion the following morning, having recuperated from his previous day's exertions. Stepping outside, he found Yanmei patiently waiting for him.

"Good morning, master," Yanmei greeted Li Ye with a smile.

Presenting the newly acquired Infernal Blaze to Yanmei, he explained, "Take this sword, it's known as the Infernal Blaze. I chose it for you due to your affinity with fire. I'll also procure some pills for you later."

"Thank you so much for this gift, master," Yanmei expressed her gratitude.

"Let's make our way to the training grounds," Li Ye suggested.

Yanmei nodded eagerly, following Li Ye as they made their way to the sect's training grounds.

As Li Ye and Yanmei arrived at the training grounds, they were met with the familiar faces of the outer disciples who had also passed the trial. A ripple of whispers spread through the group as they noticed Yanmei approaching, and a chorus of greetings followed in her wake.

"So, you're the one who's ascended to become a core disciple on the first day since joining our sect," remarked the instructor, his tone betraying a mix of surprise and curiosity.

The news of Yanmei's promotion sent shockwaves through the gathered disciples, solidifying their suspicions that she must have some powerful backing from a prestigious clan. Yet, amidst the whispers and speculation, Yanmei remained composed, her gaze steady and unwavering, ready to embrace the challenges that lay ahead.