
The Sweet Facade

He was a billionaire and a person with such a cold attitude that would make you think he's from Antarctica. He can have anything in a blink ,except her. The chase grew his interest and he finally realized he love her. He was swooned over her, Like a puppet. He was whipped. He liked her smile,her dimple,her frown , her laughter even her care. He started investing his emotions on her and for the first time he was dependent on a stranger , he met at a cafe. But, what if it was all fake? The girl that she claimed to be, was already dead. She was just here for revenge, to ruin him. She was here to take the greatest assets of his life . Read out the whole story, THE SWEET FACADE, to find out if the girl succeeds or the destiny has another plan for them? Was it really HER facade?

Bhumi_Gupta_7515 · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

water melons and juice

Hehe, i forgot to upload chap. 16...Pardon!


"Oh, just stop it girl." Alina yelled at the top of her voice. "Its my birthday. So Throw out your phobia and shake your booty..."

Tejasswi looked at Alina who has already drunk multiple strong shots of vodka and whisky and is getting tipsy now. She was swinging herself like a wind.

She remembered how Alina asked her to accompany her to this club where she wanted to spend her birthday. Alina said that it had been ages she had been to one and since Karan won't be home today, they should not waste the opportunity.

She even convinced Raya to let them go to club , just once and Raya agreed seeing the puppy eyes of Alina.

Tejasswi always had a phobia of  crowd and loud but today, just for her dear friend she decided to accompany her. She was continuously refusing Alina to her proposal of drinking atleast one shot as she knew she had low capacity of drinking but Alina stood adamant.

"Just..one shot. Pleeaseee Teju..Just for me?" Alina plead before Tejasswi, passing her a tray of shots.

"Alina, please. If i get tipsy too, who will drive us home?" Tejasswi tried to knock some senses.

"Edward." Alina pointed towards the another end of the dancing stage where Edward stood while dancing with some random chick.

"He will drive us. He has highhh capacity. Please drink once for me. Pleasee" Alina started crying at the end making Tejasswi bow down to her wishes.

She took a shot and gulped down in a second. The sharp burning in her throat resulted her to make a disgusting face.

"One more. One more." Alina encouraged and Tejasswi shook her head.

"If the Real Mishti would have been with us, today. She would be so happy. She wanted to drink with you atleast once but...she could not." Alina said in a remoseful voice.

Tears gathered in Tejasswi's eyes when she remembered those moments.

"You cannot drink alcohol until we turn eighteen." Spoke the sixteen year old tejasswi to seventeen year old Mishti.

"Oh come-on, teja. No one would come to know about it. Lets just try for once. My friends told, it tastes divine." Mishti said with a naughty grin.

"No arguements." Tejasswi sat down to do her homework of school.

"Fine. But now let me make it clear. Once you turn eighteen, i will make sure you drink your first drink with me. Then i'll see if you regret not drinking now or not." Mishti replied.


And they could never drink it together. Why? Because of those Bloody Kundrras. They ruined their happy lives.

They are so going to regret it.

With this thought, Tejasswi gulped down one more shot. The burning sensation helped her forgetting those dreadly scenes for the time being.

"I wish she gets the justice. Remember her last wish?"

"I have no re..regret that they killed me, te..jasswi. " Tejasswi shook her head vigourously, tears floating down her cheeks. " Maybe ...i was not worth this life. But they killed m..mom. Don't spare them... Howw da..re they--" Mishti who was trying hard to breathe, suddenly went still.

The monitor stopped beaping and showed a straight horizontal line.

That was the last tejasswi remembered before she fell in a dark slumber.

"They are so going to regret it." Tejasswi spat venomously , grabbing one more shot.

"You have to make them regret it, Teja. You have to." Teja grabbed one more shot. Her mind lingering in Alina's words.

"I have a plan."


"So, partners?" A man in his blue tux asks, forwarding his hand.

"Partners." Karan replies and shake their hands. "Mark, enjoy your night. Your drinks are on me tonight."

"Thanks dude. Wanna see some hot chick here. " the man, Mark winks at him before giving his suit case to his security guard.

They are here, in one of Karan's club to discuss their partnership while opening a mall.

Karan nods at Mark and turns to leave but then decides to check on the books of club.

"Show me the stats of this quarter." Karan commands the manager who nods before escorting them to the Office.

While the manager was working in the laptop, He looks at the security cameras. It was a huge crowd today, granted it was a weekend. The young generation were crowding over the bartender and were dancing like insane.

His gaze falls on a specific someone. Mark. The guy was more of a playboy. He wondered how Mark could own 4 hotels across the country. He was dancing with a lady, more like grinding on her and the lady reciprocated his movements. Her back faced Karan.

The next person he sees makes him wander why was she here?

Lexi. It was Lexi. She held the shoulders of the girl, with whom Mark was 'dancing' and the three of them danced together. Lexi twirled the girl and Karan's eyes widen.

"Sir, the reports." The manager calls out for him but Karan leaves the room in hurry.

He reaches the stage and pull Mishti towards him, away from Mark.

"Hey bro." Mark greets.

"Karan. Youu..here? Howw??" Mishti stutters.

Karan glares at her who was smiling innocently at him.

"Hey, you know him baby?" Mark asks Mishti, referring to Karan.

But before mishti could reply, Karan answers. "We are dating." His voice was cold and blank and Mark made an 'ouch' expression.

"I didn't know that. Sorry for breaking the brocode." Mark surrenders and then move to another girl.

Karan drags the tipsy Mishti to a corner, leaving Lexi who was dancing alone.

"Wheree are you takingg me Mr. Egoistt."

"Mishti, stop it." He deadpanned

"No. I was enjoying soo damn much with him. He was soo.. hot. So handsome and so sexyy"

"Stop it, Right there."

"I wanna go backk to him. You shout at me." Mishti wiggles in his arms and tries to go to Mark.

"STOP IT."Karan yells once for all. "Why are here so late? Do you know which type of place is this? There are so many---"

"You again shouted on me. I am..i am going to kickk you where sun doesn't shine. In your main part." She pouted.

Though karan was boiling in anger , he coulf not help but chuckle at her cuteness.  "You will kick me on my 'main part'? Why?"

"Becaause..i have seen RA.ONE. " she says while showing off her non-existing biceps. Karan laughs at that.

"Karann.."Mishti whines. "I'm hungry."

"Lets go out then ." He tries to walk the exit but Mishti just sits in the floor crossing her legs.

"No. I'm tired. I want something. Right here. Right noww. Do youu understand?"

Mishti was wearing a short mid thigh dress and because she sat crossing her legs without any care, the dress shifted upwards giving the glimse of her red thongs.

Karan took a deep breath before saying, "lets go upstairs. I will order something there."


"Yeah. Come now." In a second, Mishti stood up and karan shook his head while pulling her dress down.

"You are so sweet, Mr. Sweetu."

"So i am no longer Mr. Egoist?"

"You areee. MR. EGOISTTT" She sang.

"Lexi. Its enough for you too. Come upstairs with us. I will order something for you both." Karan says to Lexi who was still dancing.

"Will you order a whisky?"

"No, lexi. You are already high."

"Then nooo. i am going with my friend for a night over. " She replies and before Karan could stope her, she says back, "i asked Raya. And she agreeed. Youu have no say on thiiisss."

"Fine then. Call me before you leave. I wanna meet that friend of yours."

Lexi nods at karan.

"Youu are so gooodd..Why?" Mishti asks once she is settled in the bed. "Ughh..My heel hurts." She cries dramatically.

"Wait." He bends down on his knees and starts taking her heels off.

He feels her soft hands on his neck, rubbing his skin sensually.

"What are you--" He gets interrupted by the knock on the door. He gets up to open it and finds a waiter with the order he placed.

Karan took the tray from the waiter and passed him some tip before turning back to Mishti. His eyes widen more than it did a while ago.

"Don't. Don't Strip, Mishti." He runs to her carefully and keeps the tray on side.

Now that he sees it attentively, she had wore a red glittery dress that reached her mid thigh and was strapless giving a high view of her collarbones.

"Its hot here. Don't you see the sweat running down my forehead to my eyes, to my nose, to my lips, to my jaw, to my neck and then to my cleav--"

"That's enough." He could not believe that he was really concentrating on the parts she mentioned. He shook his head trying to erase the pictures that his mind drew. They were not so innocent.

"You shouted on me again. You are bad Karan. Bad." She laid on her stomach , hiding her face in the white pillows. Her bottom was completely in air and the long slim legs were in view.

Her current position did not helped him to regain his sanity as he thought about the sins he could commit while mishti being in this position. He wandered how she would look in her red thongs.

"Aghhh.." He groaned cursing himself for thinking such sinful thoughts for a lady who is all drunk.

But she is your soon to be lady.

'Soon to be. She is not Yet.' He retorted to his demon. 'Plus i don't have her permission.'

"Mishti, aren't you hungry anymore?" He asked trying to erase the tension in the room.

He found Mishti peeking between the pillows if he really had the food with himself. When she was positive, she got up in a second and licked her lips. "Are these water melons??"

"Yes. Along with orange juice." His eyes ligered over the pink juicy lips that mishti was licking continuously.

'Why i'm i being so horny and **x deprived?'

Because you are.

"Come then. What are you waiting for?" She patted to her side, motioning karan to sit there.

Karan oblidged.

"I will eat Water-melon and you will drink this juice." Mishti said as serious as she could manage to be.

"No. You have to drink the juice as well."

"You will, Karan. I don't want to hear a word now." She commanded him just like Raya does. "Don't angryy me." It was a famous dialogue of a movie that they watched a day before.

Karan chuckled at that. She is cute

"As you say." They dig on the tray.

After eating Karan kept the tray in the table and tried to tuck Mishti in bed. She was one of those who behaved ten times more enrgetically when drunk.

"I can't sleep on this dress. Its itching me. " Mishti complaints for hundredth time and Karan sighs before opening his shirt.

Her eyes followed his movements. It was the first time he was getting naked in front her. Well atleast the upper body.

But her dreams crashed when she saw the white vest beneath his white shirt.

Though the biceps and his veins were still a view to her eyes, she felt disappointed seeing his vest.

"Take this and change." He passed his shirt to her. His eyes started feeling heavy.

Mishti took the shirt and started struggling to strip her dress. Karan was quick to turn around.

"Karan, helppp..The zipp"

Karan sighed and walked to Mishti who struggled to open the zip of her dress.

"Now take this out." She plead and Karan closed his eyes in frustration. It was already hard to maintain his composure and this girl is turning no stone unturned to fail him.

His mind started being blank and he was trying hard to form the sentences but failed consecitively. (Like the author does in maths) He nodded, not finding enough in him to fight back and started stripping her.

He tried his best to not look downwards and kept his eyes fixed at her selene face. After the task was done, he tucked her to bed and pulled the blanket over her.

His own head spinning, he decided to rest for a while before ordering a cab.

He was not in the condition to drive.

He felt a weight on him and by the magistic cologne, he knew it was Mishti.

She always smelled like roses.

"I love you, karan. I love youu..a lot, a lot, a lotttt" He heard Mishti ,between her hiccups. "But i can't understand you."

"Really?" Karan asked. His heart summer-solting but his mind just buzzing because of her voice.

"Yup." She said with a pop. "I want to kiss you. But you won't let me. You are bad Karan."


"Ye--" A pair of rough lips slammed against her. He could not help but sush her with the first idea he could get. He tasted melons and she juice.


The next chapter depends if you want to have explicit content or not!
