
The Sweet Facade

He was a billionaire and a person with such a cold attitude that would make you think he's from Antarctica. He can have anything in a blink ,except her. The chase grew his interest and he finally realized he love her. He was swooned over her, Like a puppet. He was whipped. He liked her smile,her dimple,her frown , her laughter even her care. He started investing his emotions on her and for the first time he was dependent on a stranger , he met at a cafe. But, what if it was all fake? The girl that she claimed to be, was already dead. She was just here for revenge, to ruin him. She was here to take the greatest assets of his life . Read out the whole story, THE SWEET FACADE, to find out if the girl succeeds or the destiny has another plan for them? Was it really HER facade?

Bhumi_Gupta_7515 · Urban
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17 Chs

too resisting..

Mishti was cooking the lunch for the day, the breakfast to Karan was already sent by the driver. Raya had asked her to go to hospital and be with Karan, but Mishti denied it sweetly.

She didn't want to go back at the hospital and relive the memories that still scared her to death. The images of her crying and yelling at no one particular but at divine, way too painful. Those faces , that she always wanted to have an smile, were lying blank in front of her.

"Mishti?" She heard Raya and she quickly blinked her tears. "Is the lunch ready?"

"Yeah, just a minute."

"Karan is here too, so serve his plate as well."

That took Mishti's attention. The last time she saw Karan, He was adamant to not leave his father until he is completely fit, even for a second then how come he's here?

"And who's in hospital?"

"No one." Raya replied. "Mr. Kundrra was discharged today. "

Before Mishti could ask any deeper, Raya left the kitchen.

She hurridly served all the dishes and took them in the dining table with several questions building her mind.

"Did you killed that Cockroach?"


"Did. You. Killed. The coackroch?" Karan asked word by word and gesturing it with his hands.

"Uhh..no,i didn't" She said. "But why all of the sudden?"

"Nothing." He shrugged. "You were just lost somewhere, so thought to distract you." He sat in his chair.

"Seriously Karan?" She asked with a poker face. "You need to upgrade your techniques to 'distract me' " She said quoting.

"I know some Great ways to distract you. But you won't let me do that, you know." Karan smirked, serving his plate.

Heat rushed her cheeks."Good, you know that." Mishti said with a tight lipped smile.

She smiled when Raya and Lexi came and they returned the gesture.

"How is your Dad?" Lexi asks , in the middle of her lunch.

"Safe and sound. "



Karan stopped in his tracks to enter his room when he heard Mishti calling out for him. He turned to her.

"Are you fine?"

"More than i ever will." He replies.

Mishti takes a long pause before speaking again. "If you don't mind, can i have a talk?"

"Ofc you can. Why are you being nervous while talking to me?" He asks back.

"I..i don't know."

"Come in."

"So, are you fine?" Mishti asks once she settles in the bed, beside karan.

Karan turns to his side table and take out something from the mid drawer. He does something, without turning to Mishti, making her curious of his action.

"Take this." Karan handed a sheet of paper to Mishti.

"What is..." she reads it. "Are you serious"

The letter read: i am Fine.

"You won't stop asking me that petty question. What to do?"

"You are crazy."

"You don't even know how crazy i really am."

Mishtu looks at him keenly. His eyes held a different emotion and his lips were curled in a naughty amused smirk.

Oh boy, how kissable those lips are.

Though she was here for the revenge , she could not help but physically attract to the man beside her. He was dangerously handsome with a fine jaw and wide muscular body.

His light silky, natural curls made her curious as to what it will feel when she will run her hands through it.

"I know i am handsome. But don't stare at me like that." Karan states and Mishti smiles shyly.

"You are totally different from what you were yesterday."

"Was i not handsome yesterday?" Karan asks innocently but his vouce dripped cockiness.

"No , Silly. I meant you were all serious and tensed, yesterday and now you are being playful." Mishti asks.

"So whom do you like more? The serious side or the playful?" He asks back.

"Can't you give me straight answers to my questions?" She asks irritatedly.

"Maybe yes. Maybe No."

"Ugh..Fine. lets play 20 questions. In that way, you can question back only after answering me."

"I am not a kid, mishti."

"You don't have an option , Mister. You have to play." She replies. "So, favorite colour?"

"You know it."

Mishti glares him.

"Fine. Black and white. And i won't ask yours, i know it. Blue and white."

"Damn true. But thats not its played." She whined.

"I'm a bussiness man, i know how to use the limited resources at the optimum utility." Karan winks at her. "So, what do you think about me?"

"Murderer." She replies gently. "I'm sure you must have broken several hearts in your teenage, didn't you?"

"Second question it is. I have broken several other things in my life, along with hearts." Karan shrugs.

"Oh." Mishti ponders over what he said for a second.

"One thing you fear the most?" Karan asks.

"Nothing. After fighting for the past ten years of my life, i don't think, i fear something. What is yours?"

"To answer your questions."

"Hey, be serious." She smacked his arm.

"I am, Mishti, i am." He replies as if he can't be anymore serious. Mishti narrows her eyes at her.

"So, don't you think we are being fast? I mean, not even a month passed and you are sitting in your boss's bed- in his bedroom, beside him. So.." karan asks.

Mishti bites her lower lip in her nervousness."Well, can't really blame me if my boss is not so resisting."

"I take it as a compliment."

"So, Have you ever betrayed someone? " mishti asks.

"Betraying is just an another name to people's selfishness. And we all are selfish in our lives." Karan answers.

"Where is your family?" Karan asks after a second.

"They.. ..i don't know. I grew up in an orphanage and they took great care of my needs so i never gave a thought to my real parents." She spoke, half truth half lie.

Indeed, she grew up in an orphanage but to say she never wandered about her real parents, would be a huge lie. Infact she cried for them silently in the bathrooms.

But karan does not need to know that.

They played it until Mishti yawned and her eyelids began feeling heavy.

"Go to sleep. We will ask the rest five questions later."

Mishti nods at karan and moves to her room. She noticed one thing, that Karan was a clever man. No matter how hard she tried to ask his personal question, he made it slid easily with sly remarks or lame answers.

Indeed a business man.


"Are you even trying to know his secrets or you are just entertaing him. " Edward asks calmly.

"What do you mean by entertaining him, edward? Is it my fault if he is beng cautious?" Tejasswi (Mishti) snapped.

"Relax guys." Alina (lexi) stops them. "We know how Karan is. Clever and cunning. We have to be patient and at the same time, fast. Teju, you sure yiu didn't find any clue in his Bedroom, study , home office and office cabon?"

"Yes i am."

"That means he has some other place where he has all of them. The gun you found in his each of the mentioned rooms, were brand new and advanced? "

"ofc, it will be. He manufactures the explosives and these weapons." Tejasswi answers.

"As a side business." Alina completes. "In total, he deals in girls and supplies Armsets along with owning multiple chains of hotels, restaurants and theatres. If only you can get some of his major contracts, we can bring down his name and his legal company will be down as well. "

"He would be weak and that will be the time, our major play will start." Edward smirks.

"I have a plan."



Should i try for some mature parts or is it fine already?