
The Supreme Wolf

Agility, Strength and Cunning teamwork. Those traits make up a Wolf, but, what if there was a Wolf that had more? What if it could see things others did not? What if it could understand the forgotten? What if it had an ever growing intelligence that would aid it many a times in the future? Wolves are Leaders. Wolves are the rulers of the Forest. Wolves are Cunning. Created by Ancients, defying fate, fighting if he so desires, watch him fight and rise! Also, here is the link of a drawing of a friend called 'The Tempest', it is the drawing of the base form of the MC. I think that it looks really good. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/469201063551959060/505890662747734027/20181027_194800.jpg Our discord serv: https://discord.gg/Mja6jam I do not own the cover as it belongs to the artist that drew it.

Wolfy_Charles · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


"To tell you the truth, I know the reason for that Human laying there. Do you want me to tell you?"

Hati said, making Yami curious.

"I do, please tell me."

"Hahaha, fine."

"The Human lay there because it was attacked by one of the Lechys."

"What??" Yami asked doubtfully.

"I am not lying. You can believe me or not, but, I am not lying to you with this." Hat confirmed.

"The Human tried to chop wood and burn it to make a campfire.

One of the Lechy's saw that and got angry.

The Human started fighting the Lechy off and managed to escape while the Lechy got seriously injured.

It thought it was safe since it managed to escape from them, but the Lechy's found out about what happened after the injured Lechy came back home.

This started the Human's resentment towards beasts in that forest.

When he saw your kin trying to help him, he saw the opportunity to find the place of the Lechy's.

Your village was nothing but collateral damage to him."

"....." Yami digested the information he got.

'Is it really true...? Why didn't the Lechys tell us then? But what would he get from lying?'

"I will let you think for a while. Take your time to sort things out." Hati told Yami.

'Now, lets train a bit.' Hati thought.

Hati wanted to try something out. He thought of an idea while fighting the group to have easier fights.

'Lets try it!' Thought Hati before he started gathering nearly all of his spiritual energy.

'I just need to mix them...!'

He tried using his ice and fire attributed spiritual energy at the same time to try and see if his expectation would come to bear fruit.

A white steam suddenly started emerging from Hati.

It quickly spread everywhere in the room.

'What the hell is going on?!' Yami thought, scared about the sudden emerge of steam.

"Don't be afraid, Yami." He heard Hati say this in his mind.

'It worked!' Hati thought.

'Now, to the next step! I need to learn to manipulate it.'

Hati added a bit more of his Fire attributed spiritual energy and something similar to reflections of him appeared in Yami's vision.

"Hati? Why are there 4 of you now??" Yami asked doubtfully and a bit scared.

"Don't fear them, it is one of my abilities. I just found out about it." Hati replied.

"Are those…?"

"They're illusions, or better said, hallucinations."

"How??" Yami still doubted Hati. His doubts grew bigger by the minute.

'Sigh, maybe I should have fought to death…' Yami pondered.

He saw the hati images running circles around him. Always one advancing while the others were retreated.

It was strange.

Yami couldn't differentiate the auras since the steam itself was made of Hati's spiritual energy. So, him being able to find out which one was real through the auras was impossible.

Also, the dense steam clouded his nose. He couldn't smell him either.

Yami then saw another two Hati's emerge out of the steam.

'Are those really only illusions?'

Yami saw two of the now six Hatis run at him.

"SHIT!" He got a huge scare. He didn't know for sure if those were truly only illusions or some cloning ability or something entirely else.

The two hatis arrived at Yamis place and jumped at him with their maws wide opened!

"Don't eat me!!!" Yami screamed and closed his eyes.

"Hahahaha, did they seem that real?" He heard Hati's voice in his head.

"Holy shit! They sure did! Even if you told me they weren't real, how would I know that there were only illusions and not the real one leaping at me?"

"Hahaha, true." Hati said, still happy about his experiment succeeding.

He wanted to mix the Ice and Fire attributes of his spiritual energy to create steam to confuse his enemies sense of direction while he could feel them since they were in his 'territory'.

Aside from that, he would be able to control the heat so that he would be able to make the people in the steam see some 'fata morgana' of him running around them and attacking or retreating from them, kind of like an illusion since he could manipulate what they were seeing with his spiritual energy.

This ability would enable him to do more sneak attacks again stronger enemies or an group of opponents. This would be another of his trump cards.

The steam slowly disappeared while Hati slowly took back his leaked spiritual energy. It was on constant leaking and still had some link to him. So, he was able to take about half of it back to his body.

However, this steam was very draining. It needed constant depletion of spiritual energy to work. This was its biggest negative point.

He needed to find a way to reduce the depletion rate and amount.

'It is fine for now, but I truly need to find a way to make this more often usable. I can't have me nearly totally tired in case I can't finish the enemies while the steam is activated.'

"So, what were those 'illusions'? Yami asked with curiosity.

"Well, I tried something out with my spiritual energy and it worked. I will tell you more in the future." Hati answered.

"Hmmm...fine… I have a question by the way."

"Then ask it." Hat said.

"When will we start training? Also, how will we do it?" Yami asked with high expectations.

"Why 'we'? Are you unable to train by yourself?" Hati looked at him with cold eyes.

"Wha- ehm… I can...I think…" Yami was stunned and a little bit disappointed.

"Hahahaha, don't take it to heart! I was just messing with you. We will start once you're ready to train."

'Eh?' Yami was stunned once more.

'Calm down, me!'

"I am ready now, Hati." Yami said while looking at Hati with respect and confidence.

'Oh boy, I just want to mess with him more now…' Hati thought while chuckling in his mind.

"Then let us start!" He said, suppressing his desire to chuckle.

Hati found the past of Yami truly sad. That was no lie, it was truly a fucked up past which he had pity for.

However the face that Yami made while screaming and also the disappointed look he had in his eyes when he rejected him so coldly were just too funny for him to let them slip by.

He truly liked teasing him.

"Okay, how about you try to gather all your spiritual energy to form that black sphere?"

Yami did as he was asked of and created it.

It was about the size of a ball used for basketball and was completely black.

"Now try expanding it." He heard Hati say so and tried to expand it.

The black sphere grew for about one centimeter in radius before suddenly becoming unstable and growing without stop.

"I can't control it anymore!! It is sucking my spiritual energy up! Please help me, Hati!!!" Yami screamed that out before passing out.

Hati rushed to the sphere and ate it. He just ate it. It was even in only one gulp. It suddenly got sucked up and rushed into his mouth after he opened it to eat it.

Hati felt refreshed while worriedly looking at Yami.

'Sigh. This wasn't my plan. I thought he'd do more well…whatever, I will make him stronger with time. He just needs to learn to control that sphere better for now.' Hati thought.

He thought of using his new ability again since he felt his spiritual energy filled up, but decided against it because there was no one to use it on since Yami already fainted.

He waited for two whole hours until Yami finally woke up.

"Finally awake, sleeping beauty?" Hati teased.

"Ahhhh… what happened?" Yami asked, unsure of what happened.

"You really don't remember?"

Yami thought back and it finally hit him.

"Ahhh shit… I lost control over it."

"Hahaha at least you know you fucked up! We need you to learn how to expand it while letting the effects not weakened and you not losing control of it. Any ideas?" Hati said while strangely grinning.

His grin looked really weird was what Yami thought before starting to think about the issue at hand.

"Hmmm… I can't think of anything right now. I also still feel dizzy..." Yami said while clutching his head.

"How about you link the small sphere to one of your hands while the other wields a dagger?

Think about it while you rest." Hati gave yami an idea.

"Yeah… maybe I could do that…" Yami responded, still having a light headache.

This is the regular release. I will try to write the bonus chap now.

If you want, you can tell me ideas to improve the story or general ideas you'd like to see in the novel. I usually read all the comments since there aren't many. You can also ask me on discord.

Also, you guys sure are fast with the Power stones... Thanks for that ;3

Join discord if you want :)


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