
The Supreme Wolf

Agility, Strength and Cunning teamwork. Those traits make up a Wolf, but, what if there was a Wolf that had more? What if it could see things others did not? What if it could understand the forgotten? What if it had an ever growing intelligence that would aid it many a times in the future? Wolves are Leaders. Wolves are the rulers of the Forest. Wolves are Cunning. Created by Ancients, defying fate, fighting if he so desires, watch him fight and rise! Also, here is the link of a drawing of a friend called 'The Tempest', it is the drawing of the base form of the MC. I think that it looks really good. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/469201063551959060/505890662747734027/20181027_194800.jpg Our discord serv: https://discord.gg/Mja6jam I do not own the cover as it belongs to the artist that drew it.

Wolfy_Charles · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


'Create a link with my arm… huh?'

"Why not make it an thread to the sphere so that I can control it while throwing it around?" He asked Hati.

"That'd be an idea for now. You can try it on me if you want to test it." Hati said, still grinning weirdly.

"Ahhh, before I forget to say it, try to learn more control over it before expanding it again." Hati added.

"Okay, since you said so, I'll try it."

Yami started forming the black sphere again and added a thread this time. He didn't try to expand it for now.

The first step was to create a link to it.

He succeeded for now. There was a thin black line reaching from his hand to the small floating black sphere.

He tried swinging it around and found it working normally. The black sphere seemingly weighed nothing.

It was pure darkness after all and it would be more weird if it did weigh something…

He aimed at Hati's head after saying "I will try to aim it at your head now since you allowed me to do so to test it."

Hati nodded before looking at the black sphere and shutting his lips tightly.

He didn't want to 'accidentally' eat it and make Yami lose faith in himself and doubt hie abilities.

The black sphere reached Hati's face.

The reaction was as expected. He couldn't see, hear or smell anything.

However, there was one thing that he could.

It was feeling the aura of Yami. He could so because of the Blood Oath and because he ate the black sphere from before which made him a little immune to it.

"Well done. It is a good trump card. Now you only need to be able to shoot it out at long or middle distances to properly use it in fights.

You could also start learning how to fire a bow since you have two hands, not like me, who has paws." Hati suggested to Yami.

"I will think about it." Yami thought about trying out the bow for the first time. He didn't know anything about using a bow.

"Also, I need to use my illusions on you again. I need to train them too." Hati said, making Yami suddenly extremely listless.

Hati chuckled "Come on, I also let you attack me with your sphere. I won't go too hard on you…"

"Sigh...Fine I need to do it anyway…" Said Yami with a listless look. He was still scared of the Hatis biting him to death.

"That's the spirit! Prepare yourself, it will come now."

Hati then gathered a huge amount of his spiritual energy again. It went on easier this time because he already did it once.

He then started mixing the Fire with the Ice attribute again and steam once again went out of his body, quickly spreading everywhere.

The steam was too thick to see anything that was more than a foot away.

A few Hatis then appeared from the mist and Looked at Yami.

Yami saw the scene unfold and was still feeling strange about that being possible. He had never heard of anything like this from his village in the past.

'Sigh, he has an ancient bloodline for a reason…' Yami sighed, lamenting the fact to have been born so weak.

The Hatis then started circling Yami and howled a few times.

One was running towards Yami from his back while another was coming from his front.

Also, once Yami turned around to face the one that was near his back, it would swiftly run away again and Yami was hit by the one in front.

The attacks and feints of course also came from others sides too so as to not create a predictable rhythm.


This went on for about an hour when Hati finally retracted the steam.

Hati stood opposite to Yami, who looked quite scared.

Hati also looked very exhausted. He had nearly depleted all his spiritual energy in this short hour. This steam ability was great. In fact, it was so great that he could have killed thirty if not more Lechy leaders in that hour if they had been inside the steam.

However, the depletion was a real problem for long fights.

He could use his teeth up to six hours actively and his claws even up to ten hours now. Even both together activated would hold out for four hours…

He needed to get more spiritual energy and also reduce the rate of consumption without weakening the effects…

He started to get a headache from thinking so hard about it.

Yami got himself together and spoke up again.

"Hey, can we please stop using me as a training partner for that ability?" Yami asked with a bit of hope.

"You want me to try my claws and teeth on you? Do you want to die that much? Hahahaha" Hati chuckled.

"Don't worry, we will find some other enemies to try it out on."

Hati chuckled again and looked at the door separating them from the next room.

"Do you know what being is in the next room?" Hati asked with curiosity.

"I do. But not very much." Yam responded, leaving a satisfied Hati.

Hati already knew what was waiting in the next room since he got the memories of those he ate. He just wanted to ask him so as to not seem suspicious and test Yami while he was at it.

He also knew the numbers of the beings in the next room.

He let Yami tell him what was awaiting them and confirmed that it was the same he knew.

"Do you want to open the door or should I? Hehe" Hati was a bit happy to have found a companion.

"I will open it then…" Yami said while moving behind some rock to push it into the ground like a button.

Hati decided to ask Yami, after all.

"Do you know who implemented the system of how the doors here open and close by the way?"

"Hmmm? I don't...I actually didn't think much of it until you mentioned it. We knew how it worked since our elders told us how to use them."

'Strange…' Thought Hati.

They Hati hid himself before the door opened.


There were three figures rushing out after Yami's yell.

"What happened, lil monkey? Where is the intr-"

The first silhouette stopped before he saw only the bones of the once 5 living Kiras.

"Where are you?!" The silhouette yelled.

It was on friendly terms with the Kiras and Lechys here since it had pitied them at the start and got to know them better.

"I don't know! Some steam just appeared and the others were left like that!" Yami quickly explained while looking like he had been through much today.

"What? Where are the Lechys?"

The silhouette asked doubtfully.

"They are gone! Completely and without a trace!! That's why I called for help in the first place."

The silhouette looked around while searching for any remaining traces that may have been overlooked but saw nothing.

'Did they do it? But, why and how? Lechys aren't able to produce a steam like he said and kill them all like this.'

The silhouette asked itself.

Okay, it is 2.35am here and I finally wrote the chap. Sorry for it being shorter than usual but I got tired halfway...

Hope you enjoyed it and please leave a review for the novel :3

Join discord if you want cuz it is fun ;3


Wolfy_Charlescreators' thoughts