
The Supreme Wolf

Agility, Strength and Cunning teamwork. Those traits make up a Wolf, but, what if there was a Wolf that had more? What if it could see things others did not? What if it could understand the forgotten? What if it had an ever growing intelligence that would aid it many a times in the future? Wolves are Leaders. Wolves are the rulers of the Forest. Wolves are Cunning. Created by Ancients, defying fate, fighting if he so desires, watch him fight and rise! Also, here is the link of a drawing of a friend called 'The Tempest', it is the drawing of the base form of the MC. I think that it looks really good. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/469201063551959060/505890662747734027/20181027_194800.jpg Our discord serv: https://discord.gg/Mja6jam I do not own the cover as it belongs to the artist that drew it.

Wolfy_Charles · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Trust would have been the Key

He sharply looked at the leader of the Kiras and told it something via telepathy, only the leader of the Kiras was able to hear it this time.

It was surprised and deeply thought about Hatis words without showing anything on its face.

It decided. It answered Hati with his blinking eyes.

Hati afterwards said something to everyone again.

"You shall die and be eaten by me! You needed to long to think about my offer! Subordinates that need so long to think about whether they want me as their master are not worth taking in!"

The Lechys and Kiras were surprised by his words.

Weren't they at least allowed to have some time to think?

The leader of the Lechys then hissed "Hey! We may be weaker individually BUT we are in a group here, you won't be able to kill us without dying yourself while trying!"

"Is that so? Do you really think that? Look at you subordinates, they're too scared to do shit."

Hati said that on purpose so as to create a bit of Mistrust while making the subordinates think that they may be left alive if they don't fight.

He went a step further.

"Okay, I will give this offer only once. Listen well."

"I will let two beasts alive of your group. You can make out who it will be yourself, be it by fighting or choosing by doing an election."

The beasts warily looked at each other.

"Don't listen to him! He is just trying to make us fight amongst ourselves! We need to be united while fighting! Him just giving us that offer is already evidence enough that he is bluffing!"

The leader of the Kiras said and broke the silence.

They looked aT each other again, this time however, with an look of admiration towards the leader of the Kiras and confidence at their comrades.

"You can try it if you won't believe me. You will see soon."

"Don't fear him, guys! He is only trying to intimidate us and lower our fighting morale." The leader of the Lechys said.

Hati looked annoyed.

"You missed your chance. Your fault now, don't blame me in the afterworld."

He sped towards the leader of the Lechys group and extended his claws while coating them with fire.

Hati then slashed at it in a manner that made it seem like a meteor was crashing onto them.

It tried to block the sudden attack with its axe and succeeded.

However, the force that came afterwards was incredible. It was slowly digging him into the ground.

It was surprised to see the Wolf wield so much strength in one slash. He tried to push it aside and again succeeded.

He pushed the claws from Hatis right paw to the right sight only for his left paw to follow its direction and cut the arm of the Lechys leader off.

It didn't think it was too serious an injury until it started catching fire.

It was SHOCKED. That fire came out of nowhere. He only got slashed and…. it struck him like lightning.

It saw the fire start at where its arm was cut off shortly after it happened.

He didn't know that that was possible since he didn't see any fire on Hati's claws, only normal claws with a red color.

The others were just as surprised as it though.

They saw it only being slashed at and catching fire afterwards.

The leader quickly reacted and yelled "Don't let his claws reach you at any cost!!"

He then broke the part where it burned off to stop burning any further.

Its left side was completely gone.

He was saddened by this loss.

He consoled himself by saying it will be fine once he finds some wood to replace his missing limbs.

He looked at Hati with hatred in his eyes.

Hati responded in kind by saying "I said it already. You're at fault, don't blame me for your foolishness."

Hati wanted to irritate the Lechys leader so that he wouldn't think as calmly as before and made more mistakes while fighting.

It worked. He was truly angered after hearing that.

"So, it is either submit or die, and die if you take your time to think about the offer? That's just ridiculous!" Said the leader of the Kiras.

Strangely though, none attacke Hati.

They wanted to know more about his abilities so as to be prepared when facing him.

This further frustrated their leader.

"Help me out, little monkey!"

"What did you call me? You'll need to apologize later for that, freaky tree."

The Kiras leader then appeared, coming out of the ground, just behind the leader of the Lechys.

"I have your back, just attack. I'll use an opening once I see one."

It then nodded at the leader and looked at Hati with a fierce look.

It told its subordinates to take their positions too.

They quickly followed their orders and surrounded Hati thoroughly. There was not a single gap to escape to.

The other three Lechys then faced Hati, waiting for him to make the first move.

They saw Hati open his mouth and his teeths color changed to red too while his claws changed to a bluish white color.

Hati charged at another Lechy with full speed.

He used his claw to slash which the Lechy dodged by stepping backwards.

Hati followed that by jumping forwards and bit its head.

It quickly started burning and died. It couldn't sever its own head off. In its head was the core which held it alive and allowed it to have a consciousness.

Although Lechys wouldn't mind losing an limb or stomache much, losing the head was still fatal for them.

It quickly burned to death.

The leader of the lechy was surprised. Why did this Wolf know where he needed to strike to kill them? Was it an coincidence? Did he already get betrayed by the fear of those fools?

He then yelled with a loud and angered voice "Charge at him together! Two Kiras from behind and two Lechys from front!! We will look out for you, just do it!"

The subordinates did as they were told and charged at Hati from four sides while the rest blocked all his paths of escape.

They saw Hati then snort with a loud voice. It was his real voice, not the telepathic one.

They felt nervous. He didn't do much aside from looking at those two in front of him while kicking with his legs behind him, sending the two Kiras flying.

The Lechys couldn't move while he was looking at them with such an intense killing intend in his eyes. They were scared beyond belief.

"SNAP OUT OF IT! IT'S JUST AN TRICK!!!" They quickly regained their cool and stopped looking into Hati's eyes directly, only looking at his other body parts.

That was already enough for Hati though. He was already near enough to slash at one of them and did so with such a speed that it left the Kiras ashamed.


The Lechy was slashed at its chest and it was quickly frozen to an sculpture. It couldn't even realize where it was slashed at before it was frozen and couldn't think anymore.


"DO NOT LET HIM CATCH YOU WITH HIS CLAWS! Two Kiras go from his both sides wile little monkey and I will fight him head on. The rest will look for an opening to use if he shows any. WE CAN DO IT!"


They heard Hati roar with a strength that made their souls feel hot.

It felt like their souls would start burning anytime now.

They then saw Hati stop roaring and killing the two incoming Kiras by slashing one head off while biting the other head off.

Hati didn't even chew it, he directly gulped it down, looking satisfied while looking at the two leaders.

They were shocked to see this scene. He then roared again and charged at the shortly stunned leader of Kiras.

He tackled it and the Kira smashed onto the wall, just like in the fight with the Lechy before.

The Kiras didn't try to hide themselves since Hati already knew where they would be. Doing so would also be a waste of energy they thought.

They just didn't know why Hati was able to sense them.

Hati knew it because he could see them disguising themselves when he infused his eyes with spiritual energy. That was also the cause for the enemies fearing his eyes.

His eyes seemed to have an special ability that got stronger along with the amount of spiritual energy he pumped into them.

Hati then saw the kira that got smashed into the wall struggle to stand up.

The Lechys leader said "Try to recuperate for now, little monkey! Remaining Kira! Follow me!"

With that, the remaining two Lechys and the last Kira stormed at him.

They regretted not going at him all at once.

They regretted not helping their leader when he was attacked.

This only reduced their chances of winning.

The two Lechys then attacked Hati with their axes while the Kira used its two daggers.

Hati thought of roaring again but decided against doing so.

It used up an considerable amount of his spiritual energy for one short roar. Instead, however, he decided to try and use his ability to strengthen his body muscles by pumping his spiritual energy into it.

Hati then charged at the Kira first. He needed to remove it first since it could try to slit his throat while dealing with the other two.

He quickly killed it by slashing it into three pieces.

The Kira tried to parry it with his daggers, but, they flew away when they came into contact with the power of Hati's slash.

Hati sustained two strikes at his back while doing so.

The two Lechys were leaping in joy when they hit Hati.

A voice emerged in their minds just as they got happy.

"Watch out for your back before you get too happy, foolish ones."

The Lechy that wasn't injured got its head cut off by the leader of the Kiras.

Hati offered to take him in as his subordinate as long as he showed loyalty by killing one of his allies and would take an blood oath later.

The remaining enemy was the disabled leader of the Lechys.

It quickly understood the situation and took the wood of its brother as replacement for its missing parts and yelled with rage "You fucking TRAITOR! Do you have no sense of shame?!"

The Kira responded "You also thought about his offer, don't deny it. I only want to survive, don't blame me too much. The old times were fun though."


The Lechy felt very enraged by being betrayed and thought that it shouldn't have trusted his old friend as much which only infuriated him further.

He then heard in an commanding tone "I said it already. You will see what will happen. Blame your foolishness. Now, be ready to die!"

The Lechy took held its axe up high and pointed it at Hati.

"Don't interfere, little monkey! I need to fight this one, even if you are his dog, do NOT INTERFERE!"

"Fine, don't interfere. It won't make any difference now either way." Hati said confidently.

Hati slashed at the handle of the Lechys axe and cut through it, making the Lechy weaponless.

The Lechy let the handle of the axe fall and threw its fists onto Hati.

The fists connected with Hatis body and Hatis teeth bit the Lechys arms as a result.

The lechy quickly disposed of them before they started burning and grew some branches to use his brothers wood as replacements again.

Hati didn't let that happen though as he just bit the Lechys neck after jumping towards it.

The Kira watched on and felt a bit sad at his old friend dying like this. But, it wasn't enough to make him risk his life.

The Lechy quickly caught fire and died shortly afterwards as his wooden body just burned too fast when it met Hatis fire.

Hati then turned towards the Kira.

He wanted to tell it something else.

Well, I got a bit carried away while writing and it ended up becoming 2k words long...

I'll do events like the one earlier more often if you want.

Edit: Since the last event was done so fast, I will make another one, the goal being 100 Power Stones though for another extra chapter!

Also, I created an discord server with RedTempest, the author of 'Supreme Emperor System' Do join if you want to talk with us there https://discord.gg/Mja6jam

Wolfy_Charlescreators' thoughts