
The Supreme Wolf

Agility, Strength and Cunning teamwork. Those traits make up a Wolf, but, what if there was a Wolf that had more? What if it could see things others did not? What if it could understand the forgotten? What if it had an ever growing intelligence that would aid it many a times in the future? Wolves are Leaders. Wolves are the rulers of the Forest. Wolves are Cunning. Created by Ancients, defying fate, fighting if he so desires, watch him fight and rise! Also, here is the link of a drawing of a friend called 'The Tempest', it is the drawing of the base form of the MC. I think that it looks really good. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/469201063551959060/505890662747734027/20181027_194800.jpg Our discord serv: https://discord.gg/Mja6jam I do not own the cover as it belongs to the artist that drew it.

Wolfy_Charles · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


Hati and Yami were currently leaving and walking towards the once burned forest.

They were going at Yami's fastest speed while taking small breaks from time to time so that Yami wouldn't get too exhausted.

They weren't in a real hurry anyways.

Hati was worried about one thing while journeying with Yami. He was in fact very worried about this issue.

'I seriously hope that there will be food. I don't want to starve because there isn't any food… '

Hati was truly worried about it during the whole journey.

After journeying for about ten hours was Hati able to finally see something aside from sand.

It was something that resembled a forest.

There was something strange going on with the forest though.

A bit more than half of it was black. The trees burned and black, not having any life force in them.

The other part of the forest was a healthy green color and the trees were thick and sturdy. The Grass also was looking very fresh.

"How can this be?? I thought the whole forest burned down???" Yami was very confused.

"Well, think about it. It is a forest, or not? It can regrow itself given enough time." Hati answered Yami's question with a look in his eyes that wanted to start teasing Yami again.

The part of the forest that regrew was very dense and packed full with trees and a smell of fresh fruits and grass was lingering in the air.

"How about we eat a bit before searching for any survivors?" Hati supposed to Yami.

"Good idea. I am actually getting hungry too…" Yami responded, still amazed by the forests progress after the burning down from the Humans.

He went and started gathering fruits and vegetables.

'I just have to eat them. I am sure that they won't be as bitter as the ones when I was younger… I am sure… I hope they aren't like them…' Hati thought after smelling and seeing what Yami came back with.

"I couldn't find any prey to hunt so we have to make do with this for now. There is plenty of it so you can eat as much as you want to." Yami said after digging in and eating the food as fast as he could, in fear of Hati eating everything here and him needing to pick new ones.

"I will try the red ones first then…" Hati thought and slowly opened his mouth to eat an apple. It had a very sweet and sour taste.

'Hmmmm, not as bad as I thought it would be…' Hati thought after starting to dog in without any hesitation.

He stopped after another three bites since the one in the last bite was an onion.

'Ewww, this taste is disgusting!'

*Spit Spit*

Hati disliked the taste of bitter onions and thought of them as being unsuitable to be eaten.

(A/N: It's not like the onions did something against me but I just kind of dislike onions…)

"...Anyway! I think we should go hunting for meat soon. While a few of these are tasty, they only get more boring with time apart from this orange thing.

The vegetable he was referring to was a carrot.

Hati liked carrots because of their taste. But since they were harder to get out of the ground when compared to other vegetables, only about six were here.

"Well, did you sense any living beings in the vicinity?" Yami asked with curiosity.

"I think I do. I can't really be sure since the aura is more than just weak and faint...it is practically nearly nonexistent…" Hati said with a frown on his face.

"Nearly nonexistent?" Yami was surprised.

Hati's abilities to detect any forces in his surroundings were no joke. He was able to smell a beasts and even humans scent in a radius of fifteen kilometres away.

Hati was also able to hear the slightest sounds in his surroundings if he wanted.

But still, his ability to sense auras was still the strongest in his arsenal of tracking abilities.

Him saying that he was nearly unable to sense that aura could mean two things.

The first was that there was a being that was equally strong to Hati, while the second is the aura belonging to one of the kira village survivors.

But in case that it was the second possibility, the Kira would need to be an elder to be able to hide his aura to such a extent.

"Well, I think you already know about the possibility of what the owner of the aura might be. Do you want to look for it?" Hati said while grinning.

He was excited. He wanted to fight and see if the owner of the aura was able to fight evenly against him or not.

Even in case that being was stronger than him, he should still be able to escape unless the being is about three to four times as strong as he was right now.

"I want to look for it. Would you be so kind?" Yami asked politely.

There was a possibility of the owner of the aura being one of his village's elder that survived. This led Yami to wanting to meet with it.

"Sure. No need to be so formal. I also want to see it with my own eyes after sensing its aura." Hati said with a carefree look in his eyes.

'Well, while I do want to find out about the owner of the aura, I don't want to run into an enemy that is many times stronger than us… I will need to be careful' Hati thought after responding to Yami.

Hati walked towards the direction of the aura and approached it with Yami.

'Let's just hope that it is according to my expectations…!' Yami thought, in hope of there being other survivors apart from him.

They closed the distance slowly but steadily. There was no need in rushing forward and risking anything when they were able to go at a slow pace that would make their chances of safety rise.

They arrived.

There was nothing but a few trees and a bit of grass on the grounds which formed a small field. It seemed like this part of the forest was a bit special. It wasn't as densely packed with trees when compared with the areas around this one…

Hati and Yami then heard someone speaking up.

"Who are you tw- there is another one?! Thank god that they didn't all die."

The voice seemed extremely nostalgic and glad.

'Does this mean that it is one of the Kiras?' Hati thought while asking himself-

"I am of the seventh generation of Kiras in the 'Great ruling Forest'.

"So you are my junior?" The owner of the voice trembled while thinking about this.

"It seems like that is the case… Yami was overwhelmed with emotions.

This was a survivor of his village! He had never been as happy as right now.

"I have a few things to ask you." Hati directly spoke to the owner of the voice's mind.

'?!' The owner was surprised because it didn't know about an ability like that.

"Well, I will appear for you to awe at my sight because there is one of my kin on your side."

There was a strange bluish-black silhouette forming in the center of the field of grass.

"Hehehe, welcome to the 'Great ruling Forest' by the way. So, what do you guys want here?" The silhouette asked

"Well? What do you think, old one? This is something incredible that was maybe created by a god, the devil, or even ourselves….

This something is called Chaos. It was planted into Humans and all other living beings. They act in a very crazy manner because of that sometimes. But, there was something else which made the Humans act like they are doing right now or already did in the past.

The 'reason' for them acting like that was the incoming war against the beings that fought them. These beings were of a race that was superior to both, normal Beasts and Humans, feared by many.

This race was known as the race of Beastmen and Beastwomen.

They were superior to normal Humans and beasts because they had the enhanced stats of the beasts coupled with their strong lifeforce along with the ability of using the Methods of the Humans to get stronger.

The Humans were desperate while the war was going on. They could only rely on their numbers until their forces started to grow in strength and needed to vent their frustration on beings that were weaker than them. It didn't really matter whether it was Human or not.

"Well I already know most of their war, but how does that matter? I don't think that that has much to do with us." The Kira nodded and said.

"That isn't what we're here for anyway, I just needed to know whether you knew about it or not. We only want to ask you about your village and a few things regarding the Lechys." Hati dropped the bomb and just said.

I know that I promised the chap from sunday to today too... but I got a real headache and couldn't really concentrate. I just hope that the quality of the chap didn't suffer from it too much.

Please leave a review of the novel or power stones since Hati want to eat something aside from vegetables... ;3

I will also make an extra chap once we reach rank 150

Hope you liked the chap and had fun reading it.

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