
The Supreme Vampire King

YugiohGx/RosarioVampire Crossover!!! Ten years ago, monsters revealed their existence to humanity. The monsters who believed they were superior beings, declared war on the humans with the intent of turning them into slaves. But the humans weren’t planning on going down without a fight. Duel Monsters, which used to just be a popular game and sport, has now become the humans main line of defense against their more powerful enemies. By harnessing the power of duel spirits, duelists can now summon their favorite cards into the physical world by using the new and improved duel disk created by Kaiba Corp. Duel Academy is still in operation but has turned into a military style school which trains duelists how to use this new technology as well as teaches them how to fight. One of these students at Duel Academy is named Jaden Yuki. He is known as the school’s ace because he has a special ability. Jaden can summon duel spirits without the use of a duel disk! But he has a secret that no one knows about. Jaden is actually a monster himself! But not just any kind of monster. He is an elite S-class monster called a vampire, but his true form and his powers have been sealed away due to the Rosario he wears around his neck. Where does the source of his strange powers come from? And what is the truth he is hiding about his mysterious past?

LilacDream · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Alliance With A Vampire

Chazz throws Jaden to the side where he skids across the ground and his back slams into the base of a tree, which makes him cough up blood because of the impact. "For a vampire, you're incredibly weak." The young werewolf said as he walked up to stand next to him and placed a foot on top of his head. "How were you able to hide your nature for so long? Isn't your kind supposed to be all powerful? But it's like you don't have even an ounce of Yokai energy in you! No wonder I thought you were a human after all this time." Chazz said as he stomped one time on his head, causing Jaden to scream out in pain.

"Even when we monsters are in our human form, we give off a faint detectable reading of Yokai energy. And that's how we were all caught when the Demon Act was created. So how the hell did you manage to keep your secret? Or maybe…" He said playfully as he knelt down to Jaden's height and roughly grabbed him by the face as he smiled wickedly at him. "Maybe you're just so weak that you were able to pass off as a human and that's why you didn't get caught. And if that's the case, then that means it'll be that much easier to get rid of you!" He said as he started to laugh.

Jaden glared at him and slapped his hand away. "What do you mean get rid of me? You can't be serious Chazz! We're supposed to be friends!" He yelled at him, but Chazz just stared at him blankly. "When did I ever say we were friends? Haven't you caught on by now that I absolutely hate your guts? But now, I actually have a reason to kill you! Do you know how grateful everyone would be if they found out that I slayed a mighty vampire? Even if that vampire was a weakling like you, they don't need to know about that part. But the humans would finally be able to love me! And finally be able to forget about you!"

He then proceeded to pick up Jaden again and started wailing in on him. Tearing his clothes up with his claws and leaving marks all over his body and pummeling him with his fists. Even though Jaden was powerless in this situation, due to him being a vampire, his body was more durable than a regular humans so he was able to endure a lot more pain. But he still wasn't able to fight back and was completely at the mercy of Chazz who showed that he wasn't going to relent in his beating any time soon.

Jaden by now was barely able to keep his eyes open and was dangling in the air when Chazz hoisted him up by grabbing onto his choker and lifting him up high. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to do this. And it's all your fault, Slifer Slacker. You have no one else to blame but yourself for what's happening to you right now! If you had just stayed out of my way and left me alone, maybe I wouldn't be trying to kill you right now."

"But it's not like I think anyone would care if you died. After all, your kind were the ones responsible for messing up the entire world order. You vampires just couldn't stay in your lane and you just had to fuck it up for everyone else all because of your selfishness. Death is the least you deserve. Hell, you should have never even been born!" Chazz shouted with hatred as he pulled his arm back, ready to deliver his final killing blow. "So be grateful that I'm about to end it all for you. You can rest easy now knowing that the world will be that much better without you in it. Say goodnight, Jaden."

Jaden could barely hear anything. He was so deliriated because of the blood loss that everything looked like it was spinning around him. He knew Chazz was talking to him, but his words just couldn't seem to reach his ears. But he did have a good idea about what he was probably trying to say. He was about to kill him, and Jaden couldn't have been more ready to accept deaths embrace. He was tired of hiding and he was tired of living. His whole existence to him was a pain. Why did he have to be born like this? It's not like he was a bad person, but he knew, that no matter how good he was it could never change the fact that he was an evil entity. Maybe death is what he deserved.

Yubel materialized next to him, pleading with their master with sorrow in their voice. "Jaden! Can you hear me?! Use your power and summon me right now! If you don't, he is going to kill you! JADEN!" She pleaded desperately, but Jaden was too tired to care. He just wanted everything to be over. He thought about all the people he cared about. He thought about his best friends Syrus, Bastion and Alexis and how disappointed they would be in him if they could see him right now.

He also thought about his favorite teachers and all of his fellow classmates who supported and cheered him on over this last year and how sorry he was that he wasn't going to be able to say goodbye to them properly. Not that it would matter, because the moment Chazz tells them what he really is, they would just hate him anyways. In fact, Jaden knew that most of them would probably celebrate about hearing the death of a parasitic vampire like him. "Yubel? I'm sorry… Thanks for taking care of me after all these years." He said weakly as he flashed them a soft smile before his eyes started to drift close, not before he caught a glimpse of his closest friend crying before darkness enveloped his vision.

While he waited for death to take him, Jaden felt as if his body started to float on air. He had never felt something like this before. Is this what dying was supposed to feel like? Because it felt way too peaceful for it to be something like that cause he always expected the short moments before his death to be sad and stressful, but he didn't feel anything like that. As he felt his body drift along, a fog overtook his mind and when he opened his eyes, he was alone in a black void surrounded by floating mirrors.

"Huh? Where am I? Am I dead now?" He asked no one in particular as his voice carried off into the endlessness that was the void surrounding him. "No, you're not dead yet. But if you don't listen to what I have to say then you will be soon." Said a powerful voice coming from one of the mirrors to Jaden's left. He followed the sound of the voice and stared into the mirror's reflection, where he saw a shadow in the vague silhouette of a person. "I can help you. I sensed how weak you had become and resurfaced in the deepest moment of your peril." Said the voice.

But Jaden just cocked his head to the side. He didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know if he should trust this mysterious person or not. "Oh yeah? And just how can you help me?" He asked cautiously, thinking he shouldn't trust a word this person says. After all, they were complete strangers. "During my slumber, I have been able to gather a small amount of my energy, but it should still be enough to temporarily release the limiters on your Rosario. If I do this, you can regain the powers you've lost and be able to defend yourself. But the effects won't last forever."

"And why should I trust a thing you say?! Not like I want to release my powers and turn back into that… thing. But why should I believe that you want to help me? What do you gain from that?" Jaden asked seriously with a scowl on his face. The shadow in the mirror smirked. "Because if you die, then I die with you. And I can't go having that. So don't think I'm offering this out of the kindness of my heart. It's purely beneficial for the both of us. Don't you want to live?" He asked Jaden.

"And who said I wanted to keep living? I've only been surviving up until this point. And I'm tired of running away! I just want to be at peace for once in my life. Is that so wrong to ask for?" He said as he fell to his knees, holding his head in his hands as he tried hard to fight back tears. "Then don't run away. Fight! Use the gifts you were born with and accept what you are! If you don't then you can never have true power. If you stay weak, then you will never be able to make your dream come true. You will never be able to avenge your mother. I thought that was what you wanted. But perhaps I was wrong. Because all I see in front of me is a scared little boy who is nothing but a coward!"

Jaden gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly together. "Just how the hell do you know that?! I've never talked about that with anyone! Just who the hell are you?!" He said as he stood back up and punched the mirror, shattering it into pieces. But the shadowy figure just appeared in a different mirror within the void. "It's sad to see that you've forgotten about me already. But that's fine, now isn't the right time to reveal the truth to you. But time is running out. Yes or no. Do you accept my offer?" Asked the shadow as he stood his ground. Jaden sighed with aggravation, hating to admit that the shadow was right.

He couldn't accept defeat yet! He still had too much left to accomplish, his plans weren't done with yet! Not until he was able to get his revenge and fix everything back into the way things should be. And he had to keep living for his mother, because if he allowed himself to die now, than what was the purpose of him enduring all this pain for so long? "Fine. I will accept your help. So go ahead and break the seal." He said with a serious expression on his face, his eyes furrowed together and his eyes were lit ablaze with passion. "Good. You made the right choice Jaden. Until we meet again next time." Said the voice sarcastically as he started to laugh, and Jaden could feel his consciousness being pulled away as he took control back over his body.

Back in the real world, Chazz still had a grip on Jaden's choker and was ready to plunge his clawed hand into his chest so that he could tear out his heart. But then out of nowhere, the Rosario around Jaden's neck started sparking and floating in the air, almost as if it was glitching out. A bright purple light erupted around Jaden's body as his head flopped backwards. He was swarmed in a thick, demonic Yokai energy that whipped around him like a hurricane and the force of the energy pushed Chazz back who was unable to keep his grip.

Chazz dug his feet into the ground to keep himself from flying away as he shielded his face with his arms. He sensed the amount of energy that was surrounding Jaden, and he could feel beads of sweat start to drip down his face. Just what was this immense aura that he was sensing?! There was no way this could be Jaden's true power. After all, it was less than a minute ago when he didn't sense any energy coming from him at all! So where was all of this power coming from?! Chazz mentally screamed to himself.

Jaden started to transform right before his very eyes. His brown hair started to change colors, with the lighter shade of brown on the top of his head turning a dark gray which faded into a beautiful shimmering silver which used to be the dark brown parts of his hair. His skin also started to turn pale in comparison with his normal warmer sun kissed tone. Bats swarmed around him, screeching as they flew about. Eventually, the storm settled down and Jaden was ominously standing there with his eyes still closed. But when he reopened his eyes, their warm brown color had been replaced with piercing red ones that had cat like slit pupils. They were the eyes of a vampire.

Jaden stretched out his arms behind his head and yawned. He looked ahead and stared at Chazz with his striking gaze, which caused the werewolf to shutter. "It's been a long time since I've felt this invigorated. I guess I have you to thank for that, mutt." He said which caused Chazz to bare his canines and snarl at him. How dare that Slifer Slacker call him a mutt! "Cut the bullshit! Just because you change your appearance doesn't mean you can suddenly start acting all cocky with me! Don't forget that I was kicking your ass not too long ago!" He said as he flexed his fingers, showing off his black, dog like claws. "You're nothing but a weakling! You can't fool me! This is probably just some kind of trick!"

Jaden scoffed as he smiled at him sarcastically. "Well alright. Let's test out that theory then and see if I really am bluffing or not." He said as he fanned his hands at him, telling him to make a move. Chazz let out a howl as he charged forward after falling for the vampires bait. He pulled his arm back and by using his werewolf lightning reflexes, was now standing in front of Jaden within a matter of seconds with his claws ready to strike him. But Jaden kept his composure as he easily analyzed all of his movements.

He quickly stepped to the side and lifted his hand up to reach Chazz's face. "You call that speed? How pathetic. It was like watching a turtle move!" He declared proudly as he flicked Chazz in the forehead, and that simple action caused Chazz to be sent flying as he crashed into rows of trees. His body was limp as he lied in a pile of forest debris with blood dripping down from his forehead. Jaden placed his hands in his pockets as he approached him and stood over his body with a cocky smirk. "Do you doubt my power now? Don't forget where we rank. We may both be S-class monsters, but you will never be a match for me. Now, learn your place!" He said as he raised his leg high up in the air, ready to send it down upon Chazz's chest to finish him off.

Before he could land his finishing move, the wind started to ripple and a bright beam of light started flashing on top of him. Jaden looked up at the sky and saw a helicopter hovering above their heads, where soldiers then repelled down with ropes. More soldiers came out from the brush to surround him with their guns drawn and their aim focused on him. "I should have seen this coming but I didn't think your response would be so fast. You guys couldn't have let me have my fun for just a little bit longer?" Jaden said as he sighed with his hands still in his pockets.

Chancellor Shepherd appeared as well with his duel spirit partner summoned next to him, ready to defend him if things were to end up going south. He stood a few feet away from Jaden with the soldiers keeping an eye out on his perimeter. "We detected a large amount of Yokai energy so we came to investigate. The numbers were reading off the charts and I had no doubt that it was because a vampire had appeared. Only your kind could dredge up numbers like that. So tell me, what is your purpose for being here in my academy?!" He said with his monster readying up a spell to send Jaden's way if he acted hostile in any way.

Jaden couldn't help but chuckle, which caused the soldiers to keep their sights on him even harder because of his slightest movements. "Geez, those are some harsh words headmaster. I know I look a little different but you can't recognize your star student?" He said proudly as he flashed a smile towards Shepherd's way. Chancellor Shepherd stared at him a little harder and slowly started to recognize who he was. Despite the pale skin, red eyes and silver hair, there was no doubt who he thought it was. That was Jaden Yuki standing in front of him. "Jaden? Is that you? But… How is this possible?! I thought you were a human but you were actually a vampire this entire time?!" He said as he glared at him which only caused Jaden to scoff.

Jaden raised his hands in the air to show that he was surrendering. "Sorry you had to find out this way. I didn't want to hide it from you guys, but what choice did I have? You know me though and I'm on your side. So can you tell the cavalry to put their guns down? I promise I won't do anything to harm you guys." He said as he slowly started to lower his hands, which caused one of the soldiers to panic. He fired his gun, aiming straight for Jaden's head but he had already heard the bullet flying through the air. And with his head turned away he was able to successfully catch the bullet with his hand. Jaden shot him a quick glare before he dropped the bullet which clanked on the ground. "I'm trying to be nice here. Those guns wouldn't be able to hurt me anyways. So what do you say headmaster?"

Chancellor Shepherd contemplated for a moment before he sighed in defeat. "At ease men. He's not going to harm us, so put your weapons down." He said as he dematerialized his duel spirit which caused the troops to follow suit and settle their guns. Jaden smiled in satisfaction before he walked over to Chancellor Shepherd and placed a hand on top of his shoulder as he passed him. "You must have a lot of questions for me, and I'm willing to answer them if you'll hear me out. But for starters, I didn't initiate this fight. It was all that mutt's fault. I didn't do much to him, but I would still get him admitted into a hospital if I were you. I'll meet you in your office. Come and see me after you guys clean this mess up." He said before he started walking away with no one trying to stop him.

Traces of his Yokai energy were still lingering in the air, and every person that was there could feel its effects on their bodies. Vampires were considered dangerous for a reason. Back before the war had started, the first monster to make his appearance was a vampire named Issa Shuzen. Vampires were elites, even amongst the monsters and held a nobility status. They were considered untouchable, and basically ruled over the entire monster world before their intrusion on the humans so that they could expand their influence. Chancellor Shepherd released the breath that he had been holding on to and gasped for air. Just being near Jaden while he was like that sent his whole body into a fight or flight response.

"Take mister Princeton to get his wounds treated. But afterwards, I want him in solitary confinement. His behavior today has been completely unacceptable. So while you guys handle him I'll go ahead and deal with our bigger problem." He said as he glanced over his shoulder to watch Jaden who was still walking away. His silver hair had a beautiful halo effect on it as the moon shown down on him. But it just blew the Chancellor's mind. He had always admired Jaden and thought he knew him pretty well. How was it possible that one of his favorite students was a part of the elite vampire race?

Jaden was inside of Shepherd's office like he had promised he would be and was waiting patiently, sitting in a chair for his headmaster to appear. He sat in his seat with his arms and legs crossed, before he heard the door to the office open and Shepherd walked inside to join him. "I'm surprised you actually listened to me back there. I was half expecting you guys to attack me considering what I am. I know my species doesn't have the best of reps around you humans." He said as he yawned once more. He didn't know how much time he had left before his seal repaired itself, but he could slowly feel his mind starting to fog as his powers started to gradually grow weaker.

Chancellor Shepherd sat at his desk with his arms propped on top of his desk and his hands placed intertwined by his mouth. "You are Jaden, right?" He asked the vampire with observant eyes. Jaden smirked as he threw an arm over the back of his chair and slinked forward, entering full relaxation mode. "Of course I am. Why would you ask me a question like that if you know?" He said as he shook his head in disappointment. "It's just… You are acting very different than the you that I am used too. You're not behaving like your regular self." Said Chancellor Shepherd concerned. "Well I hate to break it to you. But this is the real me. The Jaden you've known up until now is a separate persona created by my seal to take over while my true personality sleeps." He said matter of factly.

He pulled his shirt collar down a little to reveal his choker and cross which was still sparking with electricity. "This is my Rosario. It's a special artifact that can completely seal away the powers of an S-class. The Jaden you know is only a cheap imitation of the me you see now. But it won't be long before the seal repairs itself and I disappear, becoming overpowered by my outer persona." He said with another sigh. "You don't know how good it feels to be out of my prison. But I'm okay with vanishing. Like I said, I'm not here to harm you. I'm on the humans side."

Chancellor Shepherd leaned back in his chair as he stared at him questioningly. "And I appreciate your cooperation. But I still don't understand why. Why would a vampire like you want to help us? If I recall, vampires were the ones who started the war." Jaden glared at him and hunched forward with a cold look in his eyes. "So you lump us all in together? I'm not like those pricks. I want to watch those fuckers burn for what they've done to me!" He said as he snarled, flashing off his long fangs. The Chancellor felt that familiar shiver after sensing his demonic energy but tried his best to keep his composure. "Okay… I apologize. But I still don't understand what your motives are. Why would you want to help us out?"

Jaden smiled softly as he stared at the floor. "Isn't that only for me to know and for you to find out? Sorry. I said I'd answer your questions but I never said I'd answer them all." He said before he yawned again one more time. He was almost reaching his limit and could feel his seal was almost back at 100 percent efficiency. "It seems like my time is almost up. But I have one request for you before I go. And I normally would never do this. But I am begging you, please don't report me to the Demon Act. If you do, you will bring more problems to your academy than just me hiding out here." He said as his eyes started to flutter.

"I can't let them find me again. If they do…" He said before his eyes started to close. The trance of his seal began lulling him into yet another slumber. "If who finds you? If they do then what will happen?!" Chancellor Shepherd said as he stood up and slammed his hands on the desk. Jaden smirked as he crossed his arms. "Just shut up already. You'll see me again, probably. But for now, I just want to sleep…" He said before his face and arms went limp and he started reverting back into his human form. Outer Jaden was now sitting in the chair in a complete comatose state. Chancellor Shepherd plopped down in his chair and aggravatingly pinched the bridge of his nose. What a stressful start to the new school year.