
The Supreme Overlord of Immortals

A mysterious Primordial being out of boredom unknowingly creates all of existence and somehow gets within his own creation as a human named Avarion. Follow Avarion on his journey through the worlds to become the strongest being in existence......the supreme overlord of all Immortals...

chaotic_overlord · Fantasy
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12 Chs

royal practice grounds

I was moving around the castle grounds after finishing my reading session in the library that I saw a blinding light coming from north, I ran to see what was the cause of the flash that I happened upon a large arena like place with more than 200 people practicing in it.

They were the royal guards sparring in the the royal practice grounds, this was the first time I was actually witnessing magic power being used in a fight and yupp it was one of the coolest things I had ever seen.

I soon figured out the cause the light earlier when I saw captain Williams using his power, he had comprehended a kind of magic power which was related to both light and heat which had both frightening speed and high destructive powers.

"Good morning your highness, would you like to watch our practice for the morning, we were about to have match" Williams said upon seeing me, "sure, give a good show of your magic".

the first matches were of the junior soldiers, although they did have several interesting magic with them it was a rather boring match as their usage of power was bland.

"Captain Williams, why not you yourself participate in the next match with the strongest royal guard, I am looking forward to see your magic" I called out, wanting to see the power I came here for

"yes your highness, as you say" captain Williams replied and the match began.

the participants were Captain Williams and Vice Captain Andrew of the royal guards,

Andrew started the match by marching with his sword covered with a stormy tornado, which indicated his powers relating to the elements of water, wind and even slight traces of thunder and ice in the form of a raging tornado, Williams simply let out a bright light and moved at high speed, the two swords clashed, at first glance Andrews seemed to be having the upper hand but soon the temperature of the surroundings increased, 'phantom lasers' Williams shouted and 15-20 laser beams were shot towards Andrew, 'twisting ice barrier' Andrew was surrounded by a tornado with him being at the centre, the tornado was full of ice shards which would thrash anyone trying to enter, but the lasers shot through, some changed direction, some retraced the same path from where they came but a few managed to break through and 2 of them hit Andrew, he got severe burns but they weren't life threatening while Williams himself was hit by one of the reflected beams but as its power was severely reduced he wasn't harmed much.

'thundering Ice spear' Andrew shouted before going down and shot a spear of ice covered with lightning like an arrow,

'metamorphosis' Williams used one of the mythical powers which anyone with magic power could use but it is actually very hard to reach that state, his body changed completely into one made of light, he was radiating so much heat that the surroundings seemed to melt, he moved at such a high speed that he seemed like just a beam of light and in the next second his sword was at Andrew's neck, making him the winner.