
The Supreme Overlord of Immortals

A mysterious Primordial being out of boredom unknowingly creates all of existence and somehow gets within his own creation as a human named Avarion. Follow Avarion on his journey through the worlds to become the strongest being in existence......the supreme overlord of all Immortals...

chaotic_overlord · Fantasy
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12 Chs

A tour

I declared Williams the winner and thanked them both for showing a great fight, whew this makes me imagine what kind of power would I comprehend, I want a really cool one which should make me invincible, that's right I will be the most powerful one in all of existence, that would make me the most handsome, strongest and smartest person.....hahaahaaaaahaaaaaa

Life's getting pretty mundane nowadays, sighing I went to meet my mom, I jumped on her lap and hugged her tightly "mom, I want to visit the city please come with me and Amelia, I promise I will not run away this time🥺" I said to my mom making the best crying face I could, but I guess moms are super powerful, my act was seen through and my ear my twisted lightly "you naughty kid, I know you are just going to escape once we go to the market" "I promise I won't, do you not believe me🥺" seeing my face mom just laughed and kissed me.

well my Persuasion tactics 01 worked and now I am in a carriage with Amelia and Mom.

"brother, let's go to a restaurant then we will shop for clothes" Amelia said with glittering eyes, being the royal family's children we were often not allowed to go outside so it was pretty understandable..."Sis, I had to work so hard just to persuade mom and this is how you want to spend the day..... buying clothes!!!!..... the restaurant idea is not bad though😗"

"Alright, we are getting food first then I am gonna be the lead for the rest of the day since this was my idea in the first place"

I declared, mom just laughed and Amelia sighed while agreeing

we went to the best restaurant in the dracarys city (capital of dracarys empire and Avarion's home), all this time being human I have noticed that I don't get hungry, like ever, meaning I don't need food, at first I thought something's wrong with me then I found out that the reason we eat food is for energy, heck I am energy resulting in my peculiarity but hey good food is always fun to eat.

after eating I decided we should just do window shopping for a while, the guards first insisted on emptying the roads but I stopped them, what's the fun in shopping in a ghost town.

It was supposed to be my lead today but "Look brother, a jewellery shop" and I was dragged, even mom looked eager....sigh ...women☕

after sitting for about an hour in the shop hearing my sister and mother's chattering they finally decided to leave the shop, but insted of going on a carriage we decided to simply walk,

A little ahead we saw a large building with the heading "Slave market" and it was one of the most confusing things I had ever seen, because people were selling other people, this intrigued me and I asked my mom to come with me to the shop.