

Ryan and his group followed Tamaru as he knew the direction of the clinic better.

Tamaru: "I remember this place when I was a kid, me and some friends came here to the library, there were some nice manga here!"

Tamaru said with a smile on her face, a little sad.

Ryan: "Cool, but is not it a bit strange that we do not see any of them here? Did something happen? "

At Ryan's question, everyone realized that it was really weird as they saw a lot of zombies on the way.

Riven: "Master, if I'm right, 'they' are hidden in buildings! Maybe 'they' only leave if need be! Do you remember when P.E.M. exploded? All of them, they were in the streets, and that's because they were attracted to the sound, but before that, I remember we passed by, and there were no 'them' there, I think they are sensitive to sunlight or are protecting themselves from the sun, since it will accelerate with their bodies to rot! "

Hearing this, Ryan was surprised because he did not expect this from Riven.

Riven is an Asura, so she can come to such reasoning, clearly it's a surprise, and great!

Asami and Tamaru found Riven's explanation strange, but it was the only thing they could think of.

Ryan then looked at some houses next door, and saw that their doors were open.

Ryan: "Riven, follow me, you and I are going to go into that house and see if there are many of them, if you have, we will kill them! I want to test something! "

Listening to Ryan, Riven nodded, and Ryan told Asami and Tamaru to hide in the garden of the house, and then they entered the house, and inside they saw that there were many zombies!

Seeing this, Ryan knew that Riven was half right, and then a massacre quickly began!

When Asami and Tamaru saw this, they were shocked at the strength of these two, who was clearly not human!

Not just strength, but also speed!

The zombies could not even get close before their heads were cut!

And it did not take 3 minutes, and more than 20 zombies were dead!

Ryan: "Asami and Tamaru, I'll ask you two to stay on the second floor we just cleaned, Riven and I will clean 'them, so as not to bring trouble, because if we attract everyone, not even me and Riven together will be able to handle so many!"

Hearing this, Asami and Tamaru nodded, for they knew they were not warriors.


Ryan and Riven together cleaned over 10 homes for half an hour, and after 3 hours, 60 homes were cleaned!

Of course, it was an exaggeration, but Ryan was doing it to earn points!

Ryan did not care much about the old woman.

He just took advantage of this situation to accumulate a few points.

And when the two returned to the house Asami and Tamaru were, the 4 went to the clinic!

When they arrived, Tamaru and Asami began to search, while Ryan and Riven killed the zombies that suddenly appeared!

There were a lot of zombies inside, and that caused Ryan and Riven to be pushed back, they then went to where the Plasma was stored, and then the door was closed!

Soon, zombies came from all directions, and Ryan wondered where so many came from, and he and Riven cleaned their surroundings completely!

Ryan then grabbed Tamaru's shotgun, which he had left with him, and then fired at the ceiling, opening a hole, then he grabbed a desk and told them all to come up!

Asami was the first, then came Tamaru, Riven and finally Ryan!

Ryan looked down into the hole, and saw that the room was already overrun by zombies, and he felt displeased!

In the original work, this rescue mission of the old woman, ended in the death of Tamaru, who was a healthy and promising young.

But in exchange for her death, an old woman who needs every week, a blood transfusion, was saved, but who would die the next day!

This clearly was not worth it, so when he arrives, he will ask a meeting with his group to talk about it.

Asami: "That's good! No one died or was injured! And we'll save you! "

Asami said cheerfully as they ran down the rooftops, and then Ryan said looking at the streets.

Ryan: "That was too dangerous! Look! The streets, which I and Riven cleaned up, are full of 'them', where did these things come from? Me and Riven sure cleaned over 400 of them! How is this possible!"

Listening to Ryan, Tamaru said.

Tamaru: "Maybe while you cleaned the houses further, 'they' were attracted by noises you made while they were in the houses before they left, so when the noise started in the clinic, those who were near the houses were attracted!"

Hearing this, Ryan frowned and said.

Ryan: "That was too dangerous! I have to talk to my group when we get there, come on, there's nothing more to do here! "

When they finished talking, they headed back to the Mall!


Upon arrival, they were greeted warmly by everyone inside, and Asami took the Plasma to Shizuka, who assisted the lady.

Ryan then called everyone from his group to a conversation.

Ryan: "I gathered everyone here to talk about this little mission we had! It was very dangerous, and even after I and Riven killed more than 400 of them, when the slightest noise came up in the clinic, many were attracted, and when we looked at the roof, you could see that there were at least 1,000 of them! That was very dangerous! And even though I and Riven being very strong, does not mean that we are invincible! And even less Asami and Tamaru, they are not trained like me, Riven and Saeko, it can be said that they are ordinary people, if I and Riven were not there, or if only one of us was in charge of the mission, in place, one or even two would die! And the life of 1 to 2 people, in exchange for the life of a person, who forgives me for sounding like a bastard, is not worth it! You may be cool and everyone likes her, as well as her husband, but she is someone who can not fight and even escape, and if a problem happens, we would clearly lose 1 to 2 people, capable of exploiting and fighting! "

Listening to Ryan, everyone had serious expressions on his face, and even though they did not want to, they agreed.

If in exchange for the life of 1 to 2 people capable, they will save an incapable person, clearly not worth the price.

Shizuka: "So what do you insinuate? That we should let her die? "

Shizuka asked a little disgruntled, and sighing Ryan said.

Ryan: "Sensei, I know that you are a soft-hearted one, and because of your profession, you will not stop helping or you will leave someone injured or in need of help! But you have to think about our group mainly and not the other groups! We are like a big family, and I believe, that no one here would mind sacrificing for each other! That is at least my case! But for those of other groups, I'm sorry Asami and Tamaru, but I do not think we should help, unless it's really needed, and that it benefits both groups! "

Listening to Ryan, everyone had serious expressions, even more Asami and Tamaru who were present.

They also understood that it was not worth the price, and they could not help looking at Ryan a little surprised, because the mind of this young man is very mature and cold.

Shizuka was a little depressed, but she understood that the world was not as before, and in this world, those unable to fight, will not be able to survive!

And clearly, unless a rescue arrives, it is impossible for the elderly and children to survive without the help of many.

Ryan: "So I will also change a little who will go to the farms! No more need to have 4 people, only 1 to 2 people will do! Me, Riven and Saeko are strong enough to take care of 10 to 20 of them at the same time, and if we join them, it's just to clean up big groups of 'them', and if we're going to bring in others, it's just those who have information Useful!"

Listening to Ryan, everyone nodded, even though some did not understand, they knew Ryan would not do things to harm the whole group.

Ryan then sighed and looked out the window, and suddenly saw a zombie cop, and then said.

Ryan: "Asami, do you know that one?"

Asami looked innocently at the window, and then her eyes widened in shock and tears began to fall as she said it.

Asami: "Ma-Matsushima-Senpai I-Impossible! Not!!!"

Shouted Asami in pain as she saw the senpai who had always been so good to her.

Seeing this, Kouta came to comfort her, but only received insults, and soon after Asami ran!

Kouta stood there, frozen in place, not knowing what to say or do, until Ryan touched his shoulder and said.

Ryan: "Go after her, you know she's just like that because of the pain of losing someone close, just like hope!"

Listening to Ryan, Kouta hesitated, but then nodded and ran in the direction Asami had gone.

Ryan then looked at Tamaru and asked.

Ryan: "Tamaru-san, I saw that you are someone in good shape, intelligent and very observant, how about joining our group?"

Hearing Ryan's question, Tamaru was shocked, and after thinking about his current group, he nodded, agreeing to join them.

Ryan then smiled and said.

Ryan: "Rei and Takashi, could you get two more bikes? I see another member joining soon! "

Listening to Ryan, Rei and Takashi nodded, and then Ryan told everyone to rest, for in two days they would leave!

And in the meantime, in the other group, a discussion arose, saying there would be no ransom, as the cop had died and become a zombie, so no one knows about them.

There were also several other issues, making the group very unstable!

Two of them had already gone mad, and with this news, they went crazy even more!

And on the roof, Kouta met Asami, and listened to what she had to say, Asami cried in his chest, making Kouta ashamed, and then he asked her to join his group, and Asami agreed!

Kouta was very happy, and when the two returned to the group, they noticed the smiles of all but Saya...