

Yang Chen, the supreme alchemy genius of a generation, was betrayed and killed by the woman he was closest to because he could not practice martial arts, and was reincarnated in the body of a waste boy who was bullied. From then on, began a period of enchanting life that shocked the world. The strongest and purest elixir, cultivating genius? No one in this world knows what a genius is better than Yang Chen. He couldn’t practice martial arts in the previous life, what he wants to do in this life is the All Heavens Martial Venerable who turns his hands for the clouds and covers his hands for the rain! Those who insult me, those who betray me, kill without mercy!

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26 Chs

chapter 8

Chapter 8

Zhou Huaiyi doesn't know what Yang Chen thinks. He now consciously abandons the dark and turns to the light, follows Yang Heng, and pleases his master. That is an inevitable thing to do.

For a time, he was sharp-tongued and said: "Gu Mingyue, it's not me, Old Zhou, who told you, Yang Young Master Heng is a talent, handsome like a jade tree, destined to be in this year's Yang Family ' adult meeting' It will be brilliant. At that time, Young Master Heng must be the object of the Heaven's Proud Daughter's attention from other families."

"Young Master Heng can see you, that is your blessing, You are now relying on Young Master Heng, and it is still too late. Otherwise, when it comes to the adult meeting, if you regret licking Young Master Heng's toes, Young Master Heng may not be able to see you, understand?"

Yang Heng is very satisfied with Zhou Huaiyi's words, and he has to say that Zhou Huaiyi's flattering words are indeed a set.

He touched his chin, as if he was really good for Gu Mingyue and said, "Mingyue, even if you don't plan to rely on me, what is the future of this Yang Chen? He is now thirteen years old, Body Refinement Neither is the Realm First Layer. According to the new regulations issued by our Yang Family patriarch, if the adult meeting fails, he will be expelled from the household registration. When the time comes you are a maid, wouldn't you want to be exiled like him?"

When Gu Mingyue heard these two people's slandering of Yang Chen, her pretty face was red with anger, and she stomped her feet: "Yang Heng, I don't allow you to insult my Young Master. I am Gu Mingyue's family of three. They were all saved by the elder sister Caidie. I, Gu Mingyuesheng, belonged to Master Yang Chen Young and elder sister Caidie, and death is their ghost. You should completely die of this heart."

Zhou Huaiyi saw Gu Mingyue like this, and even more sarcastically said: "Gu Mingyue, look at you, look at you, it's really dead brains."

"Enough said?" Yang At this time, Chen finally said lazily: "Zhou Huaiyi, if you want to betray me and follow Yang Heng, there is really no loss for me. One less of you is not much, and one of you is not much."

"haha, Yang Chen, at this step, are you still stubborn?" Yang Heng said with a sneer.

Yang Chen's heart was already on fire when he saw Yang Heng's unwillingness to give up. He has saved enough face for this Yang Heng, didn't expect this Yang Heng not only didn't understand his kindness, but he even targeted himself over and over again.

This made Yang Chen sneer and said in a stern tone: "Yang Heng, are you in such a hurry to tear up your face with me? I'm not afraid that I will lose you three hundred Spirit Stones. Going out?"

"Master Young, he just watched Caidie elder sister go out, otherwise, how dare he come to our house." Gu Mingyue was indignant.

Yang Heng flew into a rage out of humiliation when he heard that Yang Chen was going to shake him to lose 300 Spirit Stones. Don't say it, he was most afraid of this, so he had to clenching one's teeth and said: " Yang Chen, be good. When the adults meet, I will show you the truth. When the time comes you will be stripped of your household registration. I hope you don't cry too ugly."

"Really? I'm curious, how did you make me cry so ugly." Yang Chen smiled slightly.

"hmph, Zhou Huaiyi, you will follow me from now on. Help me well, this Young Master will not treat you badly."

Zhou Huaiyi hurriedly said: "Young Master, don't worry, my name is 'Huaiyi', and I will only be loyal and undivided to the master."

"Haha, this For some time to let you lurking in this useless home, I really wronged you!" Yang Heng said.

"Yeah, with Yang Chen, I, Zhou Huaiyi, went out and couldn't even lift my head. I didn't dare to say that I was Yang Chen's servant when I went out." Zhou Huaiyi looked sad.

Yang Heng glanced at Yang Chen with a sneer: "Don't worry, you will follow this Young Master in the future, and you will say that you are the servant of this Young Master when you go out, no one will dare to mock you, okay, let's go. In such an unfortunate place, this Young Master is not willing to stay any longer."

Although Yang Heng was annoyed, he could only sneer a few words at most, and he was also afraid that Yang Chen would shake him off about losing Spirit Stone. go out.

Therefore, without daring to say a few more words, he turned his head and left.

Gu Mingyue was afraid that Yang Chen would be too sad about this matter, so she twisted and pinched for a while before she spoke with crystal clear eyes: "Young Master, when Zhou Huaiyi betrayed him, he betrayed him, and he will clean up the mess at home in the future. The work of the things, the bright moon will do it. You must not take this matter too seriously!"

She just saw Yang Chen's improvement, thinking that she was praying day and night to the gods to let Yang Chen's repentance and correction were effective, but he didn't want his Young Master to be hit by betrayal again.

Yang Chen felt warm when he heard Gu Mingyue's sincere words.

Although this Yang Family is small, he has two relatives who are still there when he is in danger. He was Guanghua ten thousand zhang back then, but how many people actually trust him?

Thinking of this, Yang Chen sighed gently, as the saying goes, adversity sees the truth, and Gu Mingyue's intentions, he really sees it. This little girl is really for her own good.

"Don't worry, your Young Master is not that vulnerable. Zhou Huaiyi betrayed him when he betrayed him. What I said just now is still there. My Yang Chen lacks a lot of his servants, so there is nothing to be sad about ." Yang Chen said gently.

Gu Mingyue was sighed in relief: "Young Master can figure it out, it's the best."

"Zhou Huaiyi chooses Yang Heng, sooner or later he will regret it Yes. Well, let's not talk about these things, you and I go out." Yang Chen said.

"Young Master, where are we going?" Gu Mingyue stepped on her embroidered shoes and followed closely behind Yang Chen's ass.

Yang Chen stood upright with his hands on his back: "Go to the Li Family Chamber of Commerce!"


The Great Wilderness is the most remote place in the continent, It's not an exaggeration to say that birds don't poop. But where there are people, there is business. In this vast wilderness, hundreds of tribes stand in great numbers, and naturally there is no shortage of business, and the Li Family Chamber of Commerce is a family that does business within the hundreds of tribes. The business is open to many tribes.

After thinking about it, Yang Chen thinks that if you want resources, it is better to have enough food and clothing yourself. Although Yang Erye is rich, the things in his hands are comprehensive, which is naturally worse than Chamber of Commerce. Ten times and a hundred times, going to the Li Family Chamber of Commerce near the Yang Family and taking a look, may be a little unexpected joy.

"You two, please!" The reception servant of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce greeted Yang Chen and Gu Mingyue politely.

The two of them at this moment have already come to the Chamber of Commerce.

Gu Mingyue is obviously coming to the Chamber of Commerce for the first time, and she is a little bit frightened. She follows Yang Chen. I don't know when Yang Chen has come to the Li Family Chamber of Commerce and how she behaves. so calm and calm?

Now her pretty face is faintly blushing, I don't know if it's an illusion or what, she always feels that Yang Chen is really charming compared to before.

Yang Chen was also a person who had seen the big world in his previous life, trifling the little Chamber of Commerce, naturally he couldn't move him, he casually said: "The things I want are a little scarce, so I walk around . Go, I hope your Li Family Chamber of Commerce can satisfy me."

"Haha, this Young Master, you came to our Li Family Chamber of Commerce that's the right place, our Li Family Chamber of Commerce Commerce keeps you satisfied." the Chamber of Commerce servant boasted.

Yang Chen didn't take his words seriously, each minding their own business looked for them.

After turning around for a while, Yang Chen's face was a little disappointed. Although the Li Family Chamber of Commerce was well stocked and had everything in quantity, he was satisfied with everything. No. While this made him feel lost, he still didn't t give up and continued to wander in the Chamber of Commerce.


Yang Chen quickly locked onto a red fruit on the counter that looked like a flaming fruit, his eyes glowing faintly.

"Fire red fruit?" Yang Chen raised his eyebrows and grinned.

The fiery red fruit is not a rare thing. In fact, he has lowered his requirements. He came here today and did not intend to encounter any scarce things. However, the great wasteland is really remote and poor, even if he thinks it is not scarce, and even bad street goods, this great wasteland may be difficult to find.

And this fiery red fruit was something that could be found anywhere in his previous life.

This is a must for refining Grade 1 Medicine Pill Gravity Pill.

This Gravity Pill is a kind of medicine pill invented by him in his previous life, which allows Martial Artist of Body Refinement Realm to unconditionally increase the strength of 300 jins. The value of this medicine pill is even more difficult to refine than that of the Qing Fire Core that Yang Erye is proud of. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the perfect Pill Refinement Master of Grade 1 if it can be made into Gravity Pill.

Body Refinement Realm's Martial Artist, First Layer, has only 100 jins of strength, while Second Layer is 400 jins, and Third Layer is 700 jins. For every 300 pounds of strength you increase, the equivalent to Body Refinement Realm will increase by one weight . To put it simply, this Gravity Pill can make the Body Refinement Realm Martial Artist unconditionally enhance the first-level strength.

Although after taking this pill once, the effect of taking it the second time will be greatly reduced, but the effect of this pill is immediate. In the eyes of Yang Chen in the previous life, it was not a very valuable Pill Recipe, but when cultivating Martial Artist, he would give the opponent a Gravity Pill every time he was in the opponent's Body Refinement Realm.

The red fruit is the main material for the refining of Gravity Pill. As for the auxiliary materials, it is not difficult to get together, and the inventory in Yang Chen's hands is definitely enough.

"This fiery red fruit has come at the right time." Yang Chen is very happy, with a fiery red fruit, his strength can immediately be upgraded from Body Refinement Realm First Layer to Body Refinement Realm Second Layer , even close to the Body Refinement Realm Third Layer.

"Shopkeeper's, how amazing is this fiery red fruit…"

Before Yang Chen finished speaking, suddenly, a woman's surprise sound suddenly fell into Yang Chen's ear middle.

"The fiery red fruit is indeed the fiery red fruit. The Li Family Chamber of Commerce really still has the fiery red fruit. The shopkeeper's, I want the fiery red fruit!"

Yang Chen listened At this point, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and he looked at the sound, only to see that a large number of people appeared in the Li Family Chamber of Commerce at an unknown time. The person who spoke just now was a young girl who was the leader of the group. This girl was the same age as his elder sister Yang Caidie, both of whom were eighteen-nineteen years old.

A closer look reveals that this girl is indescribably beautiful, revealing an ethereal taste, as if walking out of the painting, with a unique innate temperament. Coupled with the pretty facial features and unique eyes, this woman's appearance is a bit prettier than Gu Mingyue .

But pretty is pretty, Yang Chen can't be angry when he sees that the other party is about to snatch the Fire Dragon Fruit that he is bound to win.

These people treat him as air?

Yang Chen said blankly: "Several, I've been standing in front of this Fire Dragon Fruit for a while, don't you understand the first-come-first-served rule? I want Yang Chen to tell you all about it. Do you want to talk about it?"