

Yang Chen, the supreme alchemy genius of a generation, was betrayed and killed by the woman he was closest to because he could not practice martial arts, and was reincarnated in the body of a waste boy who was bullied. From then on, began a period of enchanting life that shocked the world. The strongest and purest elixir, cultivating genius? No one in this world knows what a genius is better than Yang Chen. He couldn’t practice martial arts in the previous life, what he wants to do in this life is the All Heavens Martial Venerable who turns his hands for the clouds and covers his hands for the rain! Those who insult me, those who betray me, kill without mercy!

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Able to enter and exit Yang Er Ye's refining pill room at will, and get Yang Er Ye's guidance. This is not just a lot of benefits, but an honor, an honor recognized by Yang Erye. As long as Yang Chen is approved by the second master Yang, at the adult meeting 3 months later, even if Yang Chen still does not enter the first level of body refinement, he will not be stripped of his household registration.

The person Yang Erye took a fancy to is the genius of pill concocting. How dare the Yang Family expel a genius of pill concocting from the household registration?

Everyone thinks that Yang Chen is lucky.

The most angry person is undoubtedly Yang Heng.

Yang Heng has an absolute sense of superiority in Yang Chen, whether it is pill concocting or Martial Arts Cultivation Base, he is far superior to Yang Chen. But Gu Mingyue just refused to submit to him, which was what he felt most worried about. But that's fine, because he still has a sense of superiority over Yang Chen.

But now…

This sense of superiority is gone.

He felt that he was the most qualified person to be favored by Yang Erye. Today, this qualification was taken away by Yang Chen!

"hmph, pill concocting is pill concocting after all, even Yang Erye is a dispensable existence in Yang Family. He is also strong in pill concocting, Yang Chen can get Erye's favor, most of the time It was also the second master who saw the shadow of his past in Yang Chen. It's just that he can't set foot in Martial Arts is a waste after all, and Yang Chen is still a waste." Yang Heng thought to himself, such self-comfort, more or less made him feel at ease. Some.

Yang Chen doesn't know what Yang Heng thinks. He doesn't have time to talk to Yang Heng now. Hearing what Yang Erye said, he quickly said, "many thanks Er grandfather."

"Haha, no need to thank you. Although you have comprehended my skills and details now, you still need some time to refine the Fire Core. Come to the grandfather in the future. After the guidance of the grandfather, with your innate talent, maybe Soon you will be able to refine the Fire Core on your own, and by then, you will be a Grade 1 High Rank Alchemist." Yang Erye said with satisfaction.

"many thanks, the second master is complete." Yang Chen was equally delighted.

Yang Er Ye waved his hand: "Okay, today's lecture is over, you all go back. Yang Chen, you stay."

Seeing this scene, Yang Heng and the gnashing teeth that many people hate, but they have no choice but to leave one after another, daring not to disobey Yang Erye's wishes.

In the blink of an eye, only Yang Chen and Yang Erye were left in the pill room.

The more Yang Erye looked at Yang Chen, the more pleasing his eyes became, especially Yang Chen's words about heroes that did not rely on temporary success or failure, which made him feel the same way. If you can understand my method of refining Fire Core , I will grant you a favor and promise you a request. Yang Chen, if you have any requirements, please tell me!"

Yang Chen is waiting for Yang Chen Second Master's words, how could he be ambiguous, he hurriedly said respectfully: "Second grandfather, Yang Chen wants to ask for some materials, go back to practice his hands, and Yang Chen's experience on some medicine pills is still very insufficiency."

"Hahaha, it's really good that you have such an urgent idea to practice your hand." Yang Erye said without hesitation, and he was not surprised at all about Yang Chen's request.

A Pill Refinement Master, who wants to become a talent, undoubtedly needs a lot of pill concocting materials to cultivate.

Without materials to practice, it is undoubtedly difficult to become a Pill Refining Master as heavenly ascension.

For Yang Chen's amazing innate talent, how could Erye Yang be stingy, he said kindly and gently: "Yang Chen, come with me."

"Yes. , Er Ye." Yang Chen followed behind Yang Er Ye.

Yang Erye is the first Pill Refining Master of the Yang Family. The Heaven and Earth Treasure he owns and the spiritual medicine of the Great Wilderness are all approved and given by the Yang Family. Because a second master Yang, the Pill Refining Master, is Undoubtedly a treasure of the Yang Family.

Therefore, few people in the Yang Family can match the wealth under Yang Erye's hands.

Yang Chen got the permission of the second master, quickly selected several spiritual medicines, and went back feeling very satisfied.

He chose these spiritual medicines not for pill concocting, but for other ideas.

When he returned to the house, Yang Chen was also fully prepared.

What he wants to do is a cultivation technique that only some giant forces know about in the outside world, that is, a medicinal bath!

"Irrigating the body with a medicinal bath in front of the Body Refinement Realm is a must-have technique for those Great Sect forces. This great wasteland is absolutely impossible. And the medicinal bath I specially developed is more powerful than those Great Sects. To be advanced. But unfortunately, although the second master Yang has a lot of wealth, it is still difficult to support the medicinal bath I want with the medicinal herbs he possesses." Yang Chen sighed in his heart.

The material requirements for the medicinal bath he needs are not high. However, a place like the Great Wilderness is extremely remote, Heaven and Earth Treasure are extremely scarce, and it is really difficult to collect all his requirements.

"However, it is enough to have these spiritual medicines made into a medicinal bath to irrigate the body. For the medicinal bath in the future, think about it later." Yang Chen muttered.

Body Refinement Realm, that is, body refinement.

It is the basic realm of Xi Martial Artist, which is divided into 9th layer.

This is a realm of tempering muscles and bones and the whole body, and the advantage of the medicated bath is that it can use medicine to help the muscles and bones in the human body completely change their appearance during this realm. This is an effect that cannot be achieved by tempering the body with the cultivation technique. Because the change produced by the medicated bath is qualitative change.

Once the medicated bath is used successfully, then Yang Chen has completely laid the foundation. In the subsequent advancement, he will double the results for half the effort, which is much faster than others. one line.

This is where it matters most.

"I can't lose to others at the starting line." Yang Chen thought to himself, the medicated bath was almost prepared by him.

He put all the spiritual medicines he got from Second Master Yang into the medicated bath without taking off his clothes.

As soon as he entered the medicinal bath, Yang Chen felt the medicinal power of the spiritual medicine moved towards his whole body. The amazing medical power seemed to be transmitted into his body through his pores, making him feel both joyful and painful.

This feeling is something Yang Chen expected, the medicinal power in the medicated bath is transforming his body to a certain extent.

Yang Chen has never exercised since he was a child. He is frail and sickly, and the forging effect of the medicated bath will probably be very long.

The pain seemed to tear his body apart, but Yang Chen's will would not succumb to this pain, he gritted his teeth and insisted. Gradually, the pain never came back, and in exchange was the refreshing feeling of refreshing the whole body, which made him loosen his eyebrows and let out a long sigh of relief.

Apart from this, his body is like a fish back in water. Under the watering of the medicinal bath, he seems to have gained layers of strength in an instant.

This power is something Yang Chen has never felt in his previous life.

"Body Refinement Realm First Layer." Yang Chen smiled.

It is indeed the Body Refinement Realm First Layer.

haha, very good.

Yang Chen never dreamed that he could actually set foot in Martial Arts.

Body Refinement Realm First Layer For others, it is not difficult, but for Yang Chen in the previous life, it is a heavenly ascension. He was born unable to practice martial arts, and without martial aptitude, he was destined to not be able to set foot in Martial Arts. He tried, looking for a way, but in vain.

The bitterness along the way, who can understand?

And now, he has finally stepped into such a realm, although it is only the Body Refinement Realm First Layer, an entry, but that is enough. At least it means that he has set foot in Martial Arts, and in the future, he can enter the Dao with martial arts and stand on the top of the sky!

"Happy." Now that the effect of the medicated bath has gradually subsided, Yang Chen also feels a completely different from his own body.

The effect of the medicated bath was over, Yang Chen got up, changed a set of clothes, and went out to make other plans.

For now, body refinement First Layer obviously cannot get his satisfaction. The effect of the medicated bath made by relying on the resources obtained from Second Master Yang is really weak, and he needs more resources to make a medicated bath to water his body.

Body Refinement Realm is a basic realm, and it is inevitable to lay a good foundation in this realm. If you can't lay a solid foundation, the starting line will be a step behind.

He just got dressed and pushed open the door when he suddenly heard a noise outside the yard.

"What's going on?" Yang Chen was puzzled and pushed open the door to look.

I saw Gu Mingyue's pretty face flushed red, full of anger, and said, "Zhou Huaiyi, you actually betrayed Master Young! Little… Young Master, why did you come out?"

Yang Chen smiled and said, "If something happened outside, how could I not hear it in the house?"

Gu Mingyue bit her lip, stared at Zhou Huaiyi in front of her, and whispered, "Master Young, This… Zhou Huaiyi is him."

Yang Chen stared straight ahead, only to see that Yang Heng came to his house at an unknown time, and Zhou Huaiyi and Yang Heng stood together for a while. With a bowed face, he did not know when he had already made up his mind to join Yang Heng.

Hearing Gu Mingyue's angry words at this moment, Zhou Huaiyi was even more sneered: "Gu Mingyue, do you think everyone is as stubborn as you? Master Young Master Heng is the genius of our Yang Family, As a servant of the Yang Family, I am not just a servant of Yang Chen. I have a future with Yang Young Master Heng, and I have long since given up."

"Young Master, he…he!" Gu Gu Bright moon-like gnashing teeth, but don't know how to refute it. "Our Young Master is not like what you said."

Yang Heng grinned: "Gu Mingyue, what's the point of you being so stubborn? Yang Chen is a scumbag who can't cultivate Martial Arts. material, this is a well-known thing, is it wrong for me to say that he is a waste?"

In the pill concocting, Yang Heng was shrunk again and again, and now, he naturally wants to use Martial Arts to find superiority in Yang Chen sense.

Yang Chen stood beside Gu Mingyue with his hands on his back, looking at Zhou Huaiyi and Yang Heng with interest.

He was not angry, but smiled happily.

Zhou Huaiyi has bad intentions, in fact, he has already seen it. The most important thing is that he thought carefully and hanged himself. Why was Yang Heng aware of it so quickly? And the matter of hanging himself is extremely obscure, how could it have spread throughout the Yang Family so quickly?

This thing is always full of weirdness, but now that he thinks about it, he understands.

This is probably Zhou Huaiyi, who has long been on the line with Yang Heng. Therefore, as soon as Yang Heng heard that he had committed suicide by hanging himself, he was as sensitive as a dog's nose to find a **** .

Zhou Huaiyi's betrayal is nothing strange at all.

Yang Chen was also calm and unmoved by this.

Indeed, what he hated most was betrayal.

However, Zhou Huaiyi is just a domestic servant after all, he betrayed? One more of him is not much, and one less of him is not much. On the contrary, he will let Zhou Huaiyi know sooner or later what a stupid choice it was to betray him.