

Yang Chen, the supreme alchemy genius of a generation, was betrayed and killed by the woman he was closest to because he could not practice martial arts, and was reincarnated in the body of a waste boy who was bullied. From then on, began a period of enchanting life that shocked the world. The strongest and purest elixir, cultivating genius? No one in this world knows what a genius is better than Yang Chen. He couldn’t practice martial arts in the previous life, what he wants to do in this life is the All Heavens Martial Venerable who turns his hands for the clouds and covers his hands for the rain! Those who insult me, those who betray me, kill without mercy!

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chapter 18

Chapter 18

No matter where Feng Xue Wu goes, it is the most dazzling and most eye-catching existence. This also confirms that her status as the three major golden hairpins in the Great Wilderness is by no means a false rumor. Whether it is temperament or beauty , Feng Xue Wu is the best.

"Yang Chen, your Martial Arts Cultivation Base seems to have grown a lot again?" Feng Xuewu and Yang Chen walked side by side and said curiously.

With her current cultivation base, although it is impossible to observe the level of Yang Chen's cultivation base in detail, she can see that Yang Chen's strength has improved, not because Yang Wu and Yang Heng say that he can't practice martial arts. rubbish , indeed.

"Well, girl Feng has bright vision like a torch." Yang Chen said with a slight smile. "Speaking of which, how is Lingtang's condition?"

Feng Xuewu said with a smile of joy when she heard this: "Thanks to your method, although Lingtang medicinal herb is a little difficult to collect, it's good. Now I have collected it. My mother's injury is based on the prescription you gave, and it can be said that it is immediate, and there are signs of recovery soon. I made a special trip here today, thank you."

"Lingtang heavens helps the worthy, this is Lingtang's blessing, I just come up with some ideas." Yang Chen said gently, speaking with ease.

For the improvement of Feng Xuewu mother's condition, everything was as he expected. Just kidding, if he didn't even have this confidence, he would have spent so many years studying medicine in vain.

This made Feng Xuewu look up at Yang Chen a few times.

She didn't have much contact with Yang Chen, but she saw the Yang Family and his own young, talented people. Who is not proud and arrogant, arrogant, for someone as old as Yang Chen? Like Yang Chen, it's really rare to take credit without being arrogant and talk freely.

She subconsciously has a favorable impression of Yang Chen, because the temperament of Yang Chen is something that everyone she has seen, including her father, cannot learn it.

This is not surprising either.

Yang Chen is someone who has seen the world after all. To put it bluntly, compared with the place where he lived back then, the Great Wilderness Hundred Clan was simply the difference between the countryside and the Imperial Palace. The temperament cultivated by his vision and experience is naturally not invincible by those from the great wilderness.

Feng Xuewu smiled and said with a smile: "What you said is modest, if it wasn't for you, my mother still doesn't know what to do now? I'm tired of my mother's illness. Quite a few, for two or three years in a row, I have found nothing. If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't know what to do with my mother's condition. Speaking of which, I still have to repay you."

Yang Chen really wanted something in return.

However, when he saw Feng Xuewu's filial piety, he took the repayment lightly and said bluntly: "Ms. Feng is filial and sincere, so I don't need to say what I am grateful for. Quan Dang is that Miss Feng owes me a favor, and in time I will show her love to Miss Feng!"

"Then you have to keep your word, and from now on, you will be my younger brother. What I said just now is not a joke, if anyone dares to bully you, call me, I, the elder sister, will never forgive him!" Feng Xuuewu said decisively.

She came here today, in fact, the most important purpose is to recognize Yang Chen as a younger brother.

Yang Chen cured her mother, she just wanted to repay Yang Chen, she really didn't want to establish this kind of sibling relationship with Yang Chen so straightforwardly, but she had this idea and didn't dare to. implement. Because she is in the Great Family, her identity is obscure, and she has to think twice about doing anything.

However, her father's remarks later made her firm up this idea.

Her father told her in every possible way that Yang Chen's identity is mostly a medicine doctor.

What is Dan medicine?

at first she didn't know much about it, but then her father's remarks woke her up instantly.

It can be said that there are many experts in the Spirit Martial Realm since ancient times among the hundreds of tribes in the Great Wilderness, and even experts beyond the Spirit Martial Realm will appear one or two in a hundred years. But medicine pills may not be able to produce one in a hundred years, not to mention that medicine pills are more precious than experts who go beyond the spiritual realm, but rareness is precious. In any case, you have to find ways to build a good relationship with Yang Chen .

The existence of a medicine practitioner like Yang Chen, the ability to build a good relationship and even win over, means that the Feng Family has a guarantee.

Yang Chen, if he has no grudge against him, he must try to make good friends with him.

Feng Xuewu was alluded to by her own father, how could she not know what it meant?

To put it bluntly, she doesn't need to flatter Yang Chen and put down her figure, but it is indeed inevitable to win over the relationship.

And this sister-sister relationship…

Feng Xuewu's red lips parted lightly, and she whispered, "Then you, call out elder sister?"


Yang Chen looked embarrassed and asked him to call Feng Xuuewu elder sister, he was still a little awkward. She hurriedly said: "Miss Feng, it's at the door."

Feng Xuewu gave Yang Chen a resentful look, then gently put out a breath, rolled the eyes, and said coquettishly, "Okay then. , Yang Chen, I have time to go to the Feng Family to sit down. The mother has a kind of affection for you last time, and I really want to meet you."

Since the relationship between sister and brother still makes Yang Chen a little grumpy, Then she can only change the way. She is different from Yang Caidie, who is also the three golden hairpins. She is resourceful and full of wisdom.

Another way, let Yang Chen go to her house.

When the time comes, her mother recognizes Yang Chen as her godson again, isn't Yang Chen still her younger brother?

Thinking of this, her eyes flashed slyly, and she waved her hand: "elder sister will go first. Remember to come to Feng Family and sit down. Also, if there are other things, remember to call elder sister. , if someone dares to bully you, the elder sister will be the first to let him go!"

"It must be…" Yang Chen heard this and didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

He touched his nose and felt that two of the three golden hairpins were his elder sisters. Perhaps, it was a good thing.

But about the Feng Family, he hasn't thought about blending in, Feng Xuewu, and he doesn't want to get too close. His strength is still not enough now, and the first thing to do is to improve his strength. most .

"Young Master, in fact, you should send Miss Air Supply." Gu Mingyue said cautiously.

"Uh, don't worry about this." Yang Chen said with a smile.

Gu Mingyue was both happy and disappointed.

She's a girl, so it's not hard to see Feng Xuewu's favorable impression of Yang Chen. If Yang Chen can seize this favor and climb up, it is inevitable that things will happen with Feng Xuewu. In the future, my Young Master will marry a good daughter-in-law, and she will be an excellent woman from the Feng Family. Isn't that a beautiful thing?

However, she will also marry Yang Chen as a concubine in the future. Thinking of this, how can she not be a little sad?

Jealous of her because she thinks she doesn't have the qualifications, but she still has several points of sadness.

The joy is that Yang Chen doesn't seem to have any feelings for Feng Xuuewu, but the worry is that Yang Chen doesn't know how to get along?

Thinking in her heart, Gu Mingyue suddenly remembered something: "Young Master, by the way, these two hundred Spirit Stones, I'll give them back to you."

"What are you still doing with the Spirit Stones?" Yang Chen was stunned.

Gu Mingyue stuck out her tongue, cute and playful: "Master Young, you just gave me the Spirit Stone just for the sake of face, Mingyue understands. Mingyue will never swallow your hard-earned Spirit. Stone, this Spirit Stone is still yours , Mingyue doesn't want it."

Seeing this scene, Yang Chen sighed lightly, Gu Mingyue is indeed a very good girl, at least she always thinks of herself, if he is in his heart Not impressed that's fake.

Thinking of this, he strengthened his thoughts even more: "Mingyue, the things that your Young Master sent has never been possible to take back. I gave it to you, not to save face, nor to target Yang Hengcai. It's a clumsy plan specially made, this Spirit Stone, I originally planned to find a chance for you."

"Yes, but these Spirit Stones, I have nowhere to spend." Gu Mingyue listened to Yang Chen's words made his heart happy, but when he thought of the huge sum of 200 Spirit Stones, his reason prevailed over his impulse.

Yang Chen carefreely smiled: "Who said flowers can't go out? Your Young Master has never heard of a spirit stone that can't go out. Listen, take these Spirit Stones and buy them. A few pieces of clothes to dress yourself. up beautifully. Remember, buy a few pieces for my elder sister too. If you buy, buy the best one, 200 Spirit Stone, and spend them all. You have to remember in the future, I have Yang Chen Zai, I will never wrong you!"

"Small...Young Master." Gu Mingyue heard this, her eyes suddenly felt sore, and her tears were about to fall unstoppably. .


Finally, she couldn't hold back and wa'ed burst into tears.

"Young Master, you are really very good to Mingyue." Gu Mingyue was weeping beauty, sobbing and speaking hesitantly.

Seeing Gu Mingyue crying like this, Yang Chen couldn't help but cry, and said, "Why are you crying if you dress up beautifully? If you don't think it's enough, Young Master, I'll get you some. . "

"Enough is enough." Gu Mingyue was afraid that Yang Chen would be so extravagant, and hurriedly said: "Absolutely enough."

She had already swore in her heart.

Even if she has worked extremely hard for Yang Chen in this life, she is willing to do anything for Yang Chen. Even if Yang Chen is lonely and in distress one day, she will definitely accompany Yang Chen and never give up, and she will be Yang Chen's maid for the rest of her life.

In addition, I also had to choose some decent clothes for my Young Master.