

Yang Chen, the supreme alchemy genius of a generation, was betrayed and killed by the woman he was closest to because he could not practice martial arts, and was reincarnated in the body of a waste boy who was bullied. From then on, began a period of enchanting life that shocked the world. The strongest and purest elixir, cultivating genius? No one in this world knows what a genius is better than Yang Chen. He couldn’t practice martial arts in the previous life, what he wants to do in this life is the All Heavens Martial Venerable who turns his hands for the clouds and covers his hands for the rain! Those who insult me, those who betray me, kill without mercy!

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26 Chs

chapter 17

Chapter 17

"Miss Feng arrived at such a sensitive juncture as the 'adult meeting', most likely because she saw some geniuses in our Yang Family."

"I don't know which young hero in the Yang Family is like this. Excellent, even able to climb the high branch of the Feng Family!"

"Feng Family is a big clan, whoever can climb the young lady of the big clan will definitely be successful."

"And she's the eldest lady of the Feng Family!"

The women of the Feng Family also have different identities, and Feng Xuewu is the Feng Family, the most prestigious woman. In the future, it will definitely become a land of hundreds of clans, a hero in women's middle school, and even in Feng Family, with Feng Xuewu's current strength, he can say a lot.

Yang Heng was very excited when he saw Feng Xuewu coming: "Brother, this Feng Xuewu is probably here to find you. Look, she looked at you and us."

Yang Heng didn't know who Feng Xuewu was looking at, but only knew that the direction Feng Xuewu was looking at was indeed their place.

Yang Wu was also very excited, but he still said calmly: "Miss Feng came to Yang Family, shouldn't she come to me. Maybe she is looking for a family elder?"


He is somewhat self-aware. Although he is the son of the emperor in Yang Family, compared with Feng Xuuewu, it is a huge difference.

"Brother, don't think about it, this Feng Xuewu is looking at us. Who else can be better than you? Miss Feng, I'm afraid it's really for you. Yes, after all, your excellence is well known in this area." Yang Heng said quickly.

If my big brother can climb Feng Xuuewu's thigh, then and now are two different concepts. He will also benefit from this, when the time comes Yang Family, who can't look at his face and act?

This made the complexion of the daughter of the family next to Yang Wu changed slightly, and her eyes gradually became sinister.

Let Yang Wu climb Fengxuewu, what else is there to do with her?

Yang Wu doesn't care about the feelings of the daughter of the family now, he let go of the daughter of the family, turned his head and walked towards Feng Xuewu, said with a slight smile: "Miss Feng, hello."

"Oh, who are you?" Feng Xuuewu gave Yang Wu a faint look.

This made Yang Wu stunned for a while, didn't Feng Xuewu come to him, why didn't he even know who he was?

Yang Wu was extremely embarrassed, but he still said: "That…Miss Feng, I'm Yang Wu."

"Yang Wu? I don't know." Feng Xuuewu calmly said.

Yang Wu's scalp became numb for a while, and it gradually became ugly. He felt that Feng Xuewu was not looking for him. Although he is excellent, there is still a gap between his identity and Feng Xuewu.

However, he was still unwilling and said, "Which elder did Miss Feng come to Yang Family to find an elder in the clan? Maybe Yang Wu can help you lead the way."

In his heart, he felt that in the entire Yang Family, apart from him, there was no young hero who could be worthy of Feng Xuuewu.

Feng Xuewu didn't answer immediately, but just gave Yang Wu a faint smile.

If such a smile is in full bloom, but if you taste it carefully, you can detect another layer of meaning in Feng Xuewu's smile.

It was because of this taste that Yang Wu felt a little hairy.

When Feng Xuewu arrived, he noticed Yang Chen, and also noticed the scene of Yang Wu and his brother Yang Heng looking for trouble with Yang Chen.

Yang Chen is the life saving benefactor of her Feng Xuewu mother, and she is not afraid of Yang Wu's identity, so naturally she will not give Yang Wu any good looks. Give Yang Chen a hand, she is still happy to do it.

Feng Xuewu said calmly, "Who told you that I am here to find the elders of the Yang Family? Today I am here to find a youngster from your Yang Family, his name is Yang Chen."

"Yang Chen?" Yang Wu started suddenly, his expression suddenly changed and he said: "Miss Feng, you are right."

"What, you Are you questioning my words?" Feng Xuuewu said slowly.

It was precisely such a seemingly light sentence that made Yang Wu tremble for a while, how dare he be vague: "Don't dare."

He dared to provoke others, But don't dare provoke the snow dance.

If he provokes Feng Xuuewu, his father will not help him speak.

"Yang Chen younger brother." Feng Xuewu didn't even look directly at Yang Wu, she just carried her hands and moved towards Yang Chen. She moved her lotus steps, like a Fairy among a hundred flowers, beautiful yet elegant, dignified yet playful, with a quiet smile in her smile. The Yang Family disciples were stunned and their bodies were stunned.

This is the beauty of the world, the beauty of the city, compared with Feng Xuewu, those women from small tribes, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are rouge vulgar fans.

Yang Chen really didn't expect the Wind and Snow Ball to suddenly appear in Yang Family, and he appeared here today, and he did the credit for helping him out of the siege, so naturally he won't take it lightly, cupped his hands and said: "Miss Feng."

The conversation between them caused the young, talented people of the Yang Family, and the foreign clansman to start suddenly.

"What's the matter?"

Some people couldn't believe their eyes: "Why did Miss Feng approach this waste? And it seems that she also knows this waste. ."

Feng Xuewu said Yang Chen younger brother, which undoubtedly made Yang Chen the target of public criticism.

Yang Chen smiled bitterly, with his plan, he didn't want to be too high-profile before the adult meeting. But looking at it now, as soon as Feng Xuewu appeared today and waved towards himself, it would be hard not to be famous. I am afraid that in a few days, not only the Yang Family, but also the nearby ethnic groups will be enough to spread the news of their acquaintance with Feng Xuewu.

Feng Xuuewu's identity is too sensitive.

Feng Xuewu stood beside Yang Chen at this time, glanced at Yang Heng and Yang Wu, and then lightly said: "I seem to have heard people say just now, it seems that no other girls from other ethnic groups are looking at Yang. Chen younger brother. I admire Yang Chen younger brother very much in Feng Xuewu. I don't know if I can get into your eyes because of my high status? Or do you think that Feng Xuewu is not as good as those other women?"

Yang Heng and Yang Wu were dumbfounded one by one.

What's going on here?

Feng Xuewu heard their conversation, and it seemed that the other party seemed to be trying to vent Yang Chen's anger.

The most important thing is the phrase 'appreciation'.

A woman came all the way to the Yang Family and said something like 'appreciation' to Yang Chen. It's not a confession, it can also be said that Yang Chen and Feng Xuuewu are very entertaining.

The expressions of the two changed drastically for a while.

Especially Yang Wu, a burst of jealousy appeared in the depths of his eyes. Compared with Feng Xuuewu, the daughter of the Yu family around him is a fart, Martial Arts Cultivation Base, identity, appearance and temperament. The daughter of the Yu family that he is holding is not worthy of being a maid with Ren Fengxuewu's shoes.

There are only some superficial discords, and it may be that Feng Xuuewu is almost five years older than Yang Chen.

However, in this continent, five can be said to be the golden age.

People say that the third female student holds the golden bricks, and the fifth female student enters the golden house.

Feng Xuewu was just five years older than Yang Chen, and she shouted from the mouth of a younger brother.

Once this happens, Feng Xuewu will definitely treat Yang Chen like a treasure, why? Because people are old, they know how to tolerate and understand, they know how to love Yang Chen after marriage, and how to love Yang Chen. Look at Yang Chen elder sister Yang Caidie, who takes care of Yang Chen. This is the advantage of the woman being bigger, like this one in his arms. He was as old as he was, and a whole lot of problems made him worry to death.

Yang Chen is calm and composed, and doesn't have much opinion on Feng Xuuewu's behavior to help him vent his anger.

When Sun Qiaomei, Yang whom Heng pursued, saw Feng Xuewu, her face turned pale. At this moment, when Feng Xuewu said a word, she was frightened as if her tail had been stepped on, and hurriedly said, "Miss Feng…"

"I heard you guys just said that Yang Chen is a waste?" Feng Xuewu didn't let a few people off because of the softness on the surface, she said in a hard tone: "I'll make it clear today. Now , Yang Chen is my younger brother, you say he is a waste, you mean I am a waste, understand?"

"Feng…Miss Feng."

Either Yang Heng or Yang Wu, as well as that Sun Qiaomei and Yu family daughter, all looked embarrassed.

Feng Xuewu doesn't mean overbearing, she just helps Yang Chen to vent his anger, now that the words are clear, she said warmly: "Yang Chen younger brother, take me to Yang Chen when you have time. Family? Yang Family, this is my first time here."

Yang Chen was very embarrassed, but still respectfully said: "I can't ask for it."

Wind Xue Wu smiled sweetly, turned around with Yang Chen and left.

Seeing the direction Feng Xuewu was leaving, Yang Heng and Yang Wu were speechless for a while, but the words were on their lips, and they didn't know how to say it.

This is a naked slap in the face.

They just finished talking about Yang Chen, but no one cares. What happened? Feng Xuewu turned around and came, a Feng Xuewu, is not much stronger than those rouge vulgar fans?

"Brother…" Yang Heng said full of grievances.

Yang Wu coldly snorted: "Look at what you can do? This is scary? Although I don't know how this guy climbed the high branch of Fengxuewu and made Fengxuewu favor her. Yes. But trash is trash. You can't cultivate Martial Arts. At the adult meeting, he will immediately reveal his true form. When the time comes I will let him know that he and Feng Xuewu are only his one-sided fantasy after all."

"A beautiful dream will shatter sooner or later. Do you think the Feng Family will let Feng Xuewu marry a trash who can't practice martial arts?"