
The Supernatural High

Alex's life changed the night his mom died. Mind blowing secrets we're revealed and Alex had to let go of everything he had to attend The school for supernatural creatures.

AlexisKing · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Supernatural High

Alex had the urge to vomit after coming through a portal, he tried to observe where he was, the way everywhere was designed made it look like a library.

"We're in a library?" Alex said as he looked around.

"Welcome to supernatural High, follow me" she said as she walked past them.

They followed her immediately as they saw books flying around the library.

She led them to the principal's office. Both of them were confused, they couldn't ask any questions, all they did was sit and wait for someone to explain.

"Welcome to supernatural High, I'm principal Randall" The principal said as she noticed the confusion in their eyes.

"So, what are we doing here?" Andy asked.

"Patience wolf, you're going to school here" Randall replied.

"You kidnapped us and expected us to school in a place made of CGI, not gonna happen" said Alex.

"Not you, him" she said looking at Andy.

"I'm not schooling here final" Andy said as he got up but got pulled down to the chair by an invisible force.

"It's not like you have a choice, you see, for ages supernatural creatures had lived among humans, some don't even know that they're supernatural while some do, it is our job to catch the young ones, train them so they don't destroy the world one day, and if eventually they don't learn to control, we'll have their powers stripped, So Monsieur Alex, you're free to go cuz you're not... special let me put that way"

Andy looked at Alex who had already accepted to leave.

"But mom, he's" the girl finally spoke but she got cut off by her mom who is the principal.

"Non of your business Andrea, so what's your decision" she turned to both of them.

Alex turned to Andy, he was going to leave him, He wanted to convince Andy to live a better life without him, he wanted to tell him that he'll be fine out there in the dangerous world but Andy knew what he wanted to say.

"Don't tell me you wanna leave me here" said Andy to Alex.

"It's not like I have a choice" Alex replied.

"There's always a choice, I'll.... I'll not school here, I don't like it anyway so let's just go back to our lives.

"Andy, if you come with me, you may never learn control and you almost killed me this morning, isn't it better to live a life away from your friend knowing he's alive than to live in fear of taking his life one day?" Alex words hurt Andy.

"I see you've made your decision, Andrea take him back, and make sure to wipe his memory, we can't have someone running around in the human world with our secret" Randall said.

"Can't I just go through a door or something" Asked Alex.

"There are vampires everywhere, if they know know you're human, you're dead" Andrea replied.

" vampires, you mean actual vampires?" Alex asked.

"Yes actual vampires" Andrea rotated her hands and a portal materialized in front of them.

"Time to go Alex" Her voice was familiar to Alex, he just couldn't recall where he had met her before.

Andy couldn't say anything as he was trying to control the anger that was threatening to burst out of him, lately all his emotions has turned to anger no more no less.

Alex didn't wait for Andy to say anything, he quickly jumped into the portal and Andrea followed. They appeared at the same place they were before Andrea arrived.

"I'm sorry my mom was harsh" Said Andrea.

"My life changed within three days, I mean, I was this normal high school teenage boy, who used to love his life, but everything changed so drastically"

"i know the feeling, one day everything is normal and the next it's not" She replied.

Alex let out a sigh.

"You were ready to defend me back there, why?" He asked. He could feel that there's a connection between the two of them.

"Because I know you Alex, I've been in your head long enough to that you're.... special" She confessed.

"what were you doing in my head?" He asked.

"I...." she was interrupted as Alex got shot by an arrow. Another arrow launched in her direction but she waged it immediately. Alex on the other hand fell down on the floor and died.