
The Supernatural High

Alex's life changed the night his mom died. Mind blowing secrets we're revealed and Alex had to let go of everything he had to attend The school for supernatural creatures.

AlexisKing · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Who could they turn to now. The police would find their story very strange. They had no choice but to follow the message. Both of them packed few of their things and set out on an endless journey to protect their selves from the unknown.

"Are you sure you wanna come with me" Andy asked as the bus arrived.

"Well, my mom died and your parents disappeared, something tells me that this is about both of us" They looked at each other and smiled. They entered the bus and it drove away to a destination unknown to them.

The bus arrived in a city called Lakewood. They had been exhausted after what felt like a day on the bus.

Andy felt his stomach growl very loud that Alex heard it from a distance.

"We should probably get something to eat" said Alex as he chuckled.

"Yeah" Fortunately for them there was a restaurant close by. They went inside but there was no one except for a haggard looking man sitting in a corner while smoking.

"Welcome, now get out!"He said without looking at their direction.

"Umm, we just wanna grab something to eat and we....." he was cut short by the man.

"Sorry we're closed"Was his short answer.

"But the sign says you're open" Andy said as he made himself comfortable.

The man stood up from his chair annoyed, he was a huge man, dark and his aura emitted fear in me but Andy didn't flinch.

He walked towards us, the closer he got the more the ground shook.

"Andy, let's get out of here" I whispered.

But Andy didn't reply, he remained calm and the man got closer and closer until he reached their front.

"Can I take your order"He said happily.

The both of them looked at each other with suprise, they just couldn't find the right words.

"What? we haven't got any customers in days and you guys just got lucky cuz today is our one month anniversary, so can I take your order"

"We'll take two sandwiches and peanut butter blast"Alex replied.

"Two sandwiches and peanut butter blast coming right up"

For a huge man he seems to be flexible, the way he was handling the kitchen made both of the awe.

Few minutes later, their food was ready and the both of them ate like they haven't eaten in days.

"Whoa, Take it slow dudes, where did both of you come from, cuz clearly you guys ain't from town" He asked as he observed them from a distance.

"We don't wanna talk about it" Andy replied.

"Where are you going?"

"Anywhere our feet takes us"

"I'm Ted, and my advice is, running away from home can be pretty dangerous" He said as he leaned on the table.

"We didn't run away, we just...... never mind" He tried not to remember anything.

"The world outside there could be very dangerous, you ain't gonna survive for long" He started cutting vegetables.

"We'll take our chances" Andy replied as he was getting bored of his lectures.

"Suit yourself"

When they were through eating, the paid him and continued their journey into the unknown.

Darkness was fast approaching and they had no place to sleep, after much thought, they decided to sleep in the woods since there was no house close by. When it was midnight rain started to fall but they we're lucky that they were under a large shady tree the protected them from rain droplets, meanwhile Alex started feeling cold. Andy on the other hand was still warm, he noticed that Alex was cold so he covered him with his blanket.

The next morning, the both of them were hungry and had no food to eat. Alex came up with a very dangerous idea.

"What if you shape shift and hunt for a deer or something. Alex suggested.

"That's... a lame idea, I can't control when I turn, but I can try to control my abilities" He replied.

"Well you either use your powers to save us from this hunger or we both die, it's your decision"

"worth a try" Andy closed his eyes trying to do something or change into something but he then convinced himself that it was pointless.

"Maybe you need a guide, just do as I say okay" Said Alex.

Andy let out a sigh. "Okay"

"This is gonna be lame but, close your eyes"

Andy closed his eyes.

"Focus on your hearing, block your mind from everything else, focus on your sight......and most of all focus on your anger" Alex stopped to observe Andy that was still closing his eyes.

"Like I said, this is lame" He opened his eyes and tried to walk away.

"focus on your anger towards your parents, they kept a huge secret from you for seventeen years and after everything they left you, all alone in the world with an orphan boy" He tried to make Andy angry. This time he's not ready to run but face him even if he dies. He was going to die eventually.

"Alex stop" Andy felt like he was going to explode.

"They couldn't bear to see the monster their son had become so they left you all alone" Andy was enraged, he ripped his clothes apart as his fangs and claws grew longer, his eyes turned yellow and he looked at Alex with great anger.

Alex convinced himself not to run but his legs objected as it started moving him on it's own.

Andy rushed him immediately. He lifted him up and fell him on the ground.

And raised his hand up and Alex closed his eyes thinking it was the end of him but to his surprise Andy caught an arrow that came their direction but quickly dropped it as it burned his hand and he transformed back to normal.

Suddenly there was a girl coming their way, she was a beautiful blondie, she had pink lips that matched her dress and her walking steps mesmerized the both of them, her eyes were blue and she let out a smirk while approaching them.

Alex had a feeling that he had met this girl before, but where?

Her beauty was making it difficult for them to concentrate.

"Are you just gonna stare or come with me?" Her voice was also lovely, they wanted her to repeat what she just said.

Another arrow launched in their direction but Andy was quick enough to catch it but it burned his hands again.

It's made of wolfsbane and it'll probably kill you if you don't come with me" They didn't have time to think about trust and the followed her immediately, multiple arrows were launched in their direction but the girl lifted her hands which made the arrows stop in mid air.

Both of them were surprised at what she did.

She rotated her hands and a portal opened in front of them.

"Go in, I'll hold off the arrows" She said as she kept waging the arrows.

The both of them jumped inside and she followed immediately then a man wearing a black cloak came and looked vanished immediately.