
The Supernatural High

Alex's life changed the night his mom died. Mind blowing secrets we're revealed and Alex had to let go of everything he had to attend The school for supernatural creatures.

AlexisKing · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Andy looked around but couldn't find Alex anywhere, he wondered where he could be. Good thing he knew his scent but it was hard to pick up at the moment.

meanwhile Alex has lost his way back after going to the bathroom, he watched a group of witches play with magic and wished he was one. when he realized he had been staring for long he decided to go back, but which way did he come from. He wondered.

After walking around the school for what seemed like forever, he saw a girl walking and decided to ask before he ends up as prey for hungry vampires.

"Hi i'm Alex.... and i'm kinda lost.... can you help me" He asked with a pleading look. The girl seemed pissed from the looks in her face he could tell that she wasn't willing to help.

"Sorry but i have important things to take care of" she started leaving but Alex grabbed her hand. This annoyed her, she tried to draw power from him but she felt nothing. Usually people tend to feel pain when being siphoned but in this case it was different and it made her wonder, the only thing witches couldn't siphon is human so the person standing in front of her is probably one.

Lisa changed her mind. Nature seems to be on her side, she has been wondering how she would feed her vampires and the solution is here standing in front of her with a foolish smile on his face. "what department did you come from" she asked. "Werewolf i think" He replied. "Follow me"

They arrived in front of her room, he began to wonder what made her bring him here. " im just gonna grab a few things and we'll be on our way, you can come in" she opened the door and they both went inside. Her room was very big and colorful and he felt comfortable, Lisa dropped her bag and went to her fridge then she brought out juice for the two of them.

Alex's instincts was telling him something wasn't right but he couldn't believe that a girl as beautiful and innocent looking as Lisa could be dangerous. She sat next to him on her couch. " I'm Lisa by the way" she sipped her juice. He didn't know what to say, what was she trying to do? none of this seems to make sense. " you're probably wondering why we're still here...?" she asked sipping more juice. "Yeah....." he replied. " I know you're human... and i would like you to help me with something" Now she looked and sounded dangerous. " What...?" he asked. "your blood" She replied. He felt his body stiffen as fear gripped him. " are you some kind of .... vampire?" he was afraid that his voice was shaking.

"No, but i have them as friends and i wouldn't like it if my friends go hungry" suddenly Alex felt someone grab him by the collar. " Human, tastes better when they're afraid, what do you say Bruce?" Dante was looking at him like he was his breakfast.

"Yeah they do..... can't wait, i'm so hungry already" Bruce came out of nowhere, Lisa had casted an invisibility spell on them, and she lifted it the moment she told Alex her plans.

Alex was scared to death, he tried to run but Lisa casted a spell that made him freeze in place. "Please let me go, i've been through death once....i don't wanna die again" he was pleading for his life but pleading was useless in the face of hungry vampires. "Too bad" Bruce replied as he sunk his teeth in his neck, he was sucking the life out of him, Dante joined him and Alex started feeling the life rush out of him, just as he closed his eyes and accepted his fate, Andy came in and pushed the both of them with great force that they flew across the room while Alex passed out.

"well.....well...what do we have here?" Bruce stood up angrily, he was readty to tear someone apart. "Hope you enjoyed it.....cuz its gonna be your last" Andy said as he prepared to fight.

"Don't be foolish kid, one you against the two of them....i'd say it's a death wish" Aiden, who had been looking at them said in order to avoid more bloodshed, the reason he watched them as they feed on Alex was because he didn't want to raise any suspicions but now this boy would probably die while fighting them and his consciousness wouldn't let him rest if that happens. " you can take him with you or you both die....." Although Andy was very angry at the moment he knew it was the right thing to do, Bruce and Dante was wondering why Aiden let them go, normally he was the one to call the shots and his decisions were always deadly. "One more thing....if you tell anyone about this, you and everyone you ever loved will die" Aiden added, he needed to be more evil in order to not raise suspicions. "you're joking right....you just turned my brother into your blood bag and you expect me not to complain, you deserve to be expelled right away" Andy replied with no sign of fear neither in his voice nor on his face. " I assume.....you don't know the people standing before you.....we are the De Martel brothers, all creatures trembles at the mention of our names" Dante said as he came forward. "is that suppose to scare me?" Andy replied.

It felt like a slap in their faces, Bruce got so angry, he ran towards him at superspeed in an attempt to slash his throat but Aiden placed placed himself in between them before anything could happen. "You should leave....before i make you" Aiden spoke with authority and Andy respected, he carried Alex back to their rooms. "What's up with you brother.... you should have let me kill him" Bruce was furious and felt like punching something. "By the time we're free we'll have many more blood to shed...for now, we need to keep a low profile" Aiden replied and walked away.

Alex woke up, he was feeling very dizzy and lightheaded. He nearly died today and the thought of it made him very scared. "How are you feeling now?" Andy was standing at the door with a cup of tea in his hand. "Like i don't belong here.... i died the first time and that wasn't a good experience and today...i almost experienced it again and if i continue to stay here...i won't last" Andy sat at the edge of his bed. "I'll always be here to protect you"

"That's the point.....for how long do you get to protect me.....if you were a minute late back there then i might be the one talking right now.....you belong here....i...i just don't fit in" Tonight he would leave this school and he wouldn't tell Andy so he won't follow him, with time he would get over the pain and move on without him. He believed his decisions was best for the both of them.

When it was midnight and Andy was fast asleep, he took some clothes that was provided for him, packed his bag and started leaving, he left a note of apology for Andy to read when he gets up.

Just as he was walking down the school hallway, he could here some strange eerie sounds. he became scared and almost turned. "what was i thinking leaving the ghost school at midnight" he thought to himself. The sound became louder and he felt his feet walking faster than usual while his head turning to and fro, just as he was about to run, someone grabbed him from a corner. He panicked and nearly peed on his pants. "Relax, its just me" Andrea said as she let go of him. He was breathing profusely. "The hell.....you scared me...i nearly got a heart attack" he said while catching his breath. "You're leaving aren't you?" Just as he was about to reply, they heard footsteps coming from down the hallway, She quickly dragged him up the stairs close to them which led to the rooftop, she sat down and motioned for him to sit as well. They both of them didn't say anything, they just listened to the crickets. it was the only thing they could here which was very disturbing.

"Are you gonna tell me why you were leaving?" She finally broke the silence. "Its not safe here and i know you are probably trying to stop me but please don't......i know i was supernatural but my mom made it clear that i'm no more than a human.....and being the only human in a school filled with vampires is like being the only rabbit in a jungle filled with wild animals" He sighed.

"I'm not trying to stop you.....i realized it too, that's why i'm gonna help you out" She didn't look or sound happy but she knew it was for the best. "You can't leave the school just by walking.....You'll just end up going around in circles, you need a witch to create a portal....good thing i'm here" she hated that she had to do this but if it's what he wanted the she had no problem with it.

"Can you do it now.....or...."

"Sure" She stood up and chanted in an unknown language and a portal opened in front of them.

"I guess this is goodbye" Andrea asked as Alex stood up.

"It's more like until we meet again" Before he could turn Andrea grabbed him and their lips collided, it was a warm and soothing kiss that almost paralyzed him, all the air in his lungs were knocked out and he prayed she wouldn't stop. she pulled away after sometime. "Goodbye....." Alex said as he walked through the portal and appeared in his house. "Strange" he thought but he was happy to be back home.

hello guys

Apologies once more for delaying updates, ive been very busy but no matter what happens, i'll still do the best i can.

You can also support me with power stones, your support is what keeps me going......Love y'all

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