
The Supernatural High

Alex's life changed the night his mom died. Mind blowing secrets we're revealed and Alex had to let go of everything he had to attend The school for supernatural creatures.

AlexisKing · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Unexpected Turn of events

"We're just gonna ask you a few questions and that's all" A police man said to Alex as he felt like he just woke up in the middle of an interrogation.

"How...., what happened" He asked as he looked a himself, he was dressed in a uniform made of plain green material, moreover he looked like a prisoner.

"Look, I know how much your mother's death affected you and I know how it affected your mind also, but you gotta look deep down and think" The man said again.

"I....I don't remember" Alex said. He didn't even know how he got here and why the hell does everyone one around here act crazy?

He could see people through the glass cells, some were acting like kids, some were playing, some were learning things even a two year old should have known already.

"Am I in a mental asylum?" He asked.

The man at the other end of the table looked at the police man questioningly. The police man gestured for him to calm down before he turned to Alex.

"Yes, after your mother's death, you flee with your best friend Andy, who we later discovered that is a murderer, does the name Billy Morgan ring a bell?" He asked.

"I'm sorry but, I don't recall anythin, What happen, how did I get here?" He asked.

The man became frustrated, he decided to switch tactics.

"Do you recall your mother's death?"


"That night, you were with someone"


"Where did the two of you go"

Alex didn't understand how, but he felt like he was compelled to speak.

"We uhhh, we.....we took a trip.....and we met this girl...she....I don't.....I don't really remember what happened after" He said.

The man on the other end of the table stood up and went out, then the policeman followed.

They stopped in the corridor.

"Why is it not working" The unknown man asked the policeman.

"I believe his mind is stronger than we think, he purposely blocked that memory, if he was compelled to forget then he wouldn't remember anything but somehow he does"

"Is it good or bad?"

"Both, now we know that he knows the location of the supernatural high, we just have to look for a way to squeeze it out of him" We should try another way and I know just the right way.

They came back inside.

Alex was still sitting, looking around.

"Alex, your friend Andy is a murderer, he killed someone, and I know you are the kind of person who supports justice. you and him went to your mother's brother's place and you left Andy there so he could have a good life. But you are guilty and you came to us to tell us about where you left him" He said with a smile.

"I...I don't remember"

"You do now"

All the man just said felt like it was part of Alex's memory. He was compelled and couldn't stop himself. But all the man just said was too much to process.

Alex just fell on the floor with blood gushing from his nose and eyes.



Andy was on the field walking alone, he held the note Alex wrote as he walked like a helpless man, he was so angry.

'Wht did Alex leave, I promised to protect him, why did my life turn out like this, I lost my parents and my best friend now I'm stuck here' He thought.

"Hey" Andrea called as she walked closer. She had actually spotted him and decided to talk to him.

He took one good look at her and kept walking. Andrea wasn't surprised, werewolves could do anything when angry.

she started walking beside him.

"Look, I know you're angry, but Alex is safe now, he isn't safe here and you know that" She said.

"You sound like you know him" He said.

"A little, enough to know that he's a dead guy if he stays here" She explained.

"He made his decision and I've made mine, I'm leaving the school too, even if it means escaping"

"You can't escape, you need a witch to open a portal for you"

"So how the hell did Alex..."

He paused as he realized that Andrea had helped him. Immediately, he held her arm, so tight that she started bleeding. she winced in before telekinetically throwing him away. He stood up almost immediately and ran at superspeed towards her, as he got closer, his ankle twisted and he fell down.

"You're lucky to be Alex's friend, I wouldn't waste time In killing you, I need to get out of here before some vampires lose control" As soon as she said this, three Vampires appeared before her.

"Oh God" She exclaimed.

Andy stood up, his leg had already healed up. He went and stood beside her as they watched the insane vampires with drools coming from their mouths.

"Why are they like this" Andy asked.

"It's my blood, they're all driven by it"

"You need to get out of here...."

"I'm working on it....." She snapped.

"My magic is not working very well, I haven't recovered enough to teleport"

"Run.... I'll hold them off" Andy said and got into a fighting stance.

Almost immediately, two were in front of them, holding her hand out, Andrea held one of them in place with her magic while Andy struggled the other one.

The third one came leaping In the air, she stretched out her other hand and held him in mid air.

"What do I do?" Andy asked as he struggled.

"Kill him" Andrea said.

"You don't expect me to...."

"I said kill him..."

Andy immediately pushed the vampire back and dashed in with superspeed before snapping his neck.

Andrea snapped her fingers and the necks of the two vamps snapped.

"We just killed..."

"They're not dead, they'll wake up soon" Andrea cut him off before walking off.

As soon as she entered her room, she tried to close the door but Andy stopped.

"Look, I need to talk to you okay" He said and let himself in.

"After you nearly killed me?" She said.

"I'm sorry okay, I just have one request"

"What is it?"

"Just let me see him once, for a final goodbye"

"Andrea stared at him for a moment before replying.

"No" She gestured for him to go out.

Andy went out of the room and stood at the door steps.

"I'll just get a witch to do it for me"

"Good luck with that" She slammed the door.


She went and sat on her bed, she herself wanted to know how he was doing, was he okay. But she knew it's best if she left him alone. Associating with him might bring him danger.


Night time, Andrea decided to visit Alex like she usually does. After casting the mind sync spell, she fell into a deep sleep and appeared in what looked like a mental asylum.

she could see insane people locked up, chained to a chair, being tortured on the sick bed.

"What the?...."

There was a large room located at the right end of the corridor.

She opened the door and went in, there she saw Alex chained to a chair with two men in front of him.

She gasped and they heard, they turned around and saw her standing.

"Who is that?"

"Don't bother she can't see us, she's just a memory"

"What are you doing to him" Andrea asked.

"She can see us...how?"

The man immediately casted a spell that woke Andrea up in the real world.


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