
The Superhero Manager System

In a world of heroes and villains, where magic twists and reshapes the laws of reality. where the veil between the natural and the supernatural is thin, and many glimpse into the abyss beyond. A world where the horrors of other dimensions invade and break through the boundaries of life and death. With the dreams and birthright of his father taken away due to his being born without powers. Prince Arome lost the title of crown Prince to his younger cousin, the Superhero known as Star Lion. A Pariah even among his own people, Arome ventures into the wider world with the determination to succeed where others think he has failed. to manage and raise a superhero of such power and fame, they would outshine the immense shadow his cousin has cast over him and his birthright. but the day he goes seeking for a job, he becomes a victim of a hijacking. the villainous couple Blight-Soul and Blight-Heart take over the building aiming to sacrifice all souls within the 400 floored structure to their demonic sponsor. Arome was one the first victims to succumb to death... a bitter end to his redemption, until. [You Have Awakened Your Power and Unlocked The Superhero Manager System!] [Congratulations! You Have Gained The Power... RESURRECTION!] 1: No Harem! but there will be multiple pairings. I might change my mind about the harem thing, but who knows. there are mature theme and explicit scenes that would be posted only on my Patreon, if it's not too much of a problem, then such scenes would be included. 2: Superheroes and villains! and superhero politics, drama, celebrity status, royalty, revenge and royal politics. 3: Slow Pace/Fast Pace: the pace would be allover the place depending on the story being told in that volume. 4: Side Character main character: if you come into this expecting action and adventure and epic battles...then you've come to the right place. but that's only a secondary focus, this is a superhero drama, business building novel, so don't expect any light themes or jokes. I'm done with those 5: all chapters are edited and no lesser than 2k words a chapter. With single chapter daily updates. Saturday and Sundays are off, unless of course webnovel offers me a contract. 6: Special Thanks of Mark Alan Saunders for creating this world with me. we sincerely hope you enjoy it. A BlueObsidianGuild Creation.

Anone · Urban
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2 Chs

Falcon-Eagle Industries II

The explosion blasted Arome off his seat, his head smashing into the hard wall behind him. Screams sounded out in the backgrounds as his vision swam. He looked up to see a swirling barrier of soft blue and white light. The executives and the supers were well protected under the barrier.

It was annoying, guess even in this part of the world, corporations only gave a damn about themselves and profit. He made to get up, but there were black spots creeping up into the edge of his vision. It didn't take long for him to realize why, there was a piece of metal sticking out of his chest.

"Oh! That can't be good."

He muttered to himself, as he struggled to get up, but it took a colossal amount of will to do so. He felt rough hands grab him, as he was oriented to come face to face with one of the executives. He was shocked to see that it was the old woman, and even more so from the amount of strength she was showing.

"It wouldn't be prudent for you to die here, your highness, come on kid let's go." Arome, through the fog that was in his mind, idly wondered why she was helping him when just a moment ago she was rejecting him from a job that he was so overly qualified for, but disqualified because he had no powers.

But she was right, it wouldn't be prudent for him to die here, especially as that would destroy his father. Nothing much could be said of his grandfather and the rest of the royal family but, if he died here, it would break the old man, it meant failure, he's not supposed to fail.

Arome took a deep breath and shook the cobwebs out of his head. The fact that the piece of metal was sticking out of him was good, at the very least it meant he'd bleed out slower. The problem was he was still bleeding out, and he had a limited amount of time, not to mention with the Blights in the building. Their cultists, goons and the demons would be flooding the entire building and if they-


Another explosion ripped through the office. This time though, Arome, before everything went dark, had the presence of mind to realize that this explosion was more like a concussive blast. Barely any flames, but much worse than that they had come from inside the office, not outside. The Blights had an ally in here.

He was already unconscious when his body smashed through the office walls, into the reception areas outside the office. The receptionist screamed, as Arome's lifeless body came to a stop in front of her, his eyes staring off into the nothingness, glass-eyed and dull.

The older lady came flying out, one of her hands holding the face of one of their new recruits. She was aloft, her feet above the ground as she smashed the head of the individual on the ground, making sure to leave a bloody smear as she scrapped half their face off, and dumped their dead body to the side.

The receptionist turned over and relieved herself of her breakfast. The COO grunted in annoyance. She had no idea why her damn husband would let someone so soft work, for her. He had to have better sense than this.

She turned, an annoyed hiss escaping her lips, at the sight of Arome's body. This would cause problems not just on one corporate scale, but on a national scale. This is the oldest son of his generation's royal family, a prince by birthright and cousin to one of the most powerful heroes in the world.

It was unfortunate, the young prince was overly qualified. She had wanted him to work with her outside the purview of the company. She was already planning on splitting from Falcon-Eagle, one of the many disadvantages of a divorce.

But she built this company from the ground up, making it into the conglomerate it has become, after she and her soon-to-be ex-husband inherited it from his Uncle.

She'd be damned if she'd let those crazed fools tear it all down. As for the Prince, this was most definitely a tragedy. But the political situation of his nation would not allow for any sort of retaliation, at least against Falcon-Eagle…and that is only if they could all survive this disaster.

But this represents an opportunity nonetheless. Her personal floor and office were on the 333rd floor. The entire building had four hundred floors high, so they were 67 floors above where she needed to go. In her office, she had a direct magical line to one of the sorcerers in the UNCH. The Blights are not enough of a threat that they'd deploy their most powerful heroes, especially as there was a dimensional lock spell in play, meaning no one would find out anything was wrong here, until it was over.

She needed to get word out, and adding the caveat of a dead African prince, might just be enough to get the United Nations Council Of Heroes off their ass to come save the empire she's built.


Arome could taste bile in the back of his throat. It was annoying but other than a slight headache that, as of this moment, was actually fading away. But none of it seemed to matter as a screen popped up in front of him.

[Congratulations! You have awakened your power and unlocked the Manager level up system!]

[You Have Reached Level 1! +1 to all stats!]

[You Have Unlocked Your Power… Resurrection]

Arome coughed, as an electric feeling went through his body. It was unlike anything he had ever seen or felt before, and it was different. His senses were shaped as he could hear much clearer than normal, and there was a vigor to him that had previously been absent.

"So you do have power after all." Arome turned around, his eyes meeting the old lady's as she stretched out a hand to him. He took it, and she pulled him up with a lot more ease than Arome would have expected.

The building is still under attack, and communication is locked down due to the dimension lock spell. They needed to escape, and the C.O.O pretty much told Azrael the same thing, especially the fact that they would have to go down 67 floors to get to her office and call for help.

"What do you need me to do?" Arome asked, as he noticed the blinking dot at the edge of his peripheral vision. But there was nothing he could do about that for now. The building was still on fire.

"Oh nothing much, we will be going together with the team. It would not be wise to leave anyone behind with the Blights in the building, their followers would be making their way up here soon enough… can you walk?"

Arome nodded his head, as the woman pointed at the elevator at the end of the reception. "Keep an eye on that elevator for me, let me get the rest of the team. Are you sure you are okay? Because your Highness...  you just died."

Arome did not want to think about this right now, he remembered dying and it was not pleasant. So this was most definitely not a conversation he wanted to have, not here, not this time, not ever.

"I'm fine, just get your people and let's get out of here." Arome turned as his eyes met the receptionist. She looked like she had seen a ghost and perhaps that can not be too far from the truth. Arome moved towards the elevator, reaching it just in time for it to ding open.

The Blights were cultists, sorcerers that just loved to play with the bad magic a little too much. But people like this, with such an amount of power, the A rankers? They drew like-minded people to themselves like flies to excrement. And then each of their lackeys are bound to demons, terrible infernal hounds with six legs and huge heads.

Two of them rushed out of the elevator, their owners right behind them as the first of them blasted Arome with lightning. There was neither time to respond nor react as he was blasted away, more than five thousand volts of pure electrical power, running rough shod across his entire body. He crashed in front of the receptionist one more time, glass-eyed, lichen burn marks left all over his body from the lightning strike. The receptionist screamed, to see a person die the first time was one thing, but to see it again the second time too. It was downright terrifying.

"Oh shut that bitch up!"

There were six cultists coming out of the elevator, they each had a demon bound to them, but the two that came through were the first to make a move on the receptionist. She barely got a scream out when an office desk came flying from the conference room ahead.

It smashed into both hounds, sending them and the table careening towards their masters. The response was a wave of lightning that blasted the infernal hounds and the table to pieces. The person with the lightning ability proceeded to aim and rain literal lightning in the direction of the office. The receptionist had barely been able to duck inside before a metal gate slammed down, completely cutting off the office from the rest of the building. In return, Arome's still smoking corpse was left behind.

"Damn it!"

*Ba-kram! Ba-kram!*

Over and over again, the individual blasted at the gates. But all he was able to do was get it heated, but whatever the gate was made from, it rapidly dispersed the heat and stood there pristine as ever, almost as if it was mocking the lightning user.

All six individuals were dressed in black robes, the inner parts of the robes were a dark sickly purple, and they had hoods, along with a painted white mask. It was plain, except for the dark rings around the eyes, and small protrusions from the top of the mask that looked like horns.

The male with the lightning abilities, wore a mask that had two horns. Which was probably a way to show that he was higher ranked than the others that only had a single horn on their mask. The dual horned cultist stomped towards the door, where a camera stood at the top of it.

"If I ask nicely, will you guys open the door so that I can sacrifice you all to my god." The cultist asked, as he looked at the camera.

"Not in your wildest dreams punk! That door will remain closed until I say otherwise. And let me assure you, there are enough supplies here to last 100 people for three months.

This is Falcon-Eagle Industries, you stupid, stupid child! People call us to ensure things like this don't happen to them. You are not getting through this door period! But I'm sure the police will have something to say about this once they get here."

"You're bluffing!" the lightning cultist said, as he backed up, lightning gathering and arcing across his body. But instead, what he got in return was a smile as the COO replied.

"No, not bluffing, just stalling. Now your highness! Go!"

Arome did not need to be told twice. Outside of course, the disorientation of dying twice. He was still able to react quickly enough to leap into the elevator and hit a random floor button. And just in time too, as lightning arced over his head to smash into the elevator walls, burning a hole through it, as the doors closed with a ting.

Arome sat back, leaning his back against the elevator as he looked down at his chest and stomach. All the damage caused by the lightning was healing at an extremely rapid pace. When he saw it, he only had one word for the situation he had found himself in right now.


second chapter! please leave your comments and put this in your library. thanks for reading and God bless you all.

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