
The Superhero Manager System

In a world of heroes and villains, where magic twists and reshapes the laws of reality. where the veil between the natural and the supernatural is thin, and many glimpse into the abyss beyond. A world where the horrors of other dimensions invade and break through the boundaries of life and death. With the dreams and birthright of his father taken away due to his being born without powers. Prince Arome lost the title of crown Prince to his younger cousin, the Superhero known as Star Lion. A Pariah even among his own people, Arome ventures into the wider world with the determination to succeed where others think he has failed. to manage and raise a superhero of such power and fame, they would outshine the immense shadow his cousin has cast over him and his birthright. but the day he goes seeking for a job, he becomes a victim of a hijacking. the villainous couple Blight-Soul and Blight-Heart take over the building aiming to sacrifice all souls within the 400 floored structure to their demonic sponsor. Arome was one the first victims to succumb to death... a bitter end to his redemption, until. [You Have Awakened Your Power and Unlocked The Superhero Manager System!] [Congratulations! You Have Gained The Power... RESURRECTION!] 1: No Harem! but there will be multiple pairings. I might change my mind about the harem thing, but who knows. there are mature theme and explicit scenes that would be posted only on my Patreon, if it's not too much of a problem, then such scenes would be included. 2: Superheroes and villains! and superhero politics, drama, celebrity status, royalty, revenge and royal politics. 3: Slow Pace/Fast Pace: the pace would be allover the place depending on the story being told in that volume. 4: Side Character main character: if you come into this expecting action and adventure and epic battles...then you've come to the right place. but that's only a secondary focus, this is a superhero drama, business building novel, so don't expect any light themes or jokes. I'm done with those 5: all chapters are edited and no lesser than 2k words a chapter. With single chapter daily updates. Saturday and Sundays are off, unless of course webnovel offers me a contract. 6: Special Thanks of Mark Alan Saunders for creating this world with me. we sincerely hope you enjoy it. A BlueObsidianGuild Creation.

Anone · Urban
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2 Chs

Falcon-Eagle Industries I

Arome was nervous, his feet slowly tapped a rhythm into the lobby floor as he waited for his turn to be called in for the interview. Like all men, past a certain age, you have to step up and start looking after yourself, get a job, pay the bills, maybe snag a girl and be all right.

Except, of course, reality was a different place than what most would imagine. 75% of the jobs are now automated by robotics and artificial intelligence. Any extra work or job is usually only available off planet, except, of course, if you're one of the few lucky enough to get a job in a corporation on earth.

That was saying something though, four years of college studying Human and Powered Management Logistics. He had studied to be a supers manager. Although many people had called him foolish for picking such a course, he had power of his own too, a little bit of authority and connections to the top. So why not join the hero league?

Arome scoffed, the hero league was a joke, he'd spend his life committing the same crimes he is supposed to fight against. He would be covering up for aliens, demons from other dimensions or just some other idiot who feels the only way to get meaning out of their lives is to leave chaos in the world.

"Mr. Arome the C.O.O will see you now." Arome swallowed, the moment of truth had arrived. And he doubted he was more qualified than any of the people here, but this corporation was trying to start a team of their own and the interviews to find proper managers for their team were intense.

Falcon-Eagle Industrial Corporation has been at the forefront of construction and raw material processing. They were one of the companies that built supe resistant houses, cars, made materials and also made suits for the super population. They were looking to expand their operations into the superhero business, and that was tricky waters.

Nevertheless, each individual manager would be assigned to a super, before answering to a head manager who oversaw the entire team. The job was not that hard. You basically are on the neck and call of your supe, handle logistics, arranged trainers, brand deals, sometimes being a legal representative also helps. Basically, the manager runs a team of workers whose only job is to make sure the supers they are attached to look the best that they possibly can.

Arome stepped into the office that was being used for the test. There were more than a dozen individuals in there. 7 of them were probably the new members of this new super-team, they were in full superhero ensemble wearing a dark blue, white and gold one-piece uniform and half a face mask that covered their lower jaws and kept their identity a secret.

Of course, in this day and age, not all supers had identities that were secret. In fact, most of them could not be bothered with the hassle of keeping a secret identity. Of course, that puts their families and loved ones in danger of retribution, but protection for family members was also part of the manager's job. Basically, it was like building a company around the stock of one individual.

"Please have a seat, Mr.… Arome Idu?"

"Yes sir-thank you sir." He replied as he took a seat before the tribunal that would decide his fate and future.

By this point in time, there was no turning back for him. That was all he could do now. Five years in this country, an immigrant coming to college to work hard and finally make a name for himself, and then maybe one day go home and right all the wrongs he had left behind.

"Your name… any relation to the West African royal family? The one where Star Lion comes from?"

It took a lot of willpower for Arome not to scowl at the mention of his younger cousin's name. But still, at this point in time, he didn't have much of a choice. He needed this job, and if he had to rely on old family connections to get it, then he would. He could not completely take himself out of the superhero business, there was just nothing else out there for him. And his family had a name that used to be capable of opening doors, of course not anymore. But lingering sentiments of a bygone era just might be what he needs to get a leg up.

"Yeah… I'm a direct descendant of the Idu Royal Family. Star Lion… is my younger cousin." Short, precise, and to the point, and hopefully that was enough for them, and they could move on with the questions.

"Wait! Are you really Star Lion's cousin? The Banished Prince? That's you right? You were supposed to be in line for the throne, but you were never born with powers, especially the Lion-Star power of your family. What are you doing here, man?"

One of the supers that he might end up managing, spoke up. From her voice he could tell she was excited, and her voice was enough to give her away as a female. He gave her a smile and an answer.

"I'm just looking for a job, ma'am." He said to her, causing a small wave of chuckles to spread across the room.

Arome released a tense breath he had not known he was holding. Sure there was a huge scandal attached to his name, but these days, who do not have a scandal or two of their own attached to their name. Now though, they'd be ready to see if he was qualified, or he was just some spoiled royal brat with no powers to fall back on, but without the sense to back off from the superhero business. Managers were almost always supers too.

"It says here you graduated from Harkenon, the number 1 university in the world, with honors in human and power management. You want to take our jobs or something?" one of the examiners asked. That was good for Arome though. An examiner willing to joke at least means he has a shot, or he could be wrong, and this person is just that jovial.

"On the contrary sir, I don't think I have enough qualifications to fill any of your shoes. You've had years of study and experience in this business, I'm just a small fish in an ocean looking to the big sharks for guidance." Arome replied with that well-practiced public smile.

"Well you certainly got the flattery aspect down, well moving on, outside of being extensively trained from a young age in public speaking, economy, business, and diplomacy. You have actually seen combat as part of your country's military. You were a part of your kingdom's air force and had an honorable discharge with the rank of Major.

And just for reference to the rest of my colleagues… I've taken the liberty of looking up your information in the UNCH database. Yes you don't have to be so surprised, we have clout like that." Arome raised an eyebrow at the person speaking, a stout woman with glasses, scrolling through a tablet.

She had not even raised her head up from what she was reading to know that Arome had gotten a little confused by the idea of them having access to classified files. There were things there he'd rather leave buried in the past, for both his sake and that of his family.

"36 combat missions in 3 years, no powers, yet every mission completed, every target either eliminated, extracted, inserted, or organizations dismantled. We also have to take into consideration that you were 16 when you joined the Air Force.

Trained and cited as exemplary by the UN in espionage, drone piloting, in depth understanding and experience with a variety of military aircraft, strategic planning, infiltration and my personal favorite; Assassination. And all of this with not a single power to your name. In fact, the head of the UN wrote a report on you and I quote-

"One of the most exemplary soldiers on earth, with a significant amount of untapped raw potential, but his lack of any feasible abilities is a detriment and would limit him for the rest of his life. The best soldier is nothing against the weakest hero… powers are everything, and he has none."

Arome tried to keep the smile on his face. Years of practice bore fruit at that moment. The atmosphere had changed suddenly as the woman finally raised her head up to look at him. Arome met her gaze without fail, it was rude to look away after all.

This was a sore spot for him. The lack of powers had been his greatest weakness and limitation. For all of his life, and laying it bare like that, along with everything else he has done that he may or may not be proud of, Arome just felt like his dirty underwear was being shown to the world.

"I am aware of my… shortcomings. But powers or not, I believe my resume speaks for itself. I am probably the most qualified for the job and, depending on the situation, I am capable of incapacitating a super, and if the need calls for it, eliminate them.

As such, even if my client were to find themselves in a situation where a cool head and advanced combat experience is needed, then I'm the best person for the job. The reports in your hands can attest to my diligence and my abilities. I assure you, I am not an investment you will regret making."

The older woman leaned back in her seat and leveled her gaze at Arome. But he held her gaze with a cool and calm manner. She was obviously trying to intimidate him, but Arome would not be shaken, not by her at least.

"I like you, Your highness. You've got the kind of spunk I've not seen in a royal in a very long time. Even without powers, I am sure your people must be very proud of the man you have become-"

Arome gave her a pained smile and shot out the rest of her words. His past was a sore topic, and usually when an interviewer starts with, I like you, then it means they're probably about to reject you.

"-but without powers I'm afraid we can't really-"

Before she could finish, there was a loud screech and the building's intercom came alive. Over the intercom, a couple of people could be heard arguing about who wanted to talk, but eventually the more feminine voice won and got to speak.

"Well HELLO! FALCON-EAGLE INDUSTRIES! Wow! That was so loud, sorry about that everyone."

Arome looked at the interviewers, who were also looking among themselves in confusion. Guess even they had no idea what was going on and who was playing a prank on the intercom. Arome was a little bit worried, every instinct in his body was telling him that something was very wrong or was about to go very wrong.

"Yeah where was I? Un-huh! I said HELLO! Falcon industries, hehehe. This is your invader speaking! I go by the name Cult Mistress Blight-Soul. Co-Leader of the cult of dusk, and we are hereeeee!"

"Call the Police!"

The moment the woman introduced herself, the executives interviewing Arome all started to panic. It didn't matter that their chosen hero team was there, the first instinct was to call the police, who would in turn get in touch with more powerful hero teams.

Arome didn't blame them, even all the way on the other side of the world. He had heard of the husband and wife villainous duo; Mistress Blight-Soul and Master Blight-Heart. Two of the most heinous butchers in modern history. They were known <A > rank supers with very powerful mystic abilities.

They only show up when they've decided to sacrifice innocents to power their mystic powers. Sometimes it's a school, a police station, a church, a hospital, a cinema, the subway, and today a corporate building, and it just so happens to be one that had Arome in it.

"If you look out your window, you will see that the 7th tier spell Dimension Lock is active. There would be no escaping, no communication, no hope, only death. Even as I speak, my minions fill every nook and cranny of this building. So sit tight and wait your turn, they'll get to you soon enough. And to start things off with a bang, those of you on the first floor… how about a house-warming gift... BOOM!"


Okay guys... I've taken time off, tried something new. learned a lot and I like to think that I've grown as a writer. I'm hoping that this novel, and a couple of others currently in development would show that. so for those coming in for the first time, welcome. to my returning readers, how's it been. I really want to crack the code and make this novel something that amazing, for it to grow. I'm taking my time, editing and rewriting and fine running to tell you all the best story... like the way I know I can.

special thanks to My Wife, My Son. for being my rock and always believing in me. a heartfelt thanks to my friend and brother Mark Alan Saunders. the little brother and best friend I've always wanted. the world's we're creating... the world is not ready for them. so welcome everyone to a brand new journey, and this time... we're tearing the roof down.

Thanks for reading everyone.

Anonecreators' thoughts