
The Suns awakening:Dc[Hiatus]

When the Creator said "Let there be light", the Darkness retreated and stayed inactive for unknown ages. The question is did the creator manifest that light or was it there even before him/her. ( This novel will be focused in The lucifer tv series universe, the young justice universe and possibly in the future the marvel universe.)

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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Non Chapter

The next few chapters I will be introducing one of the female leads. I won't spoil, but I can't wait to write her. Also do you guys have any ideas for other Female love intrests for Sol. I've thought of two already but am having a hard time thinking of a third.

P.s: Mazikeen will be more of a big sister then anything else. So Mazikeen is of the table, that includes Trixie to.

I'll be taking this down next chapter.

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