
The Sun King

The war of the Gods and Demons have been going on since the dawn of time. The two side always seek to overthrow the other. The mortals races plead with the Gods, who they so praise and the Demon, who they so fear to put an end to their eternal war. All mortal races cries were invain saved be two of them. The two that were not was the humans and dragons. Human praise Azathoth and dragon praise Io and this was their response they were given "I will come to put an end to this so called eternal war." Thus the The Sun King descended to the mortal plane.

4of7jkids · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Why All things fear the Sun King. The Call of the death goddess.

Narrator: All things know of his existence. A being that is so powerful that shakes all things. His power can warp worlds and shape universes. Beings that can fear will fear him. This why the universe can never be endanger. This is also why the whole army feared him. For he is alone is The Sun king, Io or know to gods and demons, azathoth, the dream sovereign. For he dreamed the day and night into being. Null is state to be a creator and Shadow King a destroyer but this is not the case. In truth there is something much more at work but this all I can say for know.

Narrator: Day 3 progress like normal, they traveling through vast amounts of land and most of this land is in fact paved. They will reach the capital in 2 days. A large group of monsters appeared before them. It seems like the monsters are fighting as an army. Each monster fill weakness of each over and this could quickly overwhelm but in face of absolute power it still would stand no chance. This is the law of this world more powerful one is more they could take on by themselves but in most things power can in fact fail unless that power is absolute. The monsters began their attack but Justin appeared before the monsters. The monsters roared but Justin just let go and his aura ripped through the monsters one after another they fall before him. All the human's army could hear was the cries of agony for the monsters and the over whelming aura that crushed the monsters. All monster felt fear for the first time. The aura that Justin produce made them believed a dragon know stands before them. They were half right but half wrong. Again and again the monster dies but there seems to be no end. Justin realised what this army is. The monster army begain revived again and again by necromancy, a forbidden art which is blasphemous before the heavens, this is because it breaks the nature order. Justin sent out his arua this time increasing the force behind to completely destroy the monsters so they can not be revived and the body restored. The force behind it was so strong that it threaten to destroy not just monsters but the planet itself. This force ripped through the monsters turning them to ash, this is the true force of a dragon aura. Justin now sees the monsters behind all this, Liches or undead kings. A group of 5 Liches.

Liches data


ability:Unnatural life( Can not die unless all undead that are summon are dead) Vengeanful sprits(Uses the power of the spirts that seek vengeance against the living) Unnatural act(instills the fear of death in others) Death goddess's calls(When the 5 liches are killed the goddess of Death is summoned)

Weakness:Light, fire and lighting




Mana: 35000×5




magical defense:1000×5

Justin data

Race: Dragonkin/Human

ability:Learning max(any ability, skill, or magic is used in his presence he can learn to uses), Stat growth boost max, Xp boost max, Mana drain decrease max mana 1/10. stat suppression, Chaos surge,chaos ring(physical Damage is done back to the attacker) Dark void(magic damage is done back to the attacker) Life steal(Half of all damage done is come back as health) Darken day (Light magic has no effect on him)living wall(Take neutral damage aginst all attacks and can not take crit hits)Unbreakable will(immune for negative stat changes)Preemptive strike(Always strikes first) Pierce(All damage break through sheilds) Heavy push(Physical damage increases by weight)True state(take form of a dragon all stats increase 800% but enter a state were is magic and skills are unstable and can fail)


Emotion:hope and love




Mana: 35000000(2)




magical defense:100000(10)

Battle start Justin abilities. Liches abilities. Justin strikes with lv10 sun force, an overwhelming aura that crushes the enemies. vengeanful spirit tries to protect the Liches. Pierce take effect. Liches all drop to 0 health.

15 lv gain


Soul pendent

Pendent that general owned by a lead necromancer or lead liches. boast mana and magic damage 2 fould

Magic cores(5)SR

Justin data

Race: Dragonkin/Human

ability:Learning max(any ability, skill, or magic is used in his presence he can learn to uses), Stat growth boost max, Xp boost max, Mana drain decrease max mana 1/10. stat suppression, Chaos surge,chaos ring(physical Damage is done back to the attacker) Dark void(magic damage is done back to the attacker) Life steal(Half of all damage done is come back as health) Darken day (Light magic has no effect on him)living wall(Take neutral damage aginst all attacks and can not take crit hits)Unbreakable will(immune for negative stat changes)Preemptive strike(Always strikes first) Pierce(All damage break through sheilds) Heavy push(Physical damage increases by weight)True state(take form of a dragon all stats increase 800% but enter a state were is magic and skills are unstable and can fail)Necromancer set:Unnatural life( Can not die unless all undead that are summon are dead) Vengeanful sprits(Uses the power of the spirts that seek vengeance against the living) Unnatural act(instills the fear of death in others) Death goddess's calls(When the 5 liches are killed the goddess of Death is summoned)


Emotion:hope and love




Mana: 90000000(4)




magical defense:200000(10)

Liches spirtes:how is this possible? We are immortal so long as our undead stand, yet he defeated us so easily. This is not possible for anyone. We can not died because we are protected by goddess of death yet you still killed us. Death does not have a claim on us. how is this possible? Death goddess hear our call the spirites seek vengeance.

Justin:Show yourself I know your hear, Rosaline, goddess of death

Rosaline :So a human killed monsters that, I the goddess of death said I have no claim. Yea a human know my real name. Ha ha ha. Very interesting. Ha ha ha.

Narrator: Rosaline smiles as she appears before them. Her's aura strikes fear in all in front of her. Wielding a Blade made of darkness.

Rosaline: This is the first time I came to this planet in the last several hundred years yet a human still knows my real name ha ha ha. Most of the time they would remember the other gods and godesses, who bring life and light ye a human still call my name.

Justin:Light and darkness. Life and death. Creation and destruction. Two sides of same coin without one the other can not exist. But I do have on question, why do allow things to exist that is aginst the nature Order?,

Rosaline: I do not

Justin:What about the undead? Is it not blasphemy aginst the heavens. I know they were not your creation yet, you said you do not have a claim on them.

Rosaline: It a long story.

Justin:Realy, Because I think that it simple. The undead were begins that sot power for the beginning they praise the Shadow King, the lord of shadow that would be only way for the law to changed because Null would not act to try to change an immortal and eternal law.

Rosaline:You know but why did you ask?

Justin:Simple, I wanted to make a pretty girl studor

Rosaline:(Blushes) Me, pretty. How can Someone how rules and simplelisses death be pretty.

Justin:(Laughs) You do not know beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Rosaline: (Blushes even more)(He will be mine) (so she thought)(But then she realizes how he is)(A mortal that is descent to surpass the laws, the Sun King. She smiles more the reason to come with him and him before any other goddess does) Justin or should I call you Sun King, Io or even

azathoth, the dream sovereign. Where are you going o child of myth?

Justin:Rosaline goddess of death, second daughter of the god king Helm, Ruler of light and Alice, goddess of darkness. So you know child yet you call me a myth (ha ha ha) truly you call me a myth yet I stand before you but to human you gods and demons are both myths. Begins that were lost in the flow of time because your endless aginst one another. It is stated to be war of light aginst darkness but then because of the birth of Alice first daughter of previous king and wife of the current it was change to a war of holy verses demonic. Such is what your so called war know as Ragnarok became, the so called final battle and war but the problem is truly just one really long war with a bunch of ceasefires or is not just one war. O by the way I going to Crimson empire's capital. Well see you goddess of death.


Justin:What is it?

Rosaline:I wish to come with you.

Justin:Fine but make sure no one apart for me can see you unless I ask for them to be able to see you.

Rosaline:O.k(Blushes and laughts happily)Ha ha ha