
The Sun King

The war of the Gods and Demons have been going on since the dawn of time. The two side always seek to overthrow the other. The mortals races plead with the Gods, who they so praise and the Demon, who they so fear to put an end to their eternal war. All mortal races cries were invain saved be two of them. The two that were not was the humans and dragons. Human praise Azathoth and dragon praise Io and this was their response they were given "I will come to put an end to this so called eternal war." Thus the The Sun King descended to the mortal plane.

4of7jkids · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The creation story by the dragons and origin of the Sun King.

Justin: I think I will read a book until they finish packing so we can all make it to capital after all momster gernally will attack small groups. I think I read about the dragon's creation story.

Narrator: Dragons are a mysterious race, recorded states that first dragon was born for Null and form the first dragon, 2 dragon where then born. One dragon is of light, Bahamut and the other is of darkness, Tiamunt. These two sides are always at odds but not as most people might suspect, they both seek the love of their father, which is the first dragon or Io, the god of dragons, creation and, balance. Io used the remainder of his power to create relics to protect the world when he is not there to. Io's life force was slowly fading, he then told his children a story, yea even prophecy and it was called the rise of the everlasting sun. "The sun cast it light and moon cast it also.They have been stated to shine on forever and evermore and nothing can take their light but this will not always be and they will loose their light and will fail the world. The world will be in danger and Shadow King's force will have a claim but fear him not for a hope would be born in the mortal plane.This child would have power over the law and drive back the Shadow King and his force. He will change the law forever more and the sun will cast it light without fail. This child will take the name The Sun King or the Lawless One and will save all. He and I are one and I must rest."

As Io said his last words, Bahamut and Tiamunt creation began and this allowed the dragon race to come into begin. The land where Io died is a hallowed land to the dragons and they believe this is where Io will reture to gain greater power than he ever had, yea even enough to defy the law and become greater still by taking the power the relics he created to finally end the unjust laws and save all.

Justin:(Asking himself)There seems to be more to story but it written here. Like why the dragons referred to Io as a creator god, when it state he is mortal and was form for Null's power or the prophecy they told different than the human prophecy concerning me and states that I and Io are one and the same but I do not have dragon blood. I have to look more into this.

General Fire: Justin are you done reading, we need to get to capital, the emperor want to see you.

Justin:Ok I think I done and by the way that was not my fault I was just reading because I was waiting for you and your soldiers to finish packing.

General Fire:(Rolling his eyes) Fine, whatever we need to go ok.(We just need to get him to capital and we will be done with him)

Narrator: As they begin their journey to the capital they found more and more monster on their way but most very low level. The strongest on day one was but lv. 10. Day two on the other hand.

Justin:(Smiling) Seams like I can let loose again this monster. It should not die in one hit.

Dark Golem


ability:living wall(Take neutral damage aginst all attacks and can not take crit hits)Unbreaking will(immune for negative stat changes)Preemptive strike(Always strikes first) Pierce(All damage break through sheilds) Heavy push(Physical damage increases by weight) choas ring and life steal.

weakness:Water and light


lv 45






magical defense:50000



ability:Learning max(any ability, skill, or magic is used in his presence he can learn to uses), Stat growth boost max, Xp boost max, Mana drain decrease max mana 1/10. stat suppression, Choas surge, choas ring(physical Damage is done back to the attacker) Dark void(magic damage is done back to the attacker) Life steal(Half of all damage done is come back as health) Darken day (Light magic has no effect on him)dragon force(Cast shield over entire party)


Emotion:hope and love







magical defense:250000(5)

Battle began

Justin's dragon force activates shielding the party.

Dark Golem strikes with lv3 earthquake

Justin 14999900 health left.

Justin casts lv3 tsunami, summoning a wave of ever increasing water drowning the opposite. 30000 health left. Gernal Fire cast final sword, this pierces thought thick castle walls. 20000 health left. Dark Golem casts repair, 120000 heath left. Justin cast dual stike which allows him to use two spells. Justin cast lv6 final hope, a strike that feel if a star fell on you burning all to ash. health left 20000. Justin cast lv.10 create hope, summons swarm of blades cut anything in it path. 0 heath left battle won

all abilities gained

xp gain 400000

lv gain 8

Justin data


ability:Learning max(any ability, skill, or magic is used in his presence he can learn to uses), Stat growth boost max, Xp boost max, Mana drain decrease max mana 1/10.  stat suppression, Choas surge,choas ring(physical Damage is done back to the attacker) Dark void(magic damage is done back to the attacker) Life steal(Half of all damage done is come back as health) Darken day (Light magic has no effect on him)living wall(Take neutral damage aginst all attacks and can not take crit hits)Unbreaking will(immune for negative stat changes)Preemptive strike(Always strikes first) Pierce(All damage break through sheilds) Heavy push(Physical damage increases by weight)


Emotion:hope and love







magical defense:50000(5)

Dark Golem: Primary objective had been reached, Test has been finished, creator has been found.

Justin:Who is this creator?

Dark Golem: You are the creator. You are Io, the dragon god. The sole creator and all other begin are fallen and lost. Wake up O King of king awake.

Justin:(holding his head) What is happening

Narrator:Justin is seeing memories of the past. Memories of him creating things he did not. Then he saw Golem.

Io:One day I must leave this world and when I am gone you must protect it.

Dark Golem: As you wish

Io:One day I will return to this world in the mortal realm and I will not have any memories of what I have created or who I am. When I return help me to remember who I am.

Dark Golem:As you wish.

Justin:What is this?

Dark Golem:You are seeing your past and what you created. You are Io, First dragon. One of three original entities born for the original spirt. Null, the creator, the Shadow King, the destroyer and you, Io the preserver. Io, you were the strongest of these entities. Your power was infact only slightly lower than both Null and the Shadow King combined.

Justin:Who was the original spirit?

Dark Golem:The original spirit was the orgin of all things. All mater, all souls, even the laws that bind everythings.The original spirit then broken into 3 begins but yours broken again creating one more. I do not have information who this one more is. Null and the Shadow King stopped their fighting to end you and take your power but you turned your power into relics and hid them away but keep some of your divinely to make them believe you have lost and then they turned you into a mortal and your were cast for their presence and the part that was once part of you followed you to the mortal plane.


Narrator:Justin is beginning to witness what has happen so many years ago and knows that Null took the divinely he had left. Null then used it to banish Shadow King to another univese. To make it impossible to interfere with his planes. Justin also remember one of the places he hid one of the relic and the relic is called limitless, for those who understand its power can be infact bondless. The relic holds the information about breaking one limits and changing to become ones true nature. Also hold a stat boost 100% to all stats. Justin Casts item transfer and a mysterious aura has seem to fall form the sky. The aura that this relic resonated shook both heaven and earth. This is because each relic were seal away in a pocket universe, the scaling of the said universe depends on the relic stronger the relic bigger the univese so that the power of the relic could not be felt outside the universe it was sealed in. It should be noted that he set up each relic so only when ever he gain back that said memory relayed to the relic or the universe was endanger it would come, this is why Justin could not summon more that this one relic or no one else could get their hands on them for this is the ultimate safety precaution.

Relic gain

Justin data


ability:Learning max(any ability, skill, or magic is used in his presence he can learn to uses), Stat growth boost max, Xp boost max, Mana drain decrease max mana 1/10.  stat suppression, Choas surge,choas ring(physical Damage is done back to the attacker) Dark void(magic damage is done back to the attacker) Life steal(Half of all damage done is come back as health) Darken day (Light magic has no effect on him)living wall(Take neutral damage aginst all attacks and can not take crit hits)Unbreaking will(immune for negative stat changes)Preemptive strike(Always strikes first) Pierce(All damage break through sheilds) Heavy push(Physical damage increases by weight)True state(take form of a dragon all stats increase 800% but enter a state were is magic and skills are unstable and can fail)


Emotion:hope and love








magical defense:100000(10)

Narrator:It should be noted that no knew how powerful Justin. Also they only knew the legends about the Sun King and he has the power to defy the laws themselves. Justin's power was infact stated to be the fastest growing of any begins and infact because he became a mortal his power's growth rate only increased.

Gernal Fire:(Standing their is disbelief)What was that just know?

Justin:That was a relic and come on, do we not still need to get to capital?

Narrator:The army is visibly shaking in fear of what they just saw. Someone was able to tear a hole in this univese to get to an item in another and that said item visibly shook all were they could see. The army were shocked to such a state that they begain to swet bullets. Justin just begain to laught.

Justin:It looks like you more afraid of me than you were of literal embodiment of fear. Isn't that funny?

Gernal Fire:(In a state of shock) Yea that is

Justin:Am I really that scary?

Gernal Fire:(Just got out of his state of shock) Not you. your power.

Justin:Maybe we should set up camp. Your army look shaken.

Gernal Fire:Yes that probably for the best.