
the sun god

I am the god of light and justice, the god of fire and destruction, the god of life and death, the god of time and space! I am the ruler of the sky, the originator of all things, the source of life, and the destination of everything! I am the symbol of masculinity, the representative of perfection, the great adjective! My light shines on the earth, and my divine power fills the world! I am the sun god!

oni_Wolf · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Seven The Irresistible Charm

"Wait, you miss Prince Charming too?"

Natasha Romanoff laughed wildly for a while, but when she smiled, the smile on her face became stiff, and panic appeared in her eyes at any time.

"Well, that's what I thought too."

Natasha Romanoff yelled.

Only then did she realize that not only Hill, but also her first impression after seeing Wang Hao's face turned out to be the same.

"Mind Control?"

Natasha Romanoff and Hill exchanged glances, then she shook her head again.

"It shouldn't be, this is a surveillance video, can he still apply Mind Control to us through the screen? What's more, we have all received relevant training on Mind Control."

Again, even if there are no creatures like Mutants in this world, there are still a lot of people with super abilities and super powers.


In the archives of S.H.I.E.L.D, there is a huge amount of information on people with extraordinary abilities, and there are many people who are good at Hypnotic Ability control and mental pollution.

Therefore, for spiritual training, this is a compulsory course for S.H.I.E.L.D high level agents.

What's more, it is too scary to connect Mind Control along the network cable, which is far beyond their understanding.

It wasn't until now that Natasha Romanoff and Hill understood where Nick Fury's caution and concern came from.

They are the top agents in the world. Suspicion is their most fundamental trait.

Even the three people in the room will not fully trust each other, because only in this way can they get to this position without being killed.

However, just such three people, when they saw Wang Hao's face, they didn't even communicate face to face.

They don't know, not even Wang Hao.

As the sun god, Wang Hao is originally a symbol of light and justice, and a manifestation of male masculinity. Anyone who has a bright heart will trust him and get close to him.

For women, the image of Wang Hao is almost the image of the dream lover of all women.

You racked your brains, day and night, and conceived a perfect Prince Charming in your mind, but when you saw Wang Hao, you knew he was exactly what you wanted.

Because no matter how perfect you think, you are not as perfect as him!


Just because he is the sun god!

"I think we should pay more attention to him!"

Natasha Romanoff's face was solemn, Wang Hao's charm was obviously more exaggerated for women than for men, if Nick Fury was just hard to produce malice, then Natasha Romanoff and Hill had already reached the point where they expected to be close.

This is too strange, she is Black widow, when she was trained in the red house, in order to prevent the female agent from falling in love and making irrational judgments, the people in the red house even symbolized their female, the organ that breeds life They were all excised.

So she has never been tempted by any man. To put it bluntly, it's like a man cutting off his balls. How can he be tempted?

"Originally, it is most suitable for you to do this matter, but now it seems that I can only come forward in person."

As a flower of S.H.I.E.L.D, Nick Fury's big killer, against male targets, Natasha Romanoff can play a better effect than most male agents.

It's not by showing off their looks, but the nature of men. Unless they are gay, most men have a significantly different attitude towards beautiful women and other men.

But now, I haven't met yet, just watching the surveillance video for a while, Natasha Romanoff's mind is shaken, which makes Nick Fury dare to send her to perform the task of contact.

Three hours later, heading north from New York, Wang Hao took S.H.I.E.L.D's special car to the Peanutton District, and then went around for a while, and finally stopped in front of S.H.I.E.L.D's headquarters.

"Mr. Wang, please!"

The chat along the way was very happy. Although he was ridiculed about his hair, Phil Coulson was in a very good mood, as if he had a long talk with an old friend he hadn't seen for many years.


But when Wang Hao got out of the car, he realized that Phil Coulson was no longer hostile, but it didn't mean that others didn't. There were quite a few snipers and agents hiding around.

Definitely, he didn't care about such small things, the only thing that disappointed him was that he didn't see the widow sister.

"Strange, according to Director Nick Fury's temperament, shouldn't it be Natasha Romanoff Romanoff agent who came to greet me at this time?"

Wang Hao reminded me a little bit, dealing with a group of unsmiling agents is not as fun and enjoyable as dealing with a charming Black widow.

Even if there can't be some super-friendship links, and the other party may be an extreme old driver, but those things are not the only things between men and women. It's interesting to be teased by an old driver, isn't it?

Anyway, Wang Hao in the past didn't have this kind of opportunity, not to mention the level of widowed sisters, even ordinary young ladies had to be teased by him, and most of them would hit a wall.

"Agent Romanov should have other tasks to perform, but Director Nick Fury plans to meet you personally, and he is already waiting upstairs."

Phil Coulson is no stranger to Wang Hao's inadvertent display of excessive understanding of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After three hours of chatting in the car, this kind of stuff has long been known.

"Forget it then, let's talk to Braised Egg."