
the sun god

I am the god of light and justice, the god of fire and destruction, the god of life and death, the god of time and space! I am the ruler of the sky, the originator of all things, the source of life, and the destination of everything! I am the symbol of masculinity, the representative of perfection, the great adjective! My light shines on the earth, and my divine power fills the world! I am the sun god!

oni_Wolf · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Braised Eggs And Big Mom

Through his Acute eyes, Wang Hao has long spotted Nick Fury standing in front of the upstairs window looking at him.

The image of the other party is also not like Samuel Jackson, more serious and rigid, not as humorous as Samuel.

But that's not the point, the point is, he's still a jerk.

"Um, Mr. Wang Hao, braised egg, what exactly is it?"

This was the third time Phil Coulson heard this word, but he didn't ask about it the first two times. He had an intuition that it should be a bad word, but curiosity still prevailed after all.

"Bring your mobile phone. This is a kind of snack. If you have a chance, I will treat you to the flower planter."

Taking Phil Coulson's mobile phone, Wang Hao skillfully opened the Chinese version of Google, searched it, and then showed it to him.


The elevator door opened, Phil Coulson looked at the phone and finally couldn't help laughing, especially when he looked up and saw that his director was facing away from them, the back of that dark and shiny head was exactly like the pictures of marinated eggs found on the phone It's the same.

His laughter suddenly grew louder.


Nick Fury, who originally wanted to pretend to be deep, narrowed his eyes, then turned around, staring at Phil Coulson, who covered his mouth and sneered with one eye.

"Sorry, Chief."

Phil Coulson, who was stared at by Nick Fury's death, quickly restrained his expression, but he couldn't fully control it for a while. The corners of his mouth twisted very strangely, and he looked ridiculous.


"You go down first."

Seeing the appearance of his confidant general, Nick Fury quickly waved him to leave, and turned his head again, only to find that Wang Hao had walked in front of him at some point, looking up and down there.

"Well, it's a real person!"

Wang Hao can not only see things in a farther range by collecting the surrounding light, he can also analyze matter through different spectra in nature.

Like X-rays!

X-ray is an invisible light that cannot be seen by human eyes, but it can, including ultraviolet and infrared rays, etc., so with this Ability, he can also perform functions similar to analyzers, and even see through.

And right now, he's analyzing Nick Fury.

Because he remembered that Nick Fury had duplication.

In the movie, Nick Fury has been replaced by Skrulls, but in the comics there are more, robotic biochemicals, replicants, etc. In the comics, everyone in the Avengers alliance has died. Just this guy, you thought he was dead After a few days, he changed his vest and was resurrected again.

However, the world he came to is indeed more biased towards the plot of the movie. The Nick Fury in front of him is a real person, not an alien or a robot biochemical man.

Then Wang Hao turned to another topic.

"Do you have a picture of Carol? Show me."

The bright smile does not contain the slightest hostility, giving people a feeling of spring breeze. Nick Fury may not be called a good person, but he definitely yearns for light in his heart and hopes that the world will be peaceful.

Therefore, he will naturally be infected by the bright breath of Wang Hao.


This is not Mind Control.

It's like when you see a beautiful woman and you think she is beautiful, it is because she is beautiful.

And now when Nick Fury sees Wang Hao, he will feel that Wang Hao is a good person, bright and just.

Because now Wang Hao represents light and justice.

This is far higher level than Mind Control, so even people like Nick Fury and Natasha Romanoff who have been trained by Mind Control cannot resist it.

"Carol, which Carol?"

Nick Fury didn't notice any abnormalities. Facing Wang Hao's question, he replied casually, just like an old friend who has known him for many years, with a relaxed tone.

"Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel!"

Wanting to see Carol's photos is naturally not Wang Hao's brain, he just wants to see if this world is Aunt Marvel.

Personally, he still prefers gentle girls who are soft, cute and obedient. Carol's design is for the so-called female fist characters. No matter how beautiful they are, they are not his style!

However, Wang Hao's inquiry made Nick Fury further deepen his doubts.

He has already learned from Phil Coulson's report that Wang Hao may have a deep understanding of S.H.I.E.L.D, but he did not expect that the understanding has reached this level.

Carol Danvers, Project Pegasus and Captain Marvel, that's not a secret that just anybody can get.

"Her photo is in the file Curry, and there is no digital version!"


Nick Fury shook his head.

Some confidential information will not be uploaded to the network. It is either stored in paper or stored in a storage device isolated from the network.

And Carroll's file clearly falls into this category.

Wang Hao didn't insist on this, but was just slightly disappointed.

"Then Mr. Wang Hao, should we discuss your origin now?"

Seeing Wang Hao sitting on the sofa a little bored, Nick Fury asked.

After several hours of driving, Phil Coulson has compiled a large amount of information.

For example, Chinese-American appearance, obvious Chinese-American habits and tone of voice, etc., for the unexpected understanding of S.H.I.E.L.D, the identity is completely unknown, and even similarities do not exist.

There is also a complete disregard for the escort of the S.H.I.E.L.D agent, plus Flight's Ability, it can be judged that it is fearless, so it is powerful and so on.

But Nick Fury still wants to get more comprehensive information from Wang Hao, which is also his job.

In this regard, Wang Hao also confessed very frankly.

"I am a god, the sun god!"