
Chapter 1.

(Boy) - Mom, why didn't anyone come to my party? - the boy asked taking off his birthday hat.

(Mother) - It may be that something must have happened, or they forgot ...

(Boy) - Is it because I did it with Jack?

(Mother) - Or so. But Jake, you didn't mean it. They know that. Sometime they see.

Jake knew they were afraid of him. And breaking the arm of the only child who played with him, did not help much to improve the situation. For a nine-year-old boy, he didn't do all that scorn well.

He spent a few more hours staring at the window. Nobody came to your party. Her body heated up, crying, she ran out of her house. He ran to a playground, where his father took him. He sat on the swing, just cried, feeling empty. He spent a few hours there.

(Girl boy. Why are you crying? - a blonde girl with blue eyes approached Jake.

(Jake) - It is none of your business. he replied arrogantly. - Why do you care?

(Girl) - I don't like to see someone sad. An important person taught me that hope comes in a smile.

This moved the boy, his sadness started to go away. She smiled at him.

(Girl) - You know, I'm new here in Los Angeles. My father is helping to build the US University of Heroes. So I don't have any friends yet, do you want to be my friend?

(Jake) - Yes ... yes. - replied embarrassed.

(Girl) - Good. My name is Melissa and yours?

(Jake) - Jake.

(Melissa) - Legal name. Do you have individuality?

(Jake) - I have, but I don't use ...

(Melissa) - Why ?!

(Jake) - Me, I always end up hurting people. I have no control.

(Melissa) - But if you controlled it, you could become a hero.

(Jake) - Hero?

(Melissa) - Yes. Doing good, instead of hurting, saving people. Just like All Might.

(Jake) - Who?

(Melissa) - The greatest hero of all. - he said taking a cell phone out of his pocket. Showing a video of him.

(Jake) - Wow! He managed to save all these people, without fail. But what did he say?

(Melissa) - He said. "Okay, why am I here," - said getting up, doing a heroic pose.

Jake laughed.

(Jake) - You are an idiot. - he said while laughing.

(Melissa) - I have to train, for when I awaken my powers, to be a hero.

(Jake) - Aren't you awake yet?

(Melissa) - No. - stared at the sunset. - But I know that even if I don't have an individuality, I will be able to help people.

Jake saw the gleam in her eyes. The determination and courage he lacked. He just smiled, wiping away tears. Thanking the new friend who had won.

So they started meeting each other every day. She felt more mature because of the two years of difference. He pulled Jake into his hero fantasies. They saw the great deeds of All Might and dreamed of doing the same. When they realized the months passed.

Jake came back from school. He ate his sandwich quickly and ran off to find his friend. I was wondering what adventure that day would be. Arriving at the playground, he saw his friend. She was sitting on the slide. His face was sad.

(Jake) - Melissa? - Asked approaching - All right?

(Melissa) - No.

(Jake) - What do you mean? Today we have to defeat the swamp monster of ...

(Melissa) - Today there won't be.

(Jake) - Why?

(Melissa) - My father wants me to pack my things. For change.

(Jake) - Change? To where ? Suddenly? he asked desperately.

(Melissa) - Yes, we will move. He finished his part in the construction. Now let's go to another place. He didn't tell me details.

Jake felt lost, looked aimlessly at things, sat on a bench nearby.

(Jake) - I'll be alone ...

Melissa punched him in the head.

(Melissa) - Don't be a coward. Get yourself together. - he said that, with tears in his eyes. - Have the courage to face problems without me.

He was silent. She takes something out of her pocket. There were two bracelets from All Might. You took his arm.

(Melissa) - I want you to have this. It will be the symbol of our friendship. Representing that it will never be forgotten.

(Jake) - Yes.

(Melissa) - Jake, promise me something.

(Jake) - Anything ...

(Melissa) - Please, enter the UA, do not be afraid, you have courage, a good heart, become a hero. I believe you. Promise me?

(Jake) - I think so, I'll try. But and you?

(Melissa) - I promise to help you when you are a great hero. With or without powers.

(Jake) - Sure. I'll be waiting for you.

(Melissa) - Really good.

The two stared at each other for a while. They didn't know what to say.

(Melissa) - Well this is goodbye right?

(Jake) - I don't think so. It was what my father said, it is never a goodbye but a to the next .

Melissa smiled.

(Melissa) - You are right. See you later. - he said running towards the exit. But she stopped coming back to Jake, giving him a kiss on the cheek - Give your best.

She left, Jake just accompanied her until he was out of sight. He stared at the sun, clenching his fists.


He shouted, running out of there to his house.