
Chapter 2

Six years have passed since that day. AU admissions were only a few days away. The boy was in doubt, as he still did not know how to control his individuality. His fear only increased, of losing control. The only thing he learned was to suppress his power as much as possible. Not exalting yourself with feelings.

Jake was sitting on his bed reading a book. When someone knocks on the door, he asks to enter. A tall, white man, military cut, black cloak mask in hand. Six American ranking hero, Dark Hunter, but for Jake, Uncle Phillip.

* Hero Archive: Dark Hunter. Name : Phillip Davis.

Height: 6'4 '; Birthday: March 3; Individuality: Ability to stay focused and teleport where you are focused. *

He sat next to his nephew.

(Phill) - How are you champion?

(Jake) - Yes, uncle. But what do you need? Shouldn't you be on a mission? he asked, taking his attention off the book.

(Phill) - I heard that the registration for the UA opened ...

(Jake) - I have no interest. - he replied calmly.

(Phill) - How can I not? Didn't you want to be a hero until recently?

(Jake) - I don't want to, I have no reason to study there.

(Phill) - Are you afraid of losing control? It's all right . I knew I would think so. So I already talked to the director, no need to worry, if you want you can enter the support course ...

(Jake) - No.

(Phill) - Why?

(Jake) - Boring course. - commented lying on the bed.

(Phill) - Jake, at least try, it will be a good opportunity. Do it for everyone who believes in you, like Me, your mother and who did, like your father.

Jake stared at the ceiling for a moment. He thought of everyone, his mother, his late father, his uncle. Melissa.

"(Melissa) - Please, enter the AU, don't be afraid, you have courage, a good heart, become a hero. I believe in you. Promise me?"

(Jake) - I'll try. But if I don't like it, I will leave.

(Phill) - Good boy. - he said getting up. - I will make your registration, the proof will be in a month. Better get ready.

Jake just smiled. Your uncle left the room. The boy stared at the window for a while.

(Jake) - I will keep my promise Melissa. But in another way. - thought.

A month has passed. Jake didn't seem nervous about taking the test. I just wanted it to be over soon. The race ended in the minimum time.

On the way out, he found some boys who were studying with him. Luke and Oliver.

(Luke) - Look at that. It's not Jake breaking bones.

(Jake) - Don't fill it.- he muttered, putting his hand in his pocket.

(Oliver) - Did you come here to enter the hero class?

(Jake) - No.

(Luke) - Of course not. It is impossible for him to be a hero. I was going to lose control and attack the citizens too.

(Oliver) - Certainly a villain.

They both laughed. Jake was angry. He needed to calm down. He pulled the air slowly. When he released it, steam came out of his mouth. He left without answering them.

After two weeks the results came out. Jake Davis, second place for the support course.