
The Summoner’s Legacy

nokiaeee · Fantasy
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Chapter 003: The Hidden Realm

Joon Seo spent the next few weeks honing his summoning magic and exploring the summoning world with Sky by his side. He had learned a great deal from Ryoichi and the other summoners he had met, but he still had much to learn.

One day, as Joon and Sky were exploring a dense forest, they stumbled upon a hidden clearing. In the center of the clearing was a shimmering portal, surrounded by strange symbols and glowing runes.

Joon had never seen anything like it before. He approached the portal cautiously, with Sky by his side. As he got closer, he could feel a strange energy emanating from the portal. It was as if the portal was alive.

Joon knew that he had to explore the portal, but he also knew that it was dangerous. He took a deep breath and stepped through the portal, with Sky following close behind.

As Joon emerged on the other side of the portal, he found himself in a strange and wondrous realm. The sky was a deep shade of purple, and the trees were made of a shimmering crystal that seemed to glow from within. The air was filled with the sound of strange creatures, and Joon could feel a sense of magic coursing through his veins.

He looked around, feeling a sense of awe and wonder. He knew that he had stumbled upon something truly special.

As Joon explored the realm, he soon came to realize that this was no ordinary place. It was a realm of pure magic, where the laws of physics and reality did not apply. He saw creatures that he had never seen before, with wings and horns and eyes that glowed in the dark. He felt a sense of excitement and fear, knowing that he was in the presence of beings of immense power.

As Joon and Sky continued to explore the realm, they came across a group of summoners who were performing a ritual. The summoners were dressed in dark robes, and their faces were hidden behind masks. Joon watched as they chanted incantations and performed complex gestures, summoning forth a creature of pure shadow.

Joon felt a sense of unease as he watched the summoners. He knew that they were dabbling in dangerous magic, and he wanted nothing to do with them. He turned to leave, but as he did, one of the summoners spotted him.

"Who goes there?" said the summoner, his voice echoing through the clearing.

Joon froze, feeling a sense of panic. He knew that he was in trouble.

"Identify yourself," said the summoner, his voice growing more menacing.

Joon took a deep breath and stepped forward, holding Sky close to his chest.

"My name is Joon Seo," he said. "I am a summoner, and I mean no harm."

The summoner studied Joon for a moment, and then nodded.

"Very well," he said. "But know that this is not a place for the weak of heart. The magic of this realm is powerful and dangerous. You would do well to remember that."

With that, the summoner turned and walked away, his dark robes billowing behind him.

Joon felt a sense of relief as the summoner left. He knew that he had narrowly avoided a dangerous situation. He turned to leave, but as he did, he heard a voice calling out to him.


Joon turned to see a young summoner running towards him. The summoner was dressed in simple robes, and he looked to be about Joon's age.

"Are you Joon Seo?" said the summoner, his voice eager.

Joon nodded, feeling a sense of curiosity. He had never met another summoner his age before.

"My name is Kai," said the summoner. "I saw you watching the ritual, and I wanted to talk to you. I've never seen anyone summon a creature like that before."

Joon felt a sense of excitement. He had always wanted to meet another summoner who shared his passion for magic.

"Let's talk," said Joon, smiling. "I have a feeling we have a lot to share."