
The Summoner’s Legacy

nokiaeee · Fantasy
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Chapter 002: The Feathery Companion

Joon Seo spent the next few days practicing his summoning magic with the help of his feathery companion, Sky. Sky was a young griffin, with golden feathers and piercing blue eyes. Joon had never seen a creature quite like him before, and he was in awe of his power and beauty.

Joon found that he was able to summon Sky more easily than any other creature he had tried before. It was as if Sky was somehow connected to him in a way that other creatures were not. Joon felt a deep sense of pride and responsibility towards Sky. He knew that he had to protect him at all costs.

As Joon practiced, he began to notice that his powers were growing stronger. He was able to summon larger and more powerful creatures, and his control over them had improved. It was as if he had tapped into a well of power that had been dormant within him. Sky seemed to sense this too, and he would often nuzzle against Joon's leg, as if to show his approval.

One day, Joon received a message from a powerful summoner named Ryoichi. The message was cryptic, but it seemed to suggest that Ryoichi wanted to meet with Joon and share his knowledge of the summoning world.

Joon was excited and nervous. He had heard of Ryoichi before, and knew that he was one of the most powerful summoners in the world. He knew that the meeting would be dangerous, but he also knew that he had to go.

Joon packed his bag and set out to meet Ryoichi, with Sky by his side. As he walked, he couldn't help but wonder what secrets Ryoichi held, and what dangers lay ahead.

When Joon arrived at the meeting place, he saw that Ryoichi was accompanied by two other summoners. They were both older than Joon, and their faces were etched with lines of experience.

"Joon Seo, I presume?" said Ryoichi, his voice deep and commanding.

Joon nodded, feeling a sense of unease. He didn't like the way Ryoichi was looking at him, as if he was trying to read his thoughts.

"I have heard great things about your powers," said Ryoichi. "But I have also heard that you are inexperienced and reckless. I have come to offer you my guidance, but know that I will not tolerate any foolishness."

Joon bristled at Ryoichi's tone, but he knew that he had to be respectful. "I am grateful for your offer," he said. "But I have learned much on my own, and I have Sky by my side."

Ryoichi's expression darkened. "Sky," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "A mere griffin? What can he possibly teach you?"

Joon felt a surge of anger. He knew that Sky was more than just a creature. He was his companion and his friend.

"Sky is more than just a creature," said Joon, his voice steady. "He is my companion and my friend. He has taught me more about loyalty and trust than any human ever could."

Ryoichi's eyes narrowed. "Very well," he said. "But know that the path of the summoner is a dangerous one. You will need more than just a feathery companion to survive."

Joon felt a sense of foreboding. He knew that Ryoichi was right. The summoning world was full of dangers, and he was only just beginning to scratch the surface.

As Joon walked away from the meeting, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that Ryoichi was powerful and influential, and that he would not hesitate to use his powers to get what he wanted. Joon knew that he had to be careful, but he also knew that he had to keep moving forward. He had a long journey ahead of him, but he was determined to become the greatest summoner the world had ever seen.