
Unexplained Phenomenon

It was a case of severe panic attack and the only way out was to let the antidepressants take command. Having harmed her hands by smashing off photo frames and her feet by stepping on the shattered glass in rage, the patient, Ruhi, had already worsened her physical as well as mental stability. While she wailed in pain, her tear droplets rolled down her smooth cheeks upon the floor as pearls. It took more than half an hour of continuous efforts and strength for both, Krish and Dhruv to shoot the antidepressants into her veins.

As the temporary treatment took pace, Krish commanded Dhruv to shift Ruhi into the hospital, there and then. Due to two major reasons, first, the condition of the patient being highly fragile and second, that a cardiologist shouldn't be doing a neuropsycharists job!

Though the reasons were upright, Dhruv abruptly denied admitting her to the hospital and pleaded that the treatment be carried on within the privacy of the house itself.

Completely disappointed, Krish left the place and warned him about the sensitivity of the case.

As she reached her apartment she found something strange. The next door apartment was taken up after almost an year of being unoccupied. The owner passed away due to Mysterious reasons and thus the sale of the apartment became difficult due to claims of supernatural possession.

On further queries from the real estate agent, the name of the new owner was revealed as Kartik Oberoi.

The next day, she received Dhruv's call of plead again but this time he claimed it to be easier for her to travel to see the patient as she would be livin' next door.

Krish was still confused and was trying to analyse the situation. She finally thought of a way out and asked Dhruv to wait for a bit longer.

Next thing she knew was to reach out to the best Neuropsycharist she knew, Dr. Aaditya Murthy, a renowned doctor and an ambitious father.

" May we have a word. It's an important case.", Krish called up her father, aka Dr. Aaditya Murthy.

"Within 10, at my office."

It took another 15 mins for her to explain to the doctor about the complete scenario, it's complexities and to her father, about her curiosities. But something unthought of happened. A senior, experienced doctor, who knew the importance of admitting the patient due to physical and mental injuries, agreed to treat her, while letting his daughter stay with the patient as a nurse!

After hearing his decision, Krish quietly left and informed Dhruv about the treatment procedures.

Yet, her curiosities were fierce! Such an act of improper treatment by a responsible doctor was completely unjustified. While struggling to understand the various unexplainable situations and decisions, she encountered another request.

"You shall remain as her nurse whenever you treat her. With Ruhi, be a nurse, without her, it's Dr. Krishna Murthy, as always."

"Another unexplained request!", she thought to herself. But since she's already doing everything to save her, thinking of it as her duty as a doctor, she agreed to this one too.

Since then, she has worked to the best of her abilities, living with all the unresolved curiosities. But the worst of all, none of her hardwork bettered Ruhi's condition till now.