
The Successor System [MOVED TO A NEW LINK]

Thus books has been moved to a new link. Research the name to find. **************** Betrayed by the woman he loved, Art ended up dying with the last thing he saw being her kissing another man. He was filled with regret about how wasted his life was but he was given another chance. [Potential Successor found. Do you wish to accept] He found himself transmigrated into the body of a sixteen-year-old who died, with his body being weak to dislocate just by swinging a sword. Even with something like this, his System delivered a task that seemed impossible. [Become the most powerful mage.] Follow Art on his journey, from being the weakest to the strongest mage in the world. ******************** If you choose to support me, https://www.buymeacoffee.com/khayPhynom Cover isn't mine

Khay_Phynom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

True Weapon Ceremony 1

The next morning, or so he thought. Art let out a yawn before opening his eyes. The first thing he saw was Racheal.

"Hmmm? He stared at her in confusion.

"Good morning Art."

"Is there a problem?" He asked sitting up.

"It would soon be time for your departure."

"Departure?" He was even more confused and so was Racheal.

He stayed in his room throughout the previous day which she believed was either the case or he left and returned as usual but this time without her knowledge. She went with the latter but seeing his reaction, she realized that she was wrong.

"You would all be leaving for the ceremony soon," she said with her eyebrows knitted.

"No, that is meant to happen tomorrow." She always wasn't wrong when delivering information so he wondered if she hit her head somewhere.

Hearing what he said, she was now convinced that he had overslept.

"The announcement for the ceremony was made the day before yesterday and you didn't leave your room yesterday which I failed to realize as I thought you went...… farming."

He had blurted it out on several occasions so she knew what the term farming meant.

"Today is the day of your departure."

Art blinked several times in a stupor.



Some minutes later, Art arrived where everyone had gathered. He received several glances, but no one focused on him for long, as they had a lot on their mind with most feeling nervous now that the day had arrived.

If Art had arrived some seconds after, he would've been late which wouldn't have ended well for him. The punishment given to slackers wasn't something to scoff at.

Now that he settled, he wondered what had led him to sleep for that long. Unlike the time he used magic, he wasn't exhausted in any way, only feeling a bit tired.

Before he could ponder on this, familiar footsteps belonging to Lord Gajeel drifted into their ears.

Rather than the suit he usually wore, he was dressed in casual clothing. A T-shirt, trousers and a pair of shoes. He nodded in satisfaction seeing that they were also dressed casually as per his orders.

Even though the designs and styles were similar to his former world, the materials were not.

They were flexible and danced in the wind like cotton, silk, and others, but if someone who tries to thrust a knife into another person's stomach isn't very strong, it would fail to go through.

Of course, the strength he meant was with humans in his former world. If only they had this, so many lives would have been preserved.

"I see we're all good to go," he interfered before they could do that boring greeting and they all nodded in response.

"Good. Our ride would arrive anytime…. Now."

As the last word left his lips, a jet-like vehicle materialized out of nowhere causing Art's jaw to drop.

Even though the memories of seeing something like this surfaced indicating that this body had seen it before, he couldn't still help but marvel at it.

It was the shape of an arrowhead having two main and several other boosters without wings.

There was also a different kind of booster below which suspended it from the ground. Unlike what you imagine, there was no exhaust being produced, it was just light.

Speaking of light, it had thin streaks running across its black-coloured body and these green streaks seemed to have something running within them, most likely mana. So instead of having wires and cables, the green streaks provided mana to all parts where needed, so it still had that magical touch.

The hatchway opened, inviting them in.

"What are you waiting for? Those weapons aren't going to use themselves."

Hearing Lord Gajeel's voice, they began walking forward, starting with Charles and Iris.

'Hmmm, they really have that leadership and charismatic vibe,'

Art watched as the rest followed behind. He looked behind to see Racheal waving, wishing him the best of luck.

He nodded before tagging along with lord Gajeel right behind him. As they both entered, the hatch closed and levitated higher into the air before turning invisible and zooming off.

They all grabbed seats in different positions and he happened to sit beside Iris without noticing as his attention was focused on the inside of the jet which was similar to the outside but the green streaks were brighter, also serving as a source of light. But he was disappointed about something, he was about to ask but someone did it for him.

"Lord Gajeel, why are all the windows shut?" The person was Kai, just your average guy.

"Well, that's for security measures. You know how dirty people can get," he shrugged.

They didn't mistake his words as accusing any of them as potential traitors because telepaths and other ability users who could gain information against your will were still alive and well.

Art felt disappointed. It's been two weeks since he arrived here and he was still yet to see the outside world for himself.

Even the memories of the former body owner didn't have many details as he was mostly kept indoors for his safety.

Letting out a sigh, he rested his back on the chair before crossing his hands at the back of his neck and closing his eyes. But he sensed something which caused him to open and shift them to the side as he made eye contact with Iris.

'Why does this seem familiar,' he thought before recalling what had happened causing his eyebrow to twitch.

She seemed to have something to say but restrained herself and averted her gaze.

'I guess she wasn't pissed off. At least there's someone a bit mature here.' He came to this conclusion unaware of what was going on in her mind.

Silence reigned from then on out. Even Frigga and his buddies who were usually loud didn't make a sound, they didn't even glance at each other.

This reminded him of how final-year students looked when writing their final exams which decided if they would move on to college. No, this was even worse.

Art could understand how they felt. His situation was even worse than theirs. With his manner core locked till who knows when, he would need to get at least a C-rank weapon that would sustain him for now.

Oh! I forgot to mention. Everything followed the same ranking as beasts and cores, including artifacts, weapons, and even mages. Yes, mages.

All of them here, of course except for Lord Gajeel and whoever was piloting the aircraft, were all E-rank mages. He was at F-rank just some days ago.

According to his knowledge, having a C-rank weapon didn't mean you would get the strength of a C-rank by using it.

It meant that the limit the weapon could grow was to C-rank. He could remember that both his sisters had....

"Well!" Lord Gajeel said bringing them out of their thoughts.

"I'm sorry guys, but it's time."

They all got confused and immediately after a notification from the system appeared.

[Defensive measures activated]

[Strange substance detected]

[Countering substance]


[Host intelligence stat too low]

Just then he began to feel dizzy. Barely able to look around, he noticed that most of them had fallen unconscious, and not being able to hold out much longer, he followed suit.

Lord Gajeel just looked around unfazed with a smile on his face.