
The Successor of The Chaos Bringer

Due to some reason that may or may not involve a truck, a soul finds itself in the void and is given the mantle of Chaos as the successor of Unicron. Watch him move reality to reality to gain strength once more and perhaps finish what Unicron could not unite the entire multiverse as one! Will he succeed? What realities would he jump to? Will he have the heart to sacrifice quadrillions of lives like his predecessor? Find out! I don't own any of the characters, plots, or anything, other than a few OC characters here and there. Everything else has its original creators

CrazyDragonKing · Movies
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11 Chs


It took a couple of hours to get the rest of the stuff excluding the climbing gear. He brought everything back to his place where he found the sleeping bag, as for the water, Hugo used a few old water bottles and filled them up with water from his place.

Packing the stuff in a backpack that he had laying around, after packing and arranging the things he nodded in satisfaction at his work. He looked at his watch and noticed that it was almost lunchtime and he hasn't seen his friends almost for half a day.

'They must have been worried…' Just as this thought was running through his mind, a sound rang through the room. This made Hugo slightly confused for a second only to remember that he had a phone that he left home the entire day.

Looking at the oval little device that was ringing on the far corner of his table Hugo picked it up and answered.

"Hello?" He spoke.

"Yo man, where you been the entire day. We have been trying to contact you since morning." A young male voice spoke from the other side in both relief and frustration.

"Ah, Tanji, sorry I have been busy with a few things this morning that I forgot my phone at home and just got back. How about I meet you guys at our usual spot, lunch is on me as an apology. Okay?" Hugo honestly told his friend that was as close as a brother in his memories.

"Fine, whatever man, I'll tell the rest of the guys this," Tanji replied.

"Cool, see you guys in a few minutes." Hugo then hung up, then pocketed his phone this time. He had really forgotten his phone as he was busy thinking about his plans and the darn thing is just very small to even notice among everything that was in the room.

'Aghh! I can't throw away these things. That would not be good, if I had my powers I would have devoured the useless stuff and made it into fuel.' He sighed in frustration at the clutter in his room, in his old life he wasn't used to all these messes and it was only due to Hugo's memories that he was able to tolerate everything very easily.

With that, he left his place once more along with a moderate amount of cash that he could go and spend with his friends. Perhaps he might even use this chance to ask any of them for some climbing gear, or at least some parts of them if they had any in their places.

As he was midway in the direction of his destination, Hugo finally the machines he had been longing to see. The Centurion, with a military green coat, its four heavy legs moved slowly but steadily as it patrolled the streets, scanning for any problems or bounties that were among the local populace with heavy machine guns at the sides it moved without in the middle of the street as everyone gave way to it.

'Powerful machine almost looks like the ones from the Robo-Cop movie of 2014. But those had two legs and were taller.' Said Hugo as he slowed down his bike to watch the lumbering metal that was one of the only two forms of security left in this era. With hunter-warriors being the other.

Soon it was gone after making a slow and steady turn at the corner down the street. Seeing this, Hugo also proceeded with his journey. Less than 5 minutes later Hugo was at the place that he and his friends hung out to eat and drink. Dismounting and parking his bike, Hugo walked towards the small shop, that much like everything else around here was dilapidated but was clean and comfortable for many that lived here.

"Hugo!" A sweet voice called out to Hugo as he was gazing at the place, he turned to the voice and saw Koyomi. She was a petit and cute Asian human girl with twin tails and black eyes.

"Koyomi! Looking lovable like always." He greeted her back with a gentle smile as she came close to him. He wondered if she and Tanji were dating, as they always seemed more close. As he gazed at her intently. Causing Koyomi to start checking herself, but before she could ask him.

"Man, where you been all day?" Another voice spoke before Koyomi could answer.

'Speak of the devil.' Hugo said as he turned his head looking in the direction of the voice he saw a young light brown colored skin teen, who was as tall as him. With large nappy hair and a bit of stubble on his chin.

"Tanji, a great day to you too." He smiled as he sarcastically greeted. His reply was met with a simple scowl but nothing more.

"Hey let's get in and have lunch and am not passing up the chance of a free meal being bought by Hugo, as he is almost always stingy," Koyomi interjected quickly, she wasn't fond of having these two fight.

"Sure, why don't I see Van and the rest?" Hugo asked, the ones he was asking about were the friends he and Tanji would be with when they jacked parts off cyborgs, he was curious as to why they were around since he called all his friends.

"They said they would come in while," Tanji replied, he had notified the rest of the gang to meet up but they seemed to be caught up with something at that moment telling him that they would be catch up in a while.

"Oh?" Hugo nodded, they soon sat down and ordered, soon they started chatting and laughing, after a few minutes they were all joined by the rest. The gang was harmonious and were all happy at that moment and time.

After finishing they lunch Hugo paid for it, and they didn't hold back at all during the order. But he didn't care at all as he paid the fee. Tanji looked at his face and noticed this anomaly. He knew Hugo's obsession with the sky city and his mentality to always hoard his cash ad spend it frugally. So he didn't hold back and stated what was on his mind to his friend.

"Dude, is it just me or is it that you seem pretty indifferent about spending your money today?" This question caused the rest of the crew to stop whatever they were up to and look at Hugo with questioning gazes.

"Yeah, I too was surprised that you actually decided to buy us lunch." Koyomi threw in her piece as well. She had known Hugo for as long as Tanji had and he was the longest too know him among all their friends.

"There is a reason actually." Hugo said slowly with a serious expression. The rest of the gang felt the seriousness behind his voice and focused.

"I am actually leaving Iron city for a while, so I thought I would take this moment to have fun with you all before telling you guys this as it would be the last time you guys would be seeing me for a while." Hugo honestly laid it out to them, he was sure that he would meet some dissatisfaction but he didn't care as this was for his future and maybe even their survival.

"You can't be serious?!"

"Man what the hell are you even thinking?!"

"Are you crazy, it is dangerous out there!"

He was right, they were not happy. Most because of his safety, am to be truthful Hugo was greatly touched. Compassion and kindness was like a weakness in this place, there was barely any room for it. But the fact that these guys, cared so much meant a lot.

'I will repay their kindness by letting them live peaceful lives in the end.' Hugo vowed mentally.

"Guys relax; I know what am doing, so trust me. This is something I have to do and I will be safe that's all you need to know." He said clearly and slowly with conviction in his words that made the agitated group calm down slightly.

"Then for how long will you be gone?" Ask Koyomi with slight worry in her voice.

"I am not sure, a couple day if not a week or more maybe." He had no actual clue to be honest how long it will take for the process to be complete. As this was a human body, a lot will be done, perhaps it might even take a couple hours or a day.

His reply however was not well met, they didn't quite believe him and looked at him with suspicion. The thing was that whether they want to admit it or not, they always found Hugo like a leader for them. His drive and conviction was deep, his will to get his dream was infections and made this little crew look up to him unconsciously, even Tanji himself though he would never admit it.

"Come on guys, I will be back before you even know it. And things will be like always, if not better." Hugo gave a gentle smile as he lightly patted Koyomi's tender shoulder as she was standing next to him looking at him like an abandoned puppy.

"Fine, be sure to come back in one piece. We don't want any hard body business." Tanji said with arms folded and a frown on his face. This little group was made up of pure humans, no one had and cybernetics on them and they hoped that it would stay so for as long as they could.

'Is this dude a Tsun?' Hugo thought.

"Haha! That I will man" Hugo chuckled.

'I will better than ever too.' He mused in his thoughts.

"Oh yeah before I forget, does any of you have any climbing gear I could borrow until I return?" He suddenly recalled his little predicament, he could search for it across the city but that was if he was out of options.

"Ah, I think I saw one back at my place. I could give it to you." Koyomi answered at the rest of the guys were I deep thought about the strange request.

"Thanks, Koyomi, you just made things a whole lot easier for me," Hugo said as he held her shoulder and looked at her in gratitude.

"It's nothing, it just lays there at home anyways." Koyomi smiled cutely as her dimples made her even more adorable.

"I will bring it back and note that I owe you one, now how about we have a bit more fun?" Hugo said once more to her before turning to the gang and suggesting this. Of course, his question was met with positive replies, and the happy atmosphere was back again.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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