
The Successor of The Chaos Bringer

Due to some reason that may or may not involve a truck, a soul finds itself in the void and is given the mantle of Chaos as the successor of Unicron. Watch him move reality to reality to gain strength once more and perhaps finish what Unicron could not unite the entire multiverse as one! Will he succeed? What realities would he jump to? Will he have the heart to sacrifice quadrillions of lives like his predecessor? Find out! I don't own any of the characters, plots, or anything, other than a few OC characters here and there. Everything else has its original creators

CrazyDragonKing · Movies
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11 Chs


Hugo's suggestion brought about a change on the old man's face as if in contemplation on what to do. For someone that hasbeen thrown away by society, even if this society was run down, it was the best thing he could get as earning cash was not easy. Selling junk might help but getting a quick buck was always a plus for one like him.

"Alright, I hear you. How much are you going to pay me?" The voice of the old man was softer this time as he asked.

'Money does loosen lips, the same can be done against me too so I best get started soon.' He quickly thought.

"How about 500 if you tell me directions, a thousand for a map or 3000 if you guide me yourself. You choose." Hugo laid down his offer and waited for the old man to make his choice, a map and directions were good but it was way better to have someone that knew the paths down there to guide him.

"How far do you want me to guide you" Sticky quickly replied, clearly showing that he was leaning towards leading the young man.

"20 km deep." Hugo said quickly as well.

The old man paused at this reply to thing again, 20 km on the surface was nothing, a regular person can walk that much in a couple hours. But if it is to climb up a mountain or going down deep in the earth the distance was very far.

"I can't do that far, how about 10 km." The old man suggested.

Hugo looked him in the eyes with a raised eye brow, he too knew that it would be very deep, he had original thrown the 20 km to test the old man.

"How about we come to the middle and make it 15 km. After that you come back on your own and I explore the last 5 km by myself." Hugo added.

This made the old man look at Hugo as if he had lost his mind. That world was very dangerous, and this here kid wanted to go on his own.

'His problem, as long as he pays me he can go die for all I care.' Sticky thought quickly then he opened his mouth to reply.

"Fine, we have a deal. Meet me later this evening around 7 pm at the east entrance. Pay half now." Sticky Joe told Hugo as he stretched out his dirty palm towards Hugo.

"A 1500 credits it is then." Hugo dug in his pockets and fished out two stacks of coins. With one hand he removed half of the coins from one stack and handed the one and a half stacks to the old man.

Sticky Joe clasped his metal fingers tightly and pulled back his arm after feeling the coins in his palms. He quickly started counting it, feeling a coin against his face and tasting it?

'Calling him eccentric might be the best word to describe this old man' Hugo mentally noted at the old man's behavior.

"So we will meet at 7 pm as promised okay?" Hugo said, having seen enough of the old man's antics and wanted to make him stop his tests.

"Hmm? Yeah, yeah, go on and get your things in order. We will meet as arranged." The old man was quickly brought out of his thoughts by Hugo and waved him off so he no longer bothers him at the moment. After all they will meet later and he would receive the rest of the cash later.

Hugo just smiled at this and turned around to walk away and leave this place and like the old man said he needed to arrange some stuff for the journey below. He was also certain that the old man wouldn't rat him to anyone, to life this long meant that he knew not to stick his nose into other people's business.

As he was walking, Hugo couldn't help but gaze around and stare with a sharp eye on each trash heap as he passed by without stopping even if he was walking slowly. Soon he was out of the Scrapyard at this pace, with a dejected look on his youthful face.

'I knew it was too much hope, but I could help but have a glimmer of hope that I might see her today.' Hugo reached his bike and got on, he looked ones more on the rubble that rain daily from the people above their heads.

'Just hang on Ali, I will come find you once am strong enough.' With that he rode off to go collect his necessities for the trip to the underworld this evening. And after that, some goodbyes are due to his friends.

With the amount of cash on him it was probably enough to get the stuff he needed. First being a good weapon, since guns were outlawed he could only get a sword or some other cold weapon. Next was some rations and water, just enough for the trip down. And the other would be a flash light and some climbing gear and sleeping bag.

'The weapon I can easily get it by going to bounty hunter weapon maintenance workshops, food I'll just buy at any place. Water I'll fill that up myself, I have a worn sleeping bag in my room. The trouble is the climbing gear, I have no clue were to check that out, might as well hope store to store I guess.' Hugo noted mentally, with that he rode in the direction to get his first item.

The place was close to the Motorball stadium, he remembered seeing a few hunter-warriors enter this place and exit without their weapons only to return a while later for them. Of course because of his profession and history, Hugo never befriended any bounty hunter, always staying far away and gazing them from afar. Which was actually the best choice, one never knew that they were bounty hunters mark. His brother being the best example.

30 minutes of riding across the street brought Hugo to the place, a few blocks ahead from it was the large stadium that was used for the only sport in this era.

'Perhaps I can go try I once I return? Show these fellas how a real alien cyber being does things on the court.' Joked Hugo as he got off and walked towards the entrance that was mildly busy.

Greeting a few acquaintances, Hugo was inside the shop from here he saw that it was both a weapon maintenance as well as a weapon shop. Though the only thing they had available were; swords, staffs, pikes, spears and hammers as well as daggers.

Behind the counter was a middle aged man that was part cyborg; his hands and left eye. He was a big man too, with an intimidating vibe, his only human eye was green and seemed to stare deep into one's soul. This man clearly had a tale to tell, much like everyone here in Iron city.

Hugo could see that other people move about in and out of the place with various equipment too, they would go in deeper to get their stuff done, as for the sales of the shop they seem to be handle by this man here. So without wasting time Hugo approached the man to get his purchase done.

"Hello, is it possible for anyone to buy any of these weapons here?" He first greeted before he got to the point while looking at the man's real eye.

The question made the man stare at him as well as if to evaluate him carefully, anyone in this time would be slightly intimidated by this stare. There seemed to be a sort of pressure behind it, as it bore onto Hugo and it got heavier and heavier with the seconds that ticked by. For Hugo though it was a different story, he felt nothing, other than being creeped out by the stare.

'I would not mind if I was being stared at by a beautiful woman, but the problem is that the one looking at me is a man just doesn't sit right at all bro.' Hugo ranted mentally without changing his expression.

"Hello?" He decided to snap the man out of his stare by waving his hand slightly.

"Hmm?" The trick must have worked as it snapped the man out of what his daze.

"Yes you can buy anything here." The man answered the question with a slight nod.

"Oh great! Can you tell me the prices of the daggers, sword and staff?" Hugo left the thought about asking what the man was looking at and went directly for what he came for.

In the end he was able to buy four daggers and a special retracting spear, walking out of the store with his purchase. He chose these two as; the daggers were easy to hide and the staff looked less threatening other than looking like a stick when the blade is retracted.

Mounting his bike Hugo took off to his next destination, to complete his list. But unknown to Hugo the man who was staring at him come out the moment he rode off. Looking at the youth's receding back the man touched his ear.

"I have found a candidate." He spoke, his eye glimmering at the young man disappearing into the crowd.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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