
The Subversive Queen

Emma_Quick · Fantasy
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Chapter 3: You Must Be Dieythan

(Pronunciation: Die-i-than)

After a few moments of silence I let out a brief sigh and began to stand up. The effects of the dart still lingered making my mind swim and body feel heavy; trying to overcome it, I let out a slight groan and heaved my weighted limbs to the wash bin. Taking off my torn prison rags was the hardest obstacle that I have pursued yet. Trying to pull off my worn pants I stumbled to the ground, a loud thump eching off the little rooms walls as fell on to my knees. Upon impact I let out a dreadful cry, "Bloodily valley smog!" The freshly reopened wounds began to unbearable sting. I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't everything felt heavy and I couldn't bear the weight that I was carrying any longer. The gentle voice of a young man whispered behind me "my goodness miss let me help you" at once I felt a firm arm around my waist and I was picked up from the floor onto the bed once more. I managed to say "you must be Dieythan" at this he slightly smiled. I couldn't help but blush, his caramel complexion made his hazel eyes light fire giving them a radiated golden shine. Then I realized how pitiful I must look with my prison pants down to my ankles and only a light under shirt with dirty pantiyhoes and immediately went to grab the blanket. He sprung Up and frantically explained, "Oh I am sorry I heard you fall and was concerned I didn't realize the situation here" he threw over some bandages "For you knees see you in a bit miss once again I am sorry". Briskly he walked away his face was flushed and I come hear him mummbling somthing about that was stupid to himself. I began to laugh, his reaction was hilariously refreshing because I hadn't seen such a gentleman in a while. "Wait!" I yelled. In a moment he was standing in the front door. "Yes?" I could tell he was nervous by the way he shifted awkwardly. "Could you send your mother back up here, it seems I am in a bit of a situation" He embarrassingly shook his head and walked out of the room. I could slightly hear him tell Sherren what occurred and she walked into the room giggling. "I am sorry my dear my son can be a bit, well, a bit too innocent for his own good" She walked over to me and saw the blood on my knees. "Goodness you're in worse condition than I thought are those whip lashes?" I moved my legs out of view and looked toward the window to hide my face. "Dear what happened you I thought you were in hiding safe, we all thought you were safe". "I am fine. I deserve this ``''My father he.." My words were cut off when Sherren put her hand covering my mouth, "Now listen here, I know you must've seen some tragic events but none of this was your fault we got reports of your fathers death and that he saved and Ryia, however if we had known that was not the case I would have tried to save you" "I am so sorry my queen do not blame yourself" I turned toward her in the morning light the swelling tears in her eyes glowed and my heart hurt seeing such pain surface. For a moment we just sat there in silence when she spoke again "Listen I know I seem unfamiliar but trust me I will do anything to help return the throne into its rightful place, so when your ready you can talk to me on what happened but for now, let me help you out of those rags" "Thank you" I managed to whisper".

The tub water burned against my wounds making me wince. "I know it hurts but trust me I had to put disinfects in the water otherwise you might lose a leg, After All those gashs of yours are dirty and deep, we do not want them getting infected" She began to scrub my face washing the mud off "Ahh would you look at that under the layers of dirt there is a beautiful young lady" This made me laugh, I couldn't help but remember the many times when I was little that I had made havoc in the garden and my mother would tell me the same thing. " Hey" she touch my chin to make me look at her, " you are stronger than you think alright" playfully she sighed and said "don't look so sad my queen, ugh I might have to give you two baths at this rate I will return soon I am going to have Buckley fetch some cleaner water".