
The Subversive Queen

Emma_Quick · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: The Dart and the Frog

After trying about 5 keys in the lock, a small click sounded and the door pushed open. Upon entering, the smell of faeces and dirt wafted over me. My throat, nose, and eyes were burning and I held my breath trying not to gag on the foul stench. I thought to myself, "How is she still alive in this.. this disturbing place."

Reaching Ryia I crouched down next to her and whispered, "do not be alarmed it's me, you're sister Clove, be very quiet there is a sleeping guard who we do not want to disturb." Immediately her eyes flew open and, as soon as she saw me, I could see the tension relax. I drew my hand over her lips clarifying she needed to express her joy later but for now, I needed her to stay silent and alert.

We began to go to one of the exits on the map. I could tell Ryia was exhausted so I silently picked her up on my shoulders and began a steady Jog. I whispered to her "don't worry we are almost there and then everything will be better I promise you." I could feel her shake her head on my back. A tinge of happiness came over me because I was with her once more. I held her legs a little tighter giving her the silent promise that I would never let anything happen to her again.

"Stop right there!" a guard hollered behind me. I didn't turn around because I was almost to the exit. "Clove!" Ryia whispered into my ear, "Clove, he's got a dart gun!" Before her words could properly register in my head, I felt a pain course through the back of my calf.

I made it to the back door, swung it open and kept running. The more distance I put in between us and the prison would increase the chances of survival and if anything, I wanted to get Ryia far enough away so that she would have a chance to live if the dart was filled with poison.

A half an hour flew by before I felt the effects of the dart kick in. I sat down by a log setting Ryia on the ground next to me. My head was swimming and I knew the reason no one came after us was because the dart was probably filled with poison and soon I would be done for. At Least I knew I would die in the brisk night under the stars and free from Veinores grasp. Closing my eyes I began to drift into the darkness but then I felt Ryia put something to my lips, "See clove my alkaline classes weren't useless after all, well if this works anyway." She began singing to me, her voice was sweet as honey and I let my head follow her words into a shallow rest.

I awoke to a tall man standing over me, though it was dark, the lantern he held made it so that I could barely make out his old slender face which was outlined with speckled white hair and a beard to match. He leaned over to a woman who looked almost the same as himself and whispered, "who is she? She looks peculiar with auburn hair and yellow eyes. I didn't know that was a thing! Is it a thing Sherry?" The women seemed just as bewildered except she had a cunning stature that carried her head with most profound diligence.

A course panic sparked through me and I attempted to sit up; my head began swimming and I fell back onto the muddy ground. I could feel the scattered tree brush digging into my hands and knees but I didn't care. I needed to know where my sister was. I tried again to sit up but I had the same aggravating results. The women began to whisper to me "Don't worry my son has already escorted your little friend to our cottage", turning back to the man she exclaimed, "My buckley, I think we have a mighty fine girl in our presence, we should take her to the cottage feed her, then get some answers out of her pretty lil' mouth." Strangely, the woman's voice had no edge, it felt almost inviting but the words she spat made me conclude she wasn't as friendly as her lips portrayed.

I managed to croak from my raspy throat, "where am I?" There was a moment of hesitation before the man exclaimed "would you look at that she sounds like a frog! Doesn't she Sherry! Just like a frog?" The woman let out an irritated sigh "she does but some tea and a nights rest will have her back to her normal self. It looks like this girl decided to go on a vacation in hell for a couple of days, Buckley help me pick her up would you?" He let out an atrous laugh that was more of a hiccup than anything, "vacation in hell that is a good one Sherry!"

At once the two of them hoisted me to my legs; dizziness once more clouded my thoughts and again I began to tumble to my knees but with one swift movement the women caught me and hollered, "Buckley your gonna have to carry her she can barely stand!" At once the man gave her spare hand the lantern and gently picked me up out of the women's stiff grasp into a tender cradle that made me feel like I was but a newborn. I knew that I should try to escape but my body became heavy and after weeks of constant struggle I gave into these strangers and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

The sun began to peek through my eyelids as I woke up to the smell of a freshly brewed pot of tea. "Drink this" the women held the cup to my chapped lips and I whispered a hoarse thank you. "Call me Sherren Ok? You are going to be here for awhile and don't even think of escape as you have already experienced how bad out of this cottage is." I nodded my head and gingerly began to sit up.

The once threatening arora that came from her was dissipating and I built enough courage to ask "who are you and why are you helping me? Do you want something from me as you said earlier you were gonna question me? I-I don't know-" My words were cut off as Sherren moved the cup of tea and shushed me with her slender finger. "My dear I know who you are and I had to put up a good show for Buckley's sake because he is dumber than a box of swamp stones and, bloodily valley smog, if he knew who you were he'd wake the whole village with his dumb roaster lips." I let out a slight chuckle confused but glad the right person recognized who I was. With that said she held my hand and curtsied whispering "welcome back to Norlensburg Princess Cloviana." Tears began to make their way down my rosy cheeks as I recalled the last time someone had spoken my real name, which was when my father was calling to me to run and hide before Veninore raided our kingdom.

Sherren stood up and wiped a tear from my face "my dear do not cry, for everyone has been waiting for you to come of age and take back what rightfully belongs to you. Go get washed up, my son Dieythan and your little friend will be meeting you outside. He will show you around. Clothes are on the wash bin over there." she made a slight gesture to the steaming tub in the corner of the room, "I am certain they will be quite too large on your petite frame but they are better than the torn garments you are wearing now." leaning down she kissed my hand, then with a curtsy, she left me alone in the small room to ponder all the events that had just occurred.