
The Strongest Uchiha [Naruto Fan-Fic]

Watch as a lost soul is reincarnated as Sasuke after getting 3 wishes. Watch as Sasuke will dominate the elemental nations and completely surpass and and all of his predecessors. This is my first time writing a novel and English isn't my first language. Please point out any mistakes and errors so I can fix them as soon as possible. I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. I do not own the cover for this story. If you are the owner and want me to remove it, please contact me.

Sarmad_Nawaz_Malik · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

After finishing up on practicing chakra control for the day, I decided to have lunch before heading out to see the Hokage. Although getting back all the Jutsu from the village at this point was almost impossible, getting some of the scrolls for the Interceptor Style Taijutsu, which is the Uchiha's Taijutsu, was possible.

I headed into the Hokage Tower and asked the secretary there to see the Hokage. After being told that I would have to wait an hour before being able to meet him due to him being in a meeting right now, I decided to head to a nearby park and to practice the Leaf Concentration Exercise in this time.

After the hour was up, I headed back and was able to meet the Hokage. I could also tell that he was shocked when he saw me, since he was able to tell that my chakra reserves had almost tripled since he last saw me.

"My what a surprise to see you here Sasuke. Tell me what it is that I can help you with today."

"I know that you are keeping all the scrolls from my clan library and won't give them to me till I become a ninja. Today I am only here for the taijutsu scrolls since they aren't of any use to someone who doesn't have the sharingan."

"Oh, could it be that you have unlocked your sharingan? I seem to remember that you didn't have it the last time we met, and I don't believe any incident has happened since then that would allow you to awaken your clan doujutsu."

"I have indeed awakened it. Infact, I had already awakened it a month ago, but just didn't realize it at the time."

"Hmm, I see. Well, that's fine I can allow you to take back the taijutsu scrolls with you, but not the others since you may very well hurt yourself."

"We can talk about the other scrolls when the time comes."

After this relatively short but fruitful conversation, I decided to head back to the Compound with the scrolls for the Uchiha Taijutsu style and immediately started practicing it.

After practicing for an hour, I noticed that it was time to go and meet Naruto at Ichiraku Ramen. After getting there, I see that he is already sitting there, and is talking with a teenage girl, who is the daughter of the owner, Ayame. I went and sat next to him, something he didn't even notice as he was so engrossed in telling Ayame about all the different kinds of pranks he likes to play on different people, including but not limited to our Academy instructor Iruka Sensei.

He would have kept going if Ayame hadn't forced him to stop to talk to me and to take my order. It was only at this time that he noticed that I was there.

"Oh!! You came here Sasuke."

"Of course I would come. We agreed yesterday to meet here, so here I am."

I turned to Ayame and ordered 5 bowls of Miso Ramen, since I had decided to increase my intake of calories to ensure my body can keep up with my training.

After talking to Naruto for a bit and telling him about how my day went, which was mostly training, he told me about his day, which mostly just consisted of walking all around Konoha and doing nothing.

"Why don't you use this time to train. We have around 4 years until we become ninja, and this is the best period we will get to increase your strength."

I had 2 reasons for suggesting that Naruto begins training earlier. One was that I genuinely liked him and if he was stronger, he would have an easier time later on. He also had so much potential, especially considering the vast amount of chakra he had. Using shadow clones to train would increase his speed exponentially. The second reason was somewhat selfish as according to my understanding, Indra's and Asura's Chakra was sealed in both of us and can't really be accessed by either of us until we are much stronger. So I would have a much easier time getting the Rinnegan in the future.

Although he was a bit reluctant at first, Naruto agreed when I said that we could train together, and that this could also be considered both spending time with each other and becoming friends as neither of us had any. I soon left after finishing my Ramen and told Naruto to meet me after Academy tomorrow.

After going back to the Uchiha Compound, I had started practicing all the moves of the interceptor style. I stopped when I noticed it was around 9 pm, and immediately set up targets to practice my Shurikenjutsu. After practicing it for an hour, I decided to go to sleep, as giving my body enough time to rest was important not just for training, but for my mental health as well, as just training for 4 years straight without a decent amount of sleep would just drive me insane.

After waking up at 3:45 am the next morning, I quickly brushed my teeth and had a quick breakfast. I was out running laps of Konoha by 4. I was pleasantly surprised by the end of the running that I was able to run 8 and a half laps instead of 8. This was a massive improvement considering I had just started a day ago. Like yesterday, I completely pushed my body to its limit and then some more. Getting a Sage Body really made it easier to train as I didn't have to stop for long periods of time to let my body heal, or to frequently go to the hospital due to overtraining either. This could also make it easier to use the Gates for me as well, since my body would be healing very quickly as well.

After being done with my morning routine by 7:30, I quickly took a shower and had a second breakfast, with this one being much heavier than the one I took earlier. I headed out for the Academy, and reached there just before Iruka Sensei entered and started the class. I very quickly got bored and regretted not bringing some leaves to practice the Leaf Concentration Exercise at this time.

Shortly after classes ended. I met up with Naruto and both of us headed to have lunch at Ichiraku Ramen. After another large meal, both of us headed back to the Uchiha Compound. I started doing the leaf exercise after explaining how to do it and convincing Naruto of the benefits it will provide down the line. Although it took a lot of convincing, he finally relented.

I could hold the leaf for about 30 seconds due to the chakra control practice I had done while waiting for the Hokage. Spending the rest of the afternoon doing the leaf concentration exercise, I was able to hold the leaf for about a minute by the time I stopped.

Naruto was also able to hold the leaf for about 20 seconds by the end of the session, soon after which he left to go back home. His excitement was through the roof since he was able to spend so much time with his friend.

After resting for a bit, I continued with my routine of Taijutsu and shuriken jutsu practice. I fell into this routine of constantly training everyday to push my body beyond its limit. I knew I was in a dangerous position as the last Uchiha as Danzo would be a problem in the future along with Orochimaru soon after becoming a Genin. Being able to kill Orochimaru at the time was a bit unrealistic, but being strong enough to defend myself in that scenario and stop him from putting a cursed mark on me should be possible.


Soon, 6 months pass and I have constantly been increasing my training. I believe my speed and physical strength along with my Taijutsu have already reached Genin level. My Chakra Control is also much better and can now climb trees. The only problem is that I have to constantly practice chakra control due to my chakra reserves increasing drastically in the past 6 months. I might as well be the shinobi with the greatest chakra reserves at this moment since I have more chakra than Shukaku, the one tailed raccoon has. One of the reasons for this is due to me using resistance seals in the last 2 months and constantly increasing them as well. Due to the effects of Sage Body, I was able to train so hard that any person without a healing factor such as mine or Naruto's would have permanently damaged their body.

Speaking of Naruto, he comes and trains chakra control and shuriken jutsu with me once or twice every week, and we meet pretty often at Ichiraku for Dinner. Teuchi agreed to create a ramen dish called Nutritious Special. By ordering around 10 of these everyday, I can get enough nutrition to be able to match any training I put my body through.

I have also mastered all the forms of the Interceptor Fist. The only thing I need now is experience in using it in battle. This is unfortunately something I will have to wait for. I can get some experience with the use of Shadow clones, but even that will be limited and will have to wait until I become a Genin.

I had originally decided to wait a year before learning the shadow clone Jutsu, but have changed my mind and will be starting now. My Chakra Levels have increased much faster than I had thought they would, as I had suspected to reach my current Chakra Levels around a year from now. Another interesting thing I found in the past 6 months was the Naka Shrine. I already knew where it was, and that it had 2 secret rooms you could only enter if you were an Uchiha. It was here that the Clan held their secret meeting, and also here where you could find the stone tablet that started it all.

I was able to find the entrance of the secret rooms due to my sharingan, and found a hidden library here. From what I could tell, this library had all the books and scrolls that the Uchiha Clan Library Had. Why they would do so is something I am not sure of, maybe they planned for this just in case something happened to the library. This helped me a lot as I was able to find both the Shadow Clone and the Multi-Shadow Clone, which are B and A rank kinjutsu respectively.

After training my body constantly for 6 months, I believe I am now ready to start training other aspects of being a ninja, such as nin, ken, gen, and fuinjutsu. I have also realized that having the sharingan's photographic memory along with the ability to see chakra makes learning fuinjutsu much easier.

After learning the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu, I went to my backyard to see how many clones I could safely perform, and found that around 500 was my current limit.

I knew that my training speed would increase dramatically. I sent about 25 of the clones to a rather large lake in the Uchiha Compound to practice and completely master the Great Fireball Technique, the only elemental technique that I know of right now. I spent 100 shadow clones to perform the tree climbing exercise, and a hundred more shadow clones to attack them to make sure that the tree climbing exercise can be done with minimal effort. I spent some 75 shadow clones to the civilian library to read up on the basic information on all the different types fields of being a ninja as well as other theoretical knowledge that may be useful such as knowledge of politics, economics and stuff like that that would help later when I truly become the Clan Head of the Uchiha Clan. Of the remaining 200 clones, I gave 100 of them a leaf and told them to burn them with their Chakra. I had found out that the first stage of elemental manipulation was similar for all the elements, and it's only when you are trying to master advanced manipulation for each element that it starts to differ. The final 100 clones were put up to taijutsu practice as they were divided into pairs of clones. During this time, my Original Body was working on increasing my speed and improving my body since thats the only thing Shadow Clones can't help with.