
The Strongest Uchiha [Naruto Fan-Fic]

Watch as a lost soul is reincarnated as Sasuke after getting 3 wishes. Watch as Sasuke will dominate the elemental nations and completely surpass and and all of his predecessors. This is my first time writing a novel and English isn't my first language. Please point out any mistakes and errors so I can fix them as soon as possible. I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. I do not own the cover for this story. If you are the owner and want me to remove it, please contact me.

Sarmad_Nawaz_Malik · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

After spending most of the morning going through my memories, I decided to have some breakfast before I started to plan ahead and decide on my course of action from now on. After having some eggs and bread for breakfast, I started to think about what to do.

All of the Jutsu from the Uchiha clan had been confiscated by the village under the promise of them being returned when I was old enough. While I wasn't happy about this, I had decided to make the best of my situation and to think about the clan's library after becoming a genin. The most important thing right now would be to practice my taijutsu skills and make sure my body is strong. This would not only make it so that I can excel in taijutsu, but I will also have an extremely large chakra reserve as well.

Before starting anything, I decide to go in front of a mirror and check out my sharingan. And sure enough, after putting a fairly large amount of chakra into my eyes, they changed color from black to red, with three tomoe's visible in each eye. I was quite surprised about the chakra drainage, as it was much greater than I had imagined. Not that I had much issue with it, since I had already discovered increased chakra reserves since I woke up compared to the previous night. I remembered that I only had around genin level chakra reserves when I had gone to sleep, but after waking up and getting my memories, my chakra reserves had jumped to High Chunin or Low Jonin level.

I started to push more chakra into my eyes trying to change it into EMS, and finally succeeded after putting around half of my entire chakra reserves into it. One of the reasons I think it is taking so much chakra is that my control over my chakra is horrible. My reserves had literally tripled overnight, and even before I didn't really have much control over it. I also think it's because I'm just not used to the Sharingan and the Mangekyou Sharingan.

After turning my Sharingan off, I decided to have a walk around the village, as I had been cooped up in the Uchiha compound for over 2 weeks, and had just left to go to the Academy and back. Leaving shortly after noon, I walked around for almost 6 hours, exploring most of the important places in Konoha.

After the sun had set and I was headed back to the Uchiha Compound, I happened to cross by a small restaurant with the sign "Ichiraku Ramen" and immediately recognised it. Although I had never been there, I had known about it due to my recently awakened memories and decided to pay the place a visit considering its reputation in the anime. I was also somewhat curious about Naruto and if possible, wanted to meet him as well. And sure enough, when I stepped in, I saw a boy my age with blonde hair and whiskers on his face sitting and eating a bowl of ramen.

I knew Naruto from the academy as well, so I decided to sit next to him. Not expecting anyone to sit next to him, he looked up and was even more shocked when he saw me. The two of us hadn't ever really talked to each other much, heck we didn't even like each other, but I decided to change that and started the conversation.

"Yo, Naruto. Didn't expect to see you here."

"A-ah, yeah… I come here pretty often since this is one of the only places I'm allowed to eat at."

"What do you mean, do other places not let you eat?" I decided to play ignorant and make it look like I didn't know what was happening. And I didn't up until this morning. I only knew that people didn't like Naruto, but had no idea how much they hated him.

"No, they call me a Demon and beat me up if I come into their shops."

Before I could say anything, I heard footsteps and saw a middle aged man come to the counter and say "Oh! A new customer! Welcome. Tell me what would you like to have."

"Hi, can I have 2 bowls of Miso Ramen Please."

"Sure, 2 Miso Ramen coming up."

Deciding to move the conversation away, I asked him what he does in his free time when not in the academy or having ramen here. He responded by telling me about all kinds of pranks he plays on the villagers, especially on the people who call him a Demon and bully him. I asked him about what his dream was and what his plans for the future were, and sure enough, he told me about wanting to become the Hokage and to gain the respect of others. He also mentioned how the Hokage was one of the people who were kind to.

Soon, my food was served, and man, it was heavenly. They really didn't exaggerate when describing it in the anime, and I decided to come here more frequently.

I left there and came back after talking a bit more with Naruto. I offered to hang out more often since neither of us have any friends or family left, and while he was very shocked at first, he was also very quick to accept my offer. I told him that I would come here the same time the next day as well and if he wanted to hang out, we could meet here.

After getting back to the Uchiha Compound, I decided that I need to start preparing and training from tomorrow. Time waits for no one, and if I was even slightly lazy, I might come to regret it down the line. And although I don't intend to kill Itachi for what he did since I know why he did, I will still defeat him and all members of the Akatsuki. And for that I will need to be strong, stronger than anyone. Even after that, there will be the Otsutsuki Clan as well. I would need to awaken the Rinnegan as well, so I would need Asura's Chakra, which I will need from either Naruto or Hashirama Cells, and I am more inclined towards the former.

I make a plan on how to proceed with my training from now on, and decide that starting early and focusing heavily on physical conditioning in the morning would be best, followed by chakra control exercises in the afternoon, some taijutsu practice in the evening and at least an hour of Shuriken and Kunai practice. Deciding to follow this schedule for at least the next few months and to only consider more advanced techniques after building a strong body and a decent chakra control.

Satisfied with my plan, I decided to go to sleep early and set an Alarm for 3:45 am.

After waking up on the next day, I decided to try and see what my body's limit was, especially since it had strengthened a lot since awakening my memories due to gaining the Sage Body.

I decided to see how fast and how much I can run while sprinting. Deciding to run laps around the entirety of Konoha, something that might be able to help me catch the attention of Konoha's taijutsu specialist Might Gai, I set out, which was made even easier since the Uchiha Compound is close to the edge of the village.

I was very surprised as I was able to run at full speed for almost 2 hours straight. I was able to run 8 full laps, which was no joke since a single lap is at least 15 Kilometers. This was extremely astonishing, but I was sure I could do this due to the healing effects of Sage Body.

After resting for about 2 minutes, I started to do Push Ups and kept going on for what felt like hours until I couldn't feel my arms anymore. Even after that I tried to continue, but unfortunately was unable to collapse.

I could feel the tears in my muscles, with many of them seemingly completely destroyed. Such injuries might have been crippling in my previous life, but I could tell they were already healing at a remarkable rate. This reminded me of Naruto's healing factor due to being Kurama's Jinchuriki, or Tsunade's Creation Rebirth, but to a lesser degree.

I kept pushing my body to its limit and beyond for the next few hours until it was 10 am. Having not had breakfast yet, I head back to Uchiha Compound, I prepare a breakfast for at least 5 people and quickly devour it. I noticed while training this morning, but I would be needing to eat a lot more than I was previously doing so to keep up with not just the training, but also the healing from my Sage Body as well.

After finishing breakfast and taking a shower, I decide to spend an hour in the nearby park, since I had already decided that while I would spend most of the next few years training, I would also make sure to relax for some time everyday and to spend time with other people as well, since I don't want to just waste this life on just training and pursuing greater strength.

It was really nice spending some time in the park, enjoying the light breeze and watching the clouds. I could honestly understand why Shikamaru liked this so much. I even made a mental note to join him if I ever see him watching clouds.

While heading back, I came across a shop that was selling ninja tools and items that ninja's would need. I already had a set of Kunai and Shuriken, but I still went in and bought something that I needed to confirm some suspicions.

After getting a piece of Chakra Paper from the shop, I headed back. The shopkeeper was even nice enough to explain how to use it and what each of its effects mean. He said, "Once you put your chakra into this paper, it will tell you your elemental affinity. If the paper cuts in half, you have wind, if it burns to ashes, you have fire, if it becomes wet, you have water, if it crumbles and turns to dust, you have earth, and finally if it crickles up, you have lightning."

I already knew about my fire and lightning affinity from the anime, what I wanted to confirm was if I had water and earth affinity as well since I would be able to awaken wood release in the future, something I had noticed I didn't have right now, but expected to get some time in the future.

And boy was I surprised. As soon as I got back to the Uchiha Compound, I went into my backyard and put chakra into the Chakra Paper. It immediately split into 4 pieces, which shocked me as I was not expecting to see Wind in my affinities. The 4 pieces each burned, got wet, crinkled and turned to dust, showing that I have affinities to all 5 natures. I was expecting to have all 5 only after awakening the Rinnegan and not at this stage. Although I suppose this is extremely good as well, as I can use the next 4 years until graduation to master elemental transformation.

I had decided to start only after 1 year from now to give me some time to improve my body and chakra control before moving to such advanced concepts. I also intend to learn the Shadow Clone Jutsu by then to speed up my training, since mastering all 5 elemental transformations in 3 years is not an easy task either.

I started to work on chakra control soon after, with the Leaf Concentration exercise being the first one that I would be doing. I took a leaf and placed it on my forehead. After directing a small amount of chakra to the place where the leaf was, I was shocked to see the leaf suddenly tear itself apart after 2 seconds. This was an indication that the amount of chakra I had used was way too much. Not giving up, I got over a hundred leaves from a nearby tree and started doing the Leaf Concentration Exercise.

After practicing for hours, I found chakra control to be much harder than I thought. Although I have seen a fair amount of improvement, and I believe that if I work on it everyday for several months, I would be able to reach the required level. By the end of the first day, I was able to hold the leaf for about 20 seconds before it got destroyed.