
The Strongest Uchiha [Naruto Fan-Fic]

Watch as a lost soul is reincarnated as Sasuke after getting 3 wishes. Watch as Sasuke will dominate the elemental nations and completely surpass and and all of his predecessors. This is my first time writing a novel and English isn't my first language. Please point out any mistakes and errors so I can fix them as soon as possible. I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. I do not own the cover for this story. If you are the owner and want me to remove it, please contact me.

Sarmad_Nawaz_Malik · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnation

I woke up in a void. Nothing as far as I could see. I tried to remember something. Anything.

After what seemed like an eternity, I started to remember my life, and obsession with anime and manga. Weirdly enough, that's about all I could remember. No name, no family, nothing else.

After what seemed like years, a bright light flashed and I found myself a room with white walls and nothing else.

As I was wondering what was going on, I heard an extremely loud voice boom, "Oh you who have been chosen for a chance to reincarnate, tell me what world you wish to go to, and I shall allow you any three wishes."

Upon hearing the voice, I thought a bit and said, "I would like to reincarnate in Naruto as Sasuke Uchiha a month after the massacre."

After hearing me, the voice replied, "Very well, now tell me what your wishes are."

I thought about the situation I would be in and said: "For the first wish, I would like to have chakra reserves equivalent to the 9 tailed fox. For my second wish, I would like to have the physique and powers of Hashirama Senju, and for the last wish, I would like to have an Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan when I reincarnate along with a total of 6 powers instead of the normal 2. I would like Amaterasu, Flame Control, both versions of Kamui, Tsukuyomi and Kotoamatsukami."

Hearing my wishes, the voice went silent for a few moments and replied: "Those are acceptable. I will not give you such large chakra reserves immediately though. Your Body would burst like a balloon with too much air in it. As long as you work your body and increase its strength, your chakra reserves will grow along with it at an extraordinary rate. As compensation for not providing the chakra at the time of reincarnation, I will increase the limits of the chakra of your body to the amount the Jubi had, but don't expect to actually get to that point since that is your absolute limit."

Not minding that I had to train for the chakra, I was instead thrilled at the fact that the limit had been increased.

After hearing what the voice had to say, everything blacked out and I woke up. I looked around and found that I was in a room I didn't recognise, but then I felt a huge headache as all of Sasuke's memories flooded into my head. Well, they were technically already there.

I sat there for over an hour as I relived all of Sasuke's life through the memories I had just received. After going through everything, I felt different. I didn't feel as if I had just gotten a new set of memories. I didn't feel like I had taken over this body. It felt like I was always a part of it. Like I had just remembered something I had forgotten before. I was Sasuke.

AN: So Guys, the first chapter will be very short, but I will try to make all the chapters from now on much longer than this one. This one was around 500 words, but I plan to make the future chapters at least 2000 words each if not longer. I also intend to create a lot of new Jutsu and Training exercises as well, so if you guys have any good ideas, I would appreciate it a lot.

Hi guys, this is my first time writing a novel. If you guys see any mistakes, just leave a paragraph comment and I will try to fix it as soon as possible.

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