
Problems with villagers

No 4 year old should have to go through what they've been through, that is a fact. Unfortunately, life has a way of knocking facts right out of the window.

Naruko would have been feeling dead on the inside, if not for Shiro.

Shiro stayed positive, and made her laugh, just to shield her from all that was going on.

Naruko wasn't an idiot though, she saw the hatred in those eyes so many times Naruko got used to it.

The kids showed fear, the Matron showed hatred, she was used to it, Demon Brat...Kyuubi brat! The Adults would always call her.

Naruko clenched her fist tightly, "Why, do they hate me so much, I never done anything to them."

Shiro heard this shook his head sadly, "You are right, you haven't done anything to them.."

He gazed forward, "Don't pay attention to them," he said, "As long as we don't bother them, we should be fine."

All we have to do is stay low, then everything was going to be fine.


1 week later..

It was alright so far. Shiro had enough food, in his inventory, using his Reforge Ultimate slil the food went from old to new, from unfinished, to complete, and every time they ate half, it would be refilled, until they were full.

Right now, they were sleeping soundly against a tree,.


[Konoha civilians and Shinobi closing in]

Shiro's eyes snap open only to see himself surrounded by villagers

Shiro frowned, This was Naruko's birthday.

On Naruko's birthday, the Kyuubi attack happened.

Every year a special type of holiday occurs as they celebrate the Fourth Hokage's defeat of the Kyuubi no Yoko, Aka Kurama. They were mostly protected by the orphanage. So they never experienced this.

"Today is the day you and that demon whore will die!" Mizuki grinned evilly as the crowd cheered.

"For Our loved ones you killed!" A woman next to Mizuki added with pure venom in her tone.

Shiro looked up, and recognized her immediately...

"Mother..." he mumbled under his breath.

"Yes, standing in the front of the crowd, was Mebuki Huruno, along with Mizuki, both of their eyes mirrored the rest of the crowd.

All of them were drunk, so maybe Shiro can use this to his advantage.

He faked an expression of shock making his eyes wide in fear, and looked above them.

"H-Hokage-sama?" Shiro stuttered, "You too?"

There was an instant reaction, using this to his advantage.

Instantly, Shiro used his imagination ability to make himself and Naruko invisible.

Shiro then gently picked up, Naruko who was sleeping soundly. and evactuated the area, he waited using his system's guidence, for everything to die down.

When everything was over and the drunkness was gone., he turned himself visible once more.

His system will notify him of oncoming danger. So, when everything was over, he had nothing to worry about.

Tired, he slowly drifted himself to sleep.