


Shiro was found, and taken to the orphanage where he met many of orphans.

Did he get along with those orphans?


They bullied Shiro, called him a freak, only because of his huge forehead, they thought it was to big for it to be human. That's when he met her...Naruko Uzumaki.

She stood up for him, well, he didn't care if she didn't but if he were to beat up the kids himself, he would have had some eyes on him, and he didn't like that. So, he allowed himself to be bullied.

Is it really bullying if it doesn't effect you at all?

Shiro literally didn't care whether they loved him or hated him.

So what if his forehead was bigger than the average human, he was still better looking then all of them combined.

I mean, just look at his face, his eyes, his hair, it's Salmon, not pink. he is just straight up gorgeous!

So, fuck what they think of him, they are all nobodies anyway.

It was also kind of surprising because Shiro didn't expect in that moment for Naruko to defend him.

Even though he honestly didn't need defending.

What did Naruko look like?

Well, if your thinking she looks exactly like Naruto, with long hair, than your wrong, if anything she could be his little sister, She looks exactly like a younger version of Naruko's sexy Jutsu, but Instead of blond, her hair was Blood red.

Which was so adorable.

Yes, they hung out together.

They became best friends, and got along easily because they had so much in common.

Everyone hated them for something that was out of there control.

1 year later.

Naruko started to develop a huge crush on Shiro, just like Naruto did with Sakura in cannon.

Was it annoying?


Unlike Sakura, who thought Naruto was annoying, and constantly beat him up for the stupidest thing. I mean, Is she dumb?

Naruto was willing to do anything for her, and when I mean anything I mean, ANYTHING, even die for her, but she only thought of him as annoying, eventually she did soften towards him, and considered him like a little brother, But not even a date?

Naruto after everything he had done, deserves at least a chance to get her heart.

Even After Naruto proved he loved her with his own actions.

But Shiro wasn't like his counterpart.

He didn't beat on Naruko at all, and he wasn't annoyed, in the slightest.

it was actually kind of flattering, and he welcomed it.

They just cuddled, and spent time together.

Shiro could understand why, she had a crush on him, they both as he said before, were very similar, and he did not ignore her like the rest of the villagers, nor did his eyes show hatred towards her.

Shiro also in return for what she said, she asked to be his friend, he accepted. He comforted her when she was in her darkest places, and shielded her from the hatred.

As expected, the Hokage came to visit them often.

When he first visited he was rather surprised Shiro was in the orphanage, guess he knew what family Shiro came from. As to be expected of the Hokage.

He smiled at the sight of seeing them cuddled together, and once he left.

Shiro asked his system, and it confirmed it.

Just as He thought, the Hokage thought that Naruko had no problems in the orphanage.

The only reason she has no problems now, is because Shiro is shielding her from the hatred.

Shiro is keeping his eye on him, with his system's help, he knows not to blindly trust the Hokage, he might become a ninja, he might not, the only reason he might do so, is to look after Naruko. If not for her, he wouldn't become a ninja at all.

Honestly the adults in the orphanage started to hate Shiro, because he was with Naruko, they tried to take him away from her, but he would stay by her side, Shiro didn't care about them at all, and refused them, even when they try to say that she was a demon.

Was Shiro training at all?

Yes, he was training every day when nobody was looking, and Naruko was asleep.

Shiro is getting stronger and stronger, as the days go by.