
The strongest student

Jay lost his parents early and grew up in the care of his grandmother. Jay is so excited to be a high school student that he thinks being a high school student is fun. but what he doesn't know is that his life as a high school student will not be easy.

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Chapter 1 - Jay's graduation

The strongest student

chapter 1

jay's graduation

When I was a baby, my parents died in an accident. Their vehicle crashed into a pole because they were fighting on the way home to our residence.

During those times I was under the care of my Grandmother.

I am the only child of my parents, Jim Garcia and Dianna Lopez.

"11 years later"

Grandma, I'm going to school. Where's my pocket?

Grandma - jay this is your pocket

Jay - thank you grandma!

"Caanamongan Elementary School"

Jay - this is my last day and last school as a 6th grader in this school, I'm excited to be in high school hehe.

Teacher gwen - good morning! jay how is your morning

Jay - good morning ma'am Gwen! It's good and I'm happy because I'm going to graduate from grade 6 hehe

Teacher Gwen - Oh, you must be excited to be in high school!? haha, come on inside and take a picture with us for your graduation.

Jay - okay ma'am!

"afternoon (4:30pm)"

Teacher gwen - goodbye class see you on the day of your graduation

Students - goodbye ma'am!!!

"coming home"

Grandma - oh jay, you're home

jay - yes Grandma

Grandma - come and I'll prepare you something to eat

"in Jay's mind while eating"

My grandmother is very kind and very caring, she showed and made me feel love even though my parents died early, she was there to take care and support me. and every time I come home from school He always serves food for me and because of that I am a fat and healthy child. I also can't stop eating and grandma's cooking is especially delicious.

"evening (8:30pm)"

Grandma - jay come here what time is it and we'll go to bed early tomorrow and you're not allowed to be late for your graduation

jay - ok, grandma, I'm on my way, I'll just finish feeding the pet dogs

Grandma - go ahead

"graduation day"

Teacher gwen - congratulations to you children because you have graduated I will miss you all, especially Jay is cute and you are still fat haha

jay - No ma'am hehe (embarrassed while saying)

T. Gwen - Grandma Teresita, congratulations because Jay has graduated from elementary school. even if you are the only one supporting him

Lola teresita - That's why I don't know if Jay will be able to go to high school because of my old age, no one will accept me at work

Q. Gwen - is that so (sighs) okay, that's it, Grandma Teresita, I'll take care of Jay's studies until he finishes his studies

Lola teresita - is that so ma'am Gwen thank you very much (said while crying) you are very kind ma'am Gwen thank you very much!

T. gwen - nothing, grandma teresita, as long as it's for you and jay, I'm ready to help

Lola teresita - thank you (said with a smile)

"after graduation"

Grandma teresita - jay come and let's visit the grave of your parents

jay - okay grandma

Grandma Teresita - We are here at the grave of your parents, Jay, what do you want to say to them

jay - mom! dad? I graduated from elementary school. It's a pity that you are not here at this time . You didn't see that I graduated, but even so, I'm thankful because Grandma is here to take care of me, that's all I want to tell you! yet! see you again (cries while saying these words).