
The strongest student

Jay lost his parents early and grew up in the care of his grandmother. Jay is so excited to be a high school student that he thinks being a high school student is fun. but what he doesn't know is that his life as a high school student will not be easy.

JRL_novel · Action
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Chapter 2 - First day of school



first day of school

"1 year later"

first day of being my first year high school here at malacampa national high school. I'm excited to go in because it's the first day of school.

I am very happy because I will have new classmates and friends.

Jay - It's hard to find our room here (room grade 7 ruby). ah here I have seen the grade 7 rooms, where are the 7 rubies here.

grade 7 diamond, emerald, amethyst and yes 7 ruby here

(enters the room)

"By the way, our room is about rocks, when I was in elementary school there were no names and we only had one room (he said in his mind)"

"during class"

ma'am Jen - good morning class I am ma'am Jen who will be your adviser throughout the school year. because it's the first day. Let's introduce ourselves first. You're in front. You go first.

roy - hello, my name is Roy, I live in Malacampa, Camiling, Tarlac, and I'm 12 years old.

ma'am Jen - next!

angel - hi, I'm Angel. I live in Mayantoc, Tarlac, and I'm also 12 years old

"At that time, Jay suddenly looked at the angel as if he saw a very beautiful angel and because of that he had a secret crush on angel."

ma'am Jen - Hey you're wearing a black dress! Hey, you're wearing black! Heyyy!!! (said out loud)

jay - yes ma'am yes ma'am

ma'am Jen - why are You standing there dumbfounded and looking at angel!

"His classmates laughed hard"

ma'am Jen - the first day of school you made me shout, go ahead and introduce yourself

"jay stand up"

jay - h-hello I'm j-jay g-garcia n-nice to m-meet you all (said shyly)

"His classmates are whispering because of his looks"

classmate 1 - look at him, his fat haha (said in a whisper)

classmate 2 - yes, he's fat hahaha (also said in a whisper)

"Almost all of his classmates were whispering about him because he was fat and looked like a loser and because of that, Jay suddenly sat down because of embarrassment."

ma'am Jen - SHUT UP!!! why are you like that to your classmate on the first day and you are behaving like that stop!!!

students - yes ma'am!!!

"and after that, the other students introduced themselves. And when the introductions were over, a student who was tall and had a big body suddenly entered."

ma'am Jen - why are you here now and why are you late?

"The student didn't move"

ma'am Jen - go ahead and introduce yourself first before You sit down

Jose - by the way I'm jose (leaves the front and suddenly sits down

ma'am Jen - really kids Now, who do they think they are (said in a whisper while scratching his head)

RING!!! RING!!! RING!!! (the alarm is ringing)

ma'am Jen - okay class 15 minutes breaktime after 15 minutes go back to the room

"During breaktime"

while Jose was leaving the room, he was suddenly startled and laughed at by his classmates.

Jose - shut up!!! (Jose said loudly). what's funny huh??? you yes you why did you do that???

jay - s-sorry I didn't mean it I didn't notice that you were going to pass by I'm sorry (jay said in fear).

Jose - what sorry!? what Unintentional!?

later after school, come out and follow me (Jose told Jay in a whisper)

"after school"

jose - psst jay! follow me

jay - okay~~~ (scared to say)

"Jose took Jay to comfort room"

Jose - why did you do that to me, and I was embarrassed earlier and laughed at.

jay - I really didn't mean it

Jose - Are you sure? (angry expression)

jay - y~yeah

"Jose suddenly punched Jay's stomach"

jay - AHHHHH!!!!! ugh! ahh! huff! ugh! (jay writhes in pain)

Jose - I'm sorry I didn't mean it (Jose said jokingly)

Jose - Get ready because your whole year in this school will not be good hahaha do you understand? (devilish laughter)

"Jose left suddenly"

jay - argh! argh! the pain of my stomach, let me get rid of the pain first I don't want grandma to see me looking like this.

"coming home"

Grandma teresita - oh jay, how is the first day of school, come and I'll prepare you something to eat

jay - It's okay and tiring too

"jay suddenly sat down and ate"

Grandma teresita - You are very tired and very hungry

jay - thanks for the food

"Time to sleep"

jay - my stomach still hurts. I hope when I wake up the pain will be gone (jay fell asleep suddenly)

"and Jay has no idea what Jose said to him earlier and that's where Jose's bullying of him will begin."