
The Strongest Naruto

A rerun of Naruto. the only difference is Naruto's personality and some slight difference in plot...

JustaLazyGuy · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 29 - Death Flag

Chapter 29 - Death Flag




Naruto instructed "Now!"

Zabuza and Haku nodded and let their chakra travel to Naruto's body, in turn Naruto applied all of their chakra into the seals smoothly, the seals on the house flickered like Christmas lights as they activated.

Zabuza asked as he was running out of chakra "Is it not done yet?" Naruto chuckled as sweat trickled down his forehead "Not yet. It's about to be done."

The array nearly sucked them dry until Naruto said "Done! Phew…"

Zabuza breathed a sigh of relief and asked "How strong is this array to require 3 Jounin level Chakra?"

Naruto laid down on the ground and replied as he lightly laughed "Actually 5 Jounin level chakra. I have four times more chakra than Jounins, as I've observed from your and Kakashi-sensei's chakra, I applied 1 Jounin level chakra for writing and connecting the seals. After that infusing you two's Jounin level chakra and 3 Jounin chakra levels of mine combined."

Naruto chuckled and continued "The sealing power of the array is equivalent to that of an [S-Rank] jutsu."

Zabuza skeptically said "Really?"

Naruto looked at him as he laid down on the ground and deactivated the permission seal of Zabuza and sinisterly said "Don't believe me? Try it for yourself."

Zabuza saw that the seals on the walls lit up signalling its activation and chains made out of chakra appeared from everywhere, the ceiling, the walls, and the ground.

Sounds of chains rustled out from the seals and wrapped itself around Zabuza. It sealed his movements and chakra in the blink of an eye.

"Deactivate it! Brat! I believe you!" Zabuza yelled at Naruto

Naruto chuckled and said "It'll even bound you to the wall"

Zabuza was dragged into the wall by the chains and he was nailed into the wall. "Gah!" Zabuza groaned in pain as he was slammed into the wall.

The wall was reinforced by barrier seals so it didn't break. The chains were wrapped in his neck, hands, and legs and rendered him immovable, it even sealed his chakra so he really couldn't do anything else. Besides talk. Zabuza angrily said "You did that on purpose!"

Naruto chuckled and sat up "That's right. What are you gonna do about it?"

"Deactivate it now!"

Naruto clicked his tongue and sent chakra to the seal through the ground "Tsk! You're no fun."

Haku on the side simply watched and had fun with their interaction, she knew Naruto didn't mean harm but was simply mean to Zabuza

A day later, Zabuza and Haku were bowing before the third hokage wearing Konoha's forehead protector, while Zabuza was still with a mask on.

Hiruzen stared at them and pressured them with his chakra pressure "You understand why I allowed you to stay in the village right?"

Zabuza looked at Hiruzen with an incredulous face 'As expected, even an old hokage is still a hokage.' and replied "Yes. It's because of Naruto."

Hiruzen nodded and dispersed his chakra "Protect Naruto with your life, do not ever betray him, the Konoha village will not let you go and hunt you down wherever you go if you do."

Zabuza laughed like a lunatic he was and replied "You don't have to tell me, I execute my mission perfectly for my client."

Hiruzen nodded and signalled for them to go out. "You can go."

They nodded in reply and went out, Hiruzen sighed as he looked out the window "How the mighty have fallen… Even my chakra reserves have fallen into an elite jounin. I don't have much time left… Should I get Jiraiya to succeed me? No, he won't agree, his research is his priority for him, maybe Tsunade? I'll think about it later…"

Naruto meets up with Sakura and Sasuke waiting for Kakashi "Yo!"

Sakura nodded and replied "Morning, Naruto."

Sasuke silently nodded to Naruto in greeting

Naruto scratched his head and asked "Kakashi-sensei is not here yet?"

Sakura replied "Yeah, you know, Kakashi-sensei. Always late. By the way, Naruto about the barrier seal… how do I apply this formula… and this… to this…? Should I do it like this?" Sakura inquired about the seals she was studying as she showed different variations of tags.

Naruto looked at the seals, Sakura showed him and smiled "You did great, you can continue in the direction you're learning, it's correct. Just ask me anything if you have any more questions."

Sakura smiled happily and said "Yay! I can mass produce barrier seals now! I'll give you some later for the repayment of the seals you gave me."

Naruto nodded and replied "Alright."

After an hour or so, Kakashi appeared with a smile "Hey guys! I got lost!"

Naruto sighed and replied "Alright, can we hurry up?"

Kakashi scratched his head and replied "Alright, let's do some missions."

They proceeded to do a bunch of d-rank missions and after a few hours they're done.

Kakashi said to them as he walked away "Okay, that's it for today. I have to go submit this mission report."

Sasuke replied as he also walked away "Then I'm going home."

Sakura took this chance to try and spend time with Sasuke "Sasuke-kun, wait!"

"Hm?" Sasuke turned his head and asked "What?"

Sakura asked in embarrassment "Should we work on our teamwork?"

Sasuke looked at her from head to toe and said as he walked away "You're weaker than me and Naruto. If you have the time to think about teamwork, work on your individual ability first so you can actually keep up instead of being support all the time."

Sudden stabs from nowhere seemed to have stabbed Sakura in the heart as she replied helplessly "Yes…"

Naruto on the side of Sakura advised "If you have time, you indeed have to increase your individual skills and…"

Sakura looked at Naruto as she awaited what he would say next "And…?"

Naruto chuckled "If you've heard of Sasuke's ambition during the day we introduced ourselves, you know that Sasuke has completely devoted himself to killing someone strong, if you want him to notice you, become someone who could stand on his side instead of behind him."

Sakura looked down and thought 'Can I really do that?'

Naruto then smiled as he advised "if you have time to be depressed, come and follow me and I'll teach you a thing or two in Fuinjutsu."

Sakura was embarrassed that Naruto was able to know what she was thinking and shook her head. Getting ahold of herself she replied "Yes."

As they were walking around Sakura was taking notes as to how she could further improve the current fuinjutsu he learned. Naruto told her that she could make different variation of timer in the explosive tags she creates them and use them in battle, as explosive tags are rarely different in the market, the tags explodes immediately after it's been ignited in their case it's not, they could adjust it as they create it themselves. She can use this to her advantage during battle as the opponent might think that what she bought was defective, not knowing she created it herself.

Sakura's eyes shown at Naruto's battle iq and continued to take notes. Naruto said that she could make her own battle strategy that will fit her fighting style instead of copying him and Sasuke, she could develop a long range battle style if she doesn't get a close combat battle style in the future and even if she did develop a close combat battle style in the future, she can use her long range combat style to get in the way of the ninjas chasing after her when she's retreating.

They discussed a few more and suddenly "As I was saying…" Naruto stopped on the spot and looked at the abnormally large stone in the ground with two holes in front. Naruto sighed and said as he pushed Sakura in the back "Let's go… just ignore it."

Sakura nodded

The abnormally large stone in the middle of the road suddenly revealed 3 young children inside and one of them said "That's the man I see as my rival! It's obvious he would notice something like this."

Naruto heard him and it turns out it was Konohamaru along with probably two friends of his. Naruto sighed and replied "What do you want? Konohamaru?"

Konohamaru excitedly replied "Naruto-niichan! Play ninja with us!"

Naruto replied with a reluctant look "Eh… I don't wanna…"

Konohamaru replied in frustration "Eh??? Why not???" Then saw Sakura who was beside Naruto and tugged on Naruto's clothes with a lewd smile "Not bad, Niichan… She's your…" and showed his pinky finger.

Naruto who looked at Konohamaru had a disgusted face. "You're really the third hokage's grandson, now that you're showing a lewd smile, you look like him."

Konohamaru reacted angrily "What are you talking about? Niichan?? I don't look like that old man!"

Konohamaru decided to drop it and walked away "Sorry to interrupt your date, Niichan."

Naruto replied, "It's not a date."

"Eh? Then why are you walking together with this girl?"

Naruto replied "I'm teaching her fuinjutsu."



"No fair! Teach me too! Naruto-niichan!"




(A/N: Leave a power stone if you like the story, Thanks!)