
The Strongest Naruto

A rerun of Naruto. the only difference is Naruto's personality and some slight difference in plot...

JustaLazyGuy · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 28 - Return to Konoha(2)

Chapter 28 - Return to Konoha(2)




Naruto opened the door and said "We're home!"

Zabuza and Haku nodded as they followed Naruto into his house.

Zabuza observed his house and said "This is your house huh?"

Haku also observed his house in curiosity

Naruto chuckled and replied "Well actually my parents house."

Zabuza asked "Where are your parents?"

Naruto looked down and replied "Dead. They've sacrificed themselves for my sake after I was born."

Zabuza replied not knowing what to say seeing Naruto look sad "Oh…"

Haku also simply looked at Naruto with a sad understanding look

Naruto then chuckled "What? You think I'm sad? The dead is dead, I've already moved on years ago. I have to continue living for their sake so I will become the strongest and live my life to the fullest."

Zabuza breathed a sigh of relief and replied "Tsk… I thought you were really sad."

Naruto replied as he sat down on a chair "I am sad… but there's nothing I can do about them as they've already died. The only thing I can do is to live my life that they've sacrificed their lives for to the fullest. Sit down."

Zabuza and Haku nodded

Naruto wore an imaginary glasses and asked with a calm tone as he looked at Zabuza "Let's talk about your pay."

Zabuza was a bit surprised at Naruto's sudden change meanwhile Haku lightly laughed "Ohk…" before he could finish Naruto interrupted him saying "Before we talk about your pay, you have to consider that I just paid three times your bounty, 18,000,000 ryo to the hokage which equals to 54,000,000 ryo."

Zabuza tensed and looked at Naruto with a forced smile "You… You were serious about that? Where'd you even get that kind of money?"

Naruto shrugged and replied "None of your business. So how much would you like me to pay you?"

Zabuza's eyes twitched at Naruto's answer while Haku was holding her laugh back "How about 1 mill…" Before he could finish again Naruto interrupted him and said with a serious look "1 million ryo a year??? Are you scamming me?!! Even Kakashi-sensei played with you alone and you want me to pay that much??!! You can't even use your sword if you wanted to or you'll give your identity away!! Your strength is halved and you still want me to give you 1 million ryo a year?!?!"

Zabuza stubbornly replied "1 million ryo isn't even that much! Even without the Kubikiribōchō I'm still a jounin!"

Naruto sighed and replied as if he was helpless "Alright, I'll pay you 100,000 ryo a year… Be thankful, you have Haku or I wouldn't even pay you a cent and make you my slave with a seal."

Zabuza stood up angrily and shouted "You brat!"

Naruto bickered with Zabuza for a bit with Haku laughing at their conversation in the background and finally decided at 1 million ryo a year.

"Tsk! Just barely an elite Jounin yet being so stubborn about it. Alright! I'll pay you 1 million ryo a year. Satisfied now?" Naruto sighed

Zabuza sat down on the chair and looked to the side like a tsundere "Tsk!"

"Stretch out your wrists." Naruto said to them

They tilted their head in confusion but still nodded and stretched out their wrists

Naruto marked them with his personal brand of [Flying Thunder God] jutsu seal. "Done."

They took their hands back and changed their faces, Zabuza angrily said to Naruto "What's this seal?"

Naruto sighed and replied "It's my marking. I can teleport to you when I need to. I added a special seal to this jutsu that if you apply chakra to it, it'll inform me that you need me."

Zabuza calmed down and replied "I see… I reacted too rashly, sorry bout that. But you can indeed teleport? That's a high-rank jutsu that only the fourth Hokage can use. How'd you learn it?"

Naruto chuckled as he bragged "I got special exceptions to learn the jutsu."

Zabuza in astonishment said "Still… even if you got special exceptions to learn the jutsu, you learned it at such a young age?"

"Yup! It was easy, I learned it in a day?"

Zabuza in disbelief asked "You learned it in a day????"

Haku also looked at Naruto in amazement

Seeing their reactions, Naruto was amused and said "Yup! I learned it when I got a day off from the mission before we fought again after the first time."

Haku rubbed her chin and asked "But how'd you even get a special exception in the first place? The fourth hokage's jutsu must be S-rank."

Naruto chuckled and replied "I got special permission because the fourth Hokage is my father."

They displayed their astonishment again as they looked at Naruto, so Zabuza asked seriously "Is there anything else we need to know? I'm tired of being shocked."

Naruto chuckled again and said "Nope, nothing that I'm aware of that'll shock you again. But you have to keep it a secret for now, it's top secret, that's why those narrow-minded villagers were looking at me like that despite being the son of the hero who saved the village from the nine-tailed fox. The only reason why I know it's a high ranked official in the village is because it was top secret that the nine-tailed fox was sealed in me."

Zabuza rubbed his chin and said "You're right. Only high ranked officials know such secrets but… your village is more corrupt than I thought despite the state of Konoha that's quite peaceful… I guess corrupt people are anywhere."

Naruto nodded and brought out a [Generic Fuinjutsu] Scroll and gave Zabuza his 1 million "Here's your pay for the year." and Naruto brought out another million and gave it to Haku and smiled "And here's my future wife's allowance for now."

Haku blushed hearing the word 'future wife' and looked down as she nodded

Zabuza's eyes twitched as he thought 'I had to be stubborn to get all that money, and Haku just needed to blush and nod and she got the same. It's really unfair to be a man.'

Naruto then continued "You can go out today, to buy anything you might need, call me if you encounter a problem. Come back at night."

They nodded in reply and went out of the house.

Naruto who was still inside the house with all his tools brought out a huge scroll and thought 'It's not just me this time, I'm sure the person who troubled me all this time will make trouble again. I'll make a seal to make my house the most safe place in Konoha.'

Naruto created a miniature version of the seal around the house inside the scroll and after a few hours he was done. Alarm seals, Confinement seals, binding seals, barrier seals, and etc were included in the huge array of seals. The only thing left was to activate it, at the same time he was done, the door opened and Zabuza said "Yo! We're back."

Haku nodded her head

Naruto replied as he turned his head back to look at them "Oh, you're just in time?"

The two of then looked at Naruto in confusion

Naruto stood up and explained "I'm activating an array of seals around the house, even jounin won't be able to detect it. They'd only realize it when they are already sealed into place."

Zabuza looked again in astonishment "You're that skilled in fuinjutsu too? You said there's nothing we won't be surprised for anymore?"

Naruto replied gesturing with his hands "I said there's nothing I'm aware of, I didn't know being skilled in fuinjutsu is that huge of a thing."

Zabuza who heard this made his eyes twitch again and sighed

Haku just smiled happily knowing Naruto was really skilled

Naruto said as he approached them "Stretch out your wrists, I'll adjust it to give you permission to enter the array before I activate it."

They nodded and stretched out their wrists

Naruto applied an additional seal to their markings and said "Done."

Naruto proceeded to the huge array of seal tags and placed them all over the place. He connected it with ink infused chakra. Zabuza and Haku watched in amusement of Naruto's seals as they drank tea in the table.

After awhile, Naruto already placed the seals all over the house and finally in the middle, the eye of the array of seals. He said while his back turned into them "Zabuza, Haku. Lend me your chakra, it's not enough to support this array."

They nodded as they stood up and asked "What do we do?"

Naruto replied while focusing on the eye of the array "Just put your hands on my back, and let the chakra of yours travel into me."

Haku immediately complied while Zabuza asked "Do you really trust us with your back after just having known you for a week? I'm still a missing-nin you know? Aren't you afraid that I might betray you?"

Naruto chuckled in reply "Don't worry about me too much, I have hidden cards that I haven't shown anyone yet."

Zabuza thought as he nodded and put his hand on his back 'He still has hidden cards left in his sleeves? After all the abilities he's shown, there's still more? What a monster.'.




(A/N: I actually wrote about 2.5k words in this chapter, I didn't notice just read the other half in the next chapter lol. Leave a power stone if you like the story. Thanks!)