
Money Problem

I continued to walk and didn't mind them following me. I'm gonna draw them in a quiet place. After reaching a certain quiet place I stopped my tracks and look at them.

There were 16 people following me. All of the leaders are here, even Leo.

"Leo you lost to this fatty?" said one of the delinquent leaders.

Leo just stayed silent.

Hahaha to think you'll lose to a pig. Even if this Fatty is bigger than you, you should be able to beat him without a sweat.

"If we're gonna fight let's do it I want to end this while it's still early." Since I'm still going to work I want to finish this as early as possible.

"Oi, Fatty, You want to end the early? Sorry to tell you but we're gonna break all your bones today. " Said one of the delinquents.

The more I listen to them the faster I want this to end, So I drop my bag and said this to provoke them so we can fight and end this early "Make your move insects."

Hearing my insult the delinquents were furious so the Big Leader ordered to attack.

"HAHA, you have the gal to call us insects go fucked him up"

The delinquents rush at me but I just stood there waiting for the right moment to activate Aura Pressure.

The delinquents were only a few meters away so I activated Aura Pressure and they immediately felt it which made them stop their tracks and tremble.

I quickly use Mix Martial arts to knock them all out.

The leader who saw this was shocked and fell to his knees.

Leo also fall to his knees and trembled. The twin brothers who couldn't feel the pressure earlier felt it now and they couldn't stop trembling. Some of the delinquents even fainted just my aura alone.

Dusting myself off I pick up my bag and walk home as if nothing happened.

When Kim leaves the leader felt relief and told his allies not a single word about this is to go out.

Walking home I remembered I still have one more lottery ticket so I opened the lottery panel and push the button. Thinking about what I'm gonna get excites me.

The Mega Lottery prizes are ranked from A+ - SS+

Soon the arrow started spinning till it stopped at SS+.


+25,000 Supreme Points

Congratulations to the host for winning Skill Appraisal.


-Can Appraise anything the host wants as long as it's not higher than two ranks of the Overall Power of the host.

"HAHA, Another jackpot luck B rules," I said as I continued walking home.

After reaching home I quickly take a bath again since I'm still going to work. Changed clothes, eat then go again.

Stepping outside the house I suddenly remembered the appraisal skill earlier. I tried it on my house.

-Host's House

-House left behind by host's parents.

-Worth $8,455


There still a lot of info but It's unnecessary.

I started walking to go to my workplace.

While walking I saw someone I'm familiar with I called him out. " Hey, Frank!"

Frank hearing Kim he quickly goes beside him.

Frank is one of my co-workers at my workplace and also my best friend I'm just older than him for 2 months.

"Do you know what the announcement will all be about?" Frank asked.

I couldn't remember anything about such so I asked instead of answering a question I don't know." What announcement? I didn't hear anything about such"

"You must have gone straight home yesterday. Boss said there's an announcement today" replied Frank.

The two of us talk for a while before we reach our workplace.

We work as dishwashers in a small diner it's small but it's always full of customers but recently the shop has almost become a ghost town maybe this is why the Boss is gonna give an announcement.

We started our work as dishwashers the pay is also quite good for a 4-hour work. 300 Pesos or $6 (300 pesos is already a good amount here)

Soon we're done with our work and we were closing the shop. After closing the shop the boss assembled us in the staff room.

Our boss's name is Joel a man in his50s. He's really a great person when I was just 10 he let me help around here till I grew up now working for him.

Boss Joel told us to sit and began to announce his announcement.

The shop is gonna be close next week since he's moving houses and the business here is becoming harder. Those who want to quit today would be given a salary worth 5 days and those who want to work till the end will have double salary on this period.

Some of the staff were mad but it changes to sadness all the memories while working here will be the only thing left.

No one wants to quit so they'll stay till the end.

After all of that was over I stayed for a few until there are only a few co-workers left in the shop.

"Aren't you going home?" asked Frank.

"Wait for me for a bit" I replied as I know something feels weird.

"Alright" Frank Replied.

Then I entered Boss Joel's office and what I saw saddened me.

Boss Joel was looking at the crew photo hanged in the wall with tears as if He doesn't want to lose it.

"Boss " I called him out.

As if he noticed me just now he quickly wiped his tears. He said "What are still you doing here? I even closed the shop early so that you guys could go home early today.

Seeing this I couldn't help but say what's in my mind "Boss I knew you since I was a kid if you tell me the problem maybe I can be of help." I said as I patted his back.

Seeing my expression He sighed then told me what the problem was. " My only granddaughter needs brain surgery to remove the tumor in her head. The minimum fees cost 2.5 million pesos ( $50,000) not including other medical needs. "

"Hearing it my heart hurts. I was about to say I'm sorry but I suddenly remembered I have money now. I was about to say I have money when suddenly.


I wrote this because I'm bored and English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if there are some errors there.

Please tell me any suggestions if you can!

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