
The strongest in the Omniverse

Upon death, our mc finds himself chosen to become some powerful being with an important task. There seem to be others like him, and many might even have systems. These powerful beings seemed to have almost been killed by beings, not of this world, their death would mean the end of the world, so they have to pass on their roles. Follow Mc, on a journey to become the strongest there is.

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


"I have to admit, I was shocked that you agreed," the woman Sora saved, Sarah said in a soft voice while arriving at her house.

"Well, I have to admit you invited me. I agree since I want to make friends, seeing as we went to the same academy, and that you're a good person, I thought it was worth a try making friends." Sora said with a smile, stunning her slightly. She looked back at Sora, confusion written on her face

"Me and the demon lord are not friends, she has her reasons for having to conquer this world, and those reasons force me to support her. even without the favor, I would have had to help her if she were to start failing. she made that skip to just get back at me for making her have to wait longer to improve her strength. then again, time moves faster in the demon realm, so she would simply pull the demon realm backward, and wait sometime before returning." Sora said calmly, leaving Sarah shocked, and for her son who grew attracted to Sora to grow curious. Sora's charisma was too high, how could this little boy not love him?

"Reasons? What reasons could be so good." She said softly to herself while holding the door. her house was a mansion, and being one of the few mages in the world, she had the power to gain riches.

"the reasons, they are complex to explain. I have no interest in having the innocents be dragged into this, so these few thousands of years, I would try and do my best to try and find the most peaceful way to deal with this." Sora said to which she nodded slightly, Sora was not reading her mind out of respect, in his mind this could be a friend, and it would be rude to read a friend's mind. he was not like Merlin who was unable to control her ability to read minds, leading her to hear the thoughts of those she looks at

Sarah had Sora make himself a home, and seeing her son playing with Sora, as if the dragon attack had no effect on his mental state, she smiled slightly. She knew her son was scared on the way here, but Sora quickly got not just her kid to forget all that, but to have them all cheer up without the need for magic

"you good with children." She said with a smile, stunning Sora for a moment, who shook his head slightly

"no... I just give them the attention I guess kids should have had growing up." Sora said softly, stunning her slightly before she remembered Sora was from the slums. not having anything to say after such words, she went to go make a meal,

"I'm missing a few things, I will go stop by the store. mind looking after him? I will not be gone for long." She said softly, to which Sora nodded not bothered at all. so she hurried off, and Sora play with a kid. indeed, he only showed the kid the attention he believed a child should have. a child should have a smile, and not be in tears.

Sarah was only gone for 15 minutes, after she returned she made a huge meal, and placed the meal on the table, a tray for Sora, one for herself and her son.

"it smells amazing..." Sora said softly, a hint of disappointment in his voice. Sarah smile brightly at the praise before they all sat down to eat a meal.

"Big brother, what is the reason you help the demon lord? because of her my daddy is dead." the little boy said suddenly, stunning her mother who quickly tried to have him stop talking.

"the demon lord is special, she has a good reason for trying to conquer the world. failure on her end to do so could end in countless worlds being lost. before I know who she was, I was one of the first people to make a move against her. I was the main reason the world knew ahead of time that the invasion was happening sooner than expected. but after knowing of her nature, I had no choice but either join the war and support her, or step back and let things play out." Sora said softly,

"I chose to turn a blind eye, but in the end, I chose to step in and stop the war. She would conquer this world with me or without me. it's her nature, I didn't simply buy everyone time to grow stronger, I brought the world time for new powerful Mages to be born. I'm even working with Merlin to improve the magic... as for your father. I'm sorry, I only step during the end. I could only stop the killing at that point." Sora said calmly, to which the little boy almost cried, meanwhile, her mother was holding back her rage... well she tried

"what do you mean by her nature? what could be so good of a reason to turn a blind eye to the death of so many people, what could endure the world other than the demon lord?" She said through gritted teeth

"You miss understand the demon lord, she only wants to conquer the world. her nature is conquest. for now, picture her as this soap. She is weak and forced to stay in this bowl. if she can't grow and cover more land, the idea of the concept of conquest would grow weaker. with it weakening leads to other concepts which make up conquest grow weaker, such concepts as a victory would weaken. with one concept weakening, it leads other concepts to suppress it, leading to a balance to be shifted." Sora said calmly,

"you saying because she is this concept, she can do whatever she wants?" She said coldly, to which Sora shook her head

"you're taking it to an extreme. she just needs to complete her being. if she can't, then she could never truly become Conquest, and she would die slowly. Merlin and Ellen don't know of this, I don't want them to have to struggle between the human side or the demon side. as for you, you should at least know the truth. I'm sorry for your husband's death, if I had acted sooner than he and many others would be around." Sora said while standing up to leave, only for Sarah to lower her head to hide the tears following down her face.

Sora's charisma was high, in the end, she had no choice but to take Sora's words as if they were the truth. she didn't stop Sora from leaving, and she just sat there in deep thought, not noticing her son who was looking at Sora with an unwillingness to let him leave... in this kid's eyes, he just lost a potential father, he didn't dare to say he was more attached to Sora than his father.

"you're finally back, a little birdy told me you made a friend," Merlin said with a smirk, to which Sora shook his head while throwing a look toward Igneel and the others, who were acting on their best behavior, making sure everything was clean,

"She got a powerful poison to try and kill me, which is funny as she was almost killed by poison which I saved her and her child from. friends are not in the picture for me, they would just die in like 70 years" Sora said with a smile while returning to his lab, leaving Merlin helpless,

this time, Sora didn't go out that much. but just because he didn't go out much, didn't mean the world was not developing. slowly, Merlin introduced her creations to the world, improving the world's magic bit by bit

Ellen returned to the emperor, where she soon took a seat as the queen and began pushing things to be changed with the way nobles treated commons, leading her to gain the dislike of many, but with Lisa supporting her from the underground, and her being the hero, she gained the supports of many people,

but they were not the only people making moves. Sarah's son, Sanji grew to become a great mage. under his mother's teaching, he quickly gained the notice of many people. but this world's attention was never what he wanted... Sora was a person that remained on his mind for years, and his words that day was something he could never forget. the demon lord had to win for the sake of this world.

Sora's mother of this life died soon, her health has been bad ever since she found out Sora was alive, it only got worse with Sora supporting the demon race, yet her daughter still sat with her and told her everything Sora was up to, increasing the pain. yet through her daughter, she could at least be by Sora in some way shape, or form. but in the end, her pain killed her.

this caused Ellen to be downcast for some time, but Sora to her shock sat next to her while she was in tears. the cold twin brother of hers being there for her only brought more tears to her eyes, but this caused her magic power to start going unstable

her enchantment magic was able to allow her to use both God and Devil Slayer magic, but now with her emotions like this, she was losing control, so this forced her to start making plans for the future,

"found it... father would be happy to know I found him." in a tree, a woman's eyes locked on Sora who was sitting crossed leg next to the water. she had to admit, the scene look like something out of the water, enchanting and beautiful.

But fear swallowed her as Sora slowly turned to look towards her, the movement was slow, yet for some reason it seemed like it happened in an instant. she found herself enchanted by Sora's beauty, such a handsome man surely couldn't be real.

"How did you find this place?" Sora asked, causing chills to run up her spine, she blinked slightly and found that Sora had disappeared from the spot he was just at, and was currently sitting next to her on the tree branch.

"S-sir Sora, I mean no harm. my father has been searching for you for years, and through Igneel fight patterns, I was slowly able to conclude that you live somewhere within this forest." She said softly, making Sora's eyebrow raise

"Sanji's daughter? The brat has grown to the point he has his own family," Sora said calmly, to which she nodded slightly.

"My father has always wanted to help you with your goals, from a kid to now." She said softly, to which Sora smirked slightly, before nodding. so, he followed her back to where Sanji stayed, and there he went with a grown man with long black hair.

"Sora," Sanji almost fell to his knees before Sora, but Sora stopped him as he wasn't in the mood for such annoying things. and from there, Sanji explained how he spent the past 40+ years working on a way to help him conquer Earth Land, going as far as to show Sora a group of traitors he managed to get on his side

"you came up with all of this?" Sora asked while going through the many plans, but Sanji shook his head as he pointed toward his daughter. Sora looked at his daughter, who stood straight up seeing him.

'she is smart, smart enough to resist the passive effect of charisma, allowing her not to so easily fall entrapped to my looks. she took into account the unknown and everything her father remembered from years ago to making this plan.' Sora thought while nodding slightly

"she is smart, but sadly she would die before the battle begins. I have to admit, a genius like yourself is only second to me." Sora said calmly, the woman froze slightly

"You're saying you could have made a better plan than mine?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, her pride was being attacked by Sora. and Sora simply nodded at her words

"for one, you forgot about the gods. years ago when I set up the war to take place 1,000 years, I took into account almost everything, along with every dimension. this final battle would have mages from every dimension, and all types of races fathering to fight. it would be a huge battlefield," Sora said calmly

"thats a bad idea, it's best to take them on one by one." She said in shock at Sora's plan,

"The Demon lord is conquest, what do you think I am? why do you think the demon lord would just up and accept 3 favors from me?" Sora asked stunning the two

"I thought of this before, your nature should also be a concept," Sanji said softly, to which Sora nodded calmly

"I'm war. conquest is just my little sister. some might even say that War birth Conquest. while she needs to conquer the whole world, I need to be on a battlefield. the bigger the battle, the better. in that war less than 1,000 years from now, I shall complete my task and so would she." Sora said calmly, leaving the two stunned

"as for you... What's your name?" Sora asked calmly, to which Sanji's daughter was stunned for a moment before she quickly spoke

"Shiro." She said quickly, to which Sora nodded slightly, and the next words which came out of his mouth shocked them

"What do you think of becoming a god of Strategy? Since I'm the War, I'm able to give others the title of god. with this, you would be reborn as the goddess of strategy, capable of planning out everything, down to a target heartbeat, similar to myself. although I can only do such a thing after I'm fully awakened to my true self as war" Sora said calmly, stunning the two

"w-will I be alive?" She asked with unease, to which Sora nodded slightly

"I can form a link to you, allowing you to live so long as I live," Sora said calmly, making Shino hesitate for a moment, but with her father quickly nodding at her, she took the chance and nodded. and like that, Sora picked his future soon-to-be god,

Sora formed an oink from himself to her, bonding her soul to him. it's only going to be years later that he would find out that Shino was smarter than he gave her credit, she was not only a good strategist but also liked to work in the field of biology, which got Sora dipping his foot into such a field as well

"what's up?" Sora said lazily as he took the paper Lisa handed to him, Lisa took a deep breath before explaining a few things.

The sea race, pretty much humans who chose to live in the sea were moving to try and replace the humans on land. a war was coming, and not even 200 years since the war with the demon lord army began.

but Sora quickly noticed why Lisa would call him, the sea race target was one of the keys her family had. her little sister had died of old age a few years back, so her family lost its most powerful mage.

"You can protect your family, I'm not limiting you on anything. if you want to do it, just do it." Sora said calmly, stunning Lisa who nodded thankfully at Sora. Lisa hesitated for a moment, making Sora think there was more she needed to say, but he was caught off guard as Lisa stepped forward and kissed him on the lips,

Sora looked at her with a raised eyebrow, to which her face turned bright red while lowering her head.

"you said to just do it, so she did," Merlin said with a laugh, scaring Lisa who didn't see her. Sora turned to look at Merlin, slightly surprised that she was not mad,

"I knew about her feelings for a long time, I know one thing about you. you can charm your way into any heart even if you don't try. I will not limit you on anything." She said with a smile, stunning Lisa. Sora looked at her for a moment, to which Merlin avoided eye contact.

Sora sighed softly before looking towards Lisa and nodded accepting her feelings, but when Shiro heard of this, she too ended up confessing her feelings to Sora, who accepted them. like that, Sora got two lovers.

While the war between humans and the sea race began, the sea race was in the end forced back into the sea thanks to Lisa taking action. a little over 200 years after the battle with the demon lord, Merlin began trying to have a child, and with her attempts so did Shiro

Sora didn't mind starting his own family, so when Merlin and Shiro revealed that they were pregnant, a huge party was held. Ellen personally threw the party, pretty much forcing Sora to join. Sora enjoyed himself, eating food for the first time in 200 years,

"..." but after taking a few bites, Sora froze while looking at the food, and back at Ellen who had a smirk. Sora's eyes narrowed slightly, and his magic power exploded to destroy the poison in his body, only for his magic power to be absorbed by the poison, it was only then he realized it was not poison, but a seal he just empowered.

"Haha, you fell for it. that seal will seal you away for a thousand years, when the demon lord attacks 750 years from now, you would have no part in that battle, don't worry. after I defeat her, I will free you." Ellen said stunning everyone who looked toward Sora, who just looked at Ellen with a blank look

with a thought, his magic power exploded out, forcefully attacking the seal, only for something to suck up his magic power and strength the seal once more. Sora frowned slightly, he tried to use magic, only for him to find out all forms of magic he wants to use were nullified. Sora look over toward Merlin who shrugged slightly

"I found out recently that because of you, my lifespan has increased. so I have to face the fact I will taking part in this war. I don't support the demon lord, someone as ruthless and bloodthirsty as her... the human race would suffer, and I know where you stand in this." Merlin said calmly, to which Sora nodded calmly

"you're not surprised, I expected you to show some form of emotions," Merlin said softly, to which Sora shook his head

"I expected this to happen long ago, but I never took into account you would hesitate and end up not willing to kill me," Sora said calmly, making Ellen and everyone shocked for a moment before Ellen burst out laughing

"You're my brother and the last time I checked, my little twin brother. How can I, your elder sister kill you? So, take a long nap, when I awaken you, you would be not only weaker than me, but the demon lord would have fallen to my knees." Ellen said with a smile while pinching Sora's cheeks, Sora would have sent her flying in the past if she were to have done this, but know what can Sora do?

"Do something, haha," Ellen laughed while looking at Sora's face, who just calmly looked at her, but those who know Sora would know that if he wasn't sealed, she would be crying her eyes out at this moment.

"thats enough Ellen," Merlin said stopping Ellen from going any further, and so, Sora was sealed away within pocket space. Ellen went on to also seal herself away, her seal would be broken hundreds of years later for the battle with the demon lord,

as for Merlin, Lisa, and Shiro. the 3 of course couldn't stay near each other after Merlin's actions, Lisa went away to search for a way to release Sora, and Shiro did the same, but she had to stop such plans to birth her child

With Ellen stepping down as queen, a new era came forth, and so year one began. the child Shiro would birth would not be that impressive, but the child would get married and birth two brothers, Zeref and Natsu...

meanwhile, Merlin started the Strauss family and soon sealed herself away for the battle that would soon take place. She of course knew about the whole matter about the demon lord being conquest and such, so she was not planning on allowing the demon lord to die