
The Strongest Hero with Infinite Classes

Cyrus wakes up in an unknown world, gaining strength quickly to stay alive. Follow Cyrus as he learns about this new worlds secrets with his own power of having infinite classes!

King_Atticus6155 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: New Skills

"I need a way to train my skills more efficiently in here, I need to make targets for my skills. Or create some kind of golems to fight against for training." Walking toward his portal out of his shadow. Cyrus like usual quietly checks his surroundings around the shadow. Seeing it was clear, he climbed out shaking off the wisps of shadow.

"To do this I need one of the giant spider corpses, hopefully what I have in mind will work the way I want it to." Crouching down to stealthily make his way to the tunnels before the bend. Casting a light orb and dimming it down to where he could barely see. Cyrus sets off into the dark tunnels. Making it to one of the corpses without much of an issue.

-Stealth has leveled up-

-1 Stat point earned-

Standing in front of it, Cyrus starts to focus while his shadow expanded out. His mana dropping as his shadow encompassed the ground beneath the mangled giant spider corpse. Putting more mana into his shadow as it starts to envelope the spider. Crawling up the corpse as thick black tendrils until it completely covered the corpse in a wispy black.

The black wispy pile of shadows in the shape of the spider starts to slowly diminish in size. It looked like the shadows were eating the corpse until there was nothing left. Once it was done Cyrus crossed his arms and falls backwards into his shadow. With a splash of wispy shadows Cyrus finds himself back into his domain. Quickly opening his notifications, Cyrus was surprised by what he saw.

Congrats! New Skills learned!

-Shadow Expansion Lv. 1: Extends the users shadow however they see fit. It is a skill that can be used in conjunction with other skills. Costs: 40 mana + 20 mana every 10 ft.

-Carnivorous Pit of Shadows Lv. 1: User creates a pit of shadows that consume a creature's dead body. Once consumed there is a chance of earning stat points. 1% chance per level. Costs: Mana equal to the size of the creature.

-Shadow Pets Lv. 1: Once a creature has been consumed by shadows it can be created as a shadow companion that fights alongside the user. The creatures get 100 health/mana/stamina per level of the skill. Only 1 can be summoned at a time, can be increased every 10 levels of the skill. Costs: 50 mana

-Shadow Manipulation has leveled up 2x-

-5 Skill Points earned-

Mana 10/425

"Damn I did not expect to get 3 skills from that but I'm not one to question things that I can't control. But I almost used up all my mana from that which could've been dangerous if something came. I need to be more careful when trying new things when I'm not in my domain. I should level up my domain so I have ample enough space to train now that I have a training dummy." Cyrus quickly goes to his skill page and dumps the necessary mana to increase the level of the skill.

Mana 425 -> 305

Mana Required 120/120

Mana Required 120 -> 160

-Shadow King's Domain has leveled up-

-1 Stat Point earned-

Feeling a little weaker from the permanent loss of mana. Cyrus goes to spend his 7 stat points to get some of his mana back.

Intelligence 80 -> 87

Mana 305 -> 340

"I feel a bit better now at least. That skill is super good but it is really draining on my mana supply. At least the skill is worth it or I would never dump my mana into it to level it up if it wasn't. Well now let's summon my new shadow pet once I rest to get my mana back." Cyrus sits down to rest letting his mana recover back to full. Standing up once it was full and patting his knees, Cyrus finally gets ready to summon his pet.

With a wave of his hand, black wispy shadows started coalescing into a large shape. As the form of a giant spider appeared before Cyrus. It stood there without moving.

"It seems it won't do anything unless an enemy is in front of it or I give it some commands." Cyrus grabbed his dagger from his hip and with a mental command he told the Spider to come at him. With a deathly sounding screech, it launched itself forward toward Cyrus.

"It won't last long in a fight for now so I should focus on mostly dodging for a while before finishing it off." Cyrus said to himself as he used Weightless Dodge to swiftly duck under the leg that stabbed in the direction of him. Sliding himself under the spider until he was behind it, Cyrus stood up at the ready. The spider quickly spun itself around as it whipped two of its legs at Cyrus. Not expecting it, he couldn't dodge so he brought up his dagger to block the attack.

With a grunt he was launched back from his position as the leg slammed into the dagger. At the impact his arms shook before being launched. Tumbling across the ground before sticking his dagger into the ground slowing his tumble and righting his body. Rolling himself into a standing position and spitting the blood that pooled in his mouth onto the swaying black grass.

"That's all you got!" Cyrus said with a grin on his face as the shadow spider screeched in frustration from the lack of reaction of its prey. It crouched itself low to the ground before launching itself from the ground. High in the air it brought its rear end forward to launch its webbing at Cyrus to immobilize him. Raising his left-hand Cyrus cast Sightless Slash as it launched its way toward the webbing. The Black arc of a skill cut through the webbing as it continued on past the skill. Slicing the Spider in half as it dispersed into a black shadowy mist.

Health 155/210

"Well, it did quite a bit of damage from when it slammed its leg into me. Let's look at my notifications from this battle."

Congrats! New Skill learned!

-Weapon Blocking Lv. 1: Blocking with your weapon protects you from 1% of damage per level-

-Weightless Dodge has leveled up-

-Dagger Mastery has leveled up-

-Pain Resistance has leveled up-

-Sightless Slash has leveled up-

-Shadow Pets has leveled up-

-6 Stat Points earned-

Intelligence 87 -> 93

Mana 305 ->335

"If I can do this for a few hours before resting I can gain a bunch of Stat Points. Let's keep this thing going!" Cyrus yells out excitedly!


Name: Cyrus Winters

(0/2) Equipped Titles:

Class: Hero Lv.1, Taster Lv. 1, Shadow King Lv. 2, Cleric Lv. 1


Health: 175/175 (36 per 4 Mins.) (+35)

Stamina: 120/120 (36 per 4 Mins.) (+40)

Mana: 335/335 (36 per 4 Mins.)

Strength: 19

Dexterity: 18 (+8)

Speed: 12 (+11)

.6% (.55%)

Intelligence: 93

Endurance: 20


Control: 29 (+10)

Luck: 24

+24 Coins


Recovery: 36

Willpower: 32


Stat Points: 0

Coins: 20

Mana Skills:

Lucky Coin Lv. 2, Airburst Lv. 4, Mend Bones Lv. 1, Orb of Light Lv. 4, Sightless Slash Lv. 6, Weightless Dodge Lv. 2, Scorching Beams Lv. 4, Shadow Pets Lv. 2, Carnivorous Pit of Shadows Lv. 1, Shadow Expansion Lv. 1

Support Skills:

Analysis Lv. 3, Identification Lv. 3, Material Inspection Lv.1,

Passive Skills:

Sage's Knowledge Lv. 1, Simple Crafting Lv. 7, Climbing Lv. 1, Wind Manipulation Lv. 3, Pain Resistance Lv. 4, Foraging Lv. 1, Mana Manipulation Lv. 6, Stealth Lv.4, Dagger Mastery Lv. 4, Shadow Manipulation Lv. 5, Harvesting Lv. 4, Poison Resistance Lv. 1, Tracking Lv. 1, Fire Manipulation Lv. 5, Butchering Lv. 1, Enhanced Hearing Lv. 1, Light Manipulation Lv. 3, Weapon Blocking Lv. 1,

Physical Skills:

Bash Lv.1, Sneak Attack Lv. 2, Menacing Gaze Lv. 1,

Unique Skills:

Shadow King's Domain Lv. 3, Boon of Shadows Lv. 1, Child of Shadows,

Equipped Gear:

Greirat's Dagger: +5 Dexterity, +5 Speed, 15 + Dex. Stat = Damage (Standard)

Ring of Minor Control: +10 Control (Basic)

Dark Leather Armor: +35 Health, + 6 Speed, + 3 Dexterity (Basic)