
The Strongest Hero with Infinite Classes

Cyrus wakes up in an unknown world, gaining strength quickly to stay alive. Follow Cyrus as he learns about this new worlds secrets with his own power of having infinite classes!

King_Atticus6155 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: Spiderlings

Walking for about 5 minutes Cyrus hears in the distance a bunch of movement, almost like there is around a hundred entities moving at once. Sliding his orb forward further down the path. Coming into Cyrus's view was a massive cluster of spiderlings crawling fast toward him. Looking past them Cyrus could see around 3 giant white eggs split open as even more were crawling out of that.

"Fuck, I have no way to deal with large crowds of enemies yet." Cyrus glances around to see if there was any way out of this predicament, he was in. His mind springing through what ifs and possibilities. Glancing once more while running back the way he came, his mind brought forth the best little idea.

Throwing his hand back behind him, aimed at his floating light orb.

"Scorching Beams!" Cyrus shouts out as more than a normal amount of mana left his body to compensate for the lack of a basis for the spell.

The Orb shines for a second as 3 beams of white light shoots out in an arc. Hitting 3 different spots burning a handful of spiderlings. The smell of burning flesh hitting Cyrus's nose causing him to cringe from the smell. Quickly casting a second Orb of light out as it floats out above another cluster of spiders.

Fhwoosh! Another casting of Scorching Beams blasts out from both orbs. Splashing down onto other clusters of spiderlings. Each casting causing the tunnel to light up with almost blinding light. Another flash appears with another casting as more beams spill out of the orbs clearing more spiders. Smiling Cyrus could see that almost all the spiders were cleared out until another sound much louder than what the spiderlings were making, sounded out.

A long leg covered in spindles and what appeared to be plates of chitin. Stretched out around the bend of the tunnel. Two more followed out afterwards as the plates seemed to flex easily with the movement. A loud screeching noise was made from the creature dragging itself around the bend hitting the walls. Causing a stalagmite to fall and hit the leg where the plating was. The impact of the rock hitting the leg caused the rock to explode into bits leaving the plating free of damage.

-Spider Knight-

Health: 1500/1500

Stamina: 400/400

"Well shit, this went from bad to worse. I'm quite low on mana and I don't know how much that plating will protect it." Cyrus brow furrowed in frustration.

Mana: 125/375

Using Scorching beam again, Cyrus used one orbs worth on the remaining spiderlings. While the other went toward the body of the Spider Knight. Which finished coming around the bend showing off his bigger figure covered in plating and his mandibles snapping in anticipation of the meal in front of it. The beams slamming into the body in different spots. Leaving steaming pocket marks where it hit. Causing some of the plating to drip from the heat.

Mana: 75/375

The Spider Knight seemed unfazed as it kept crawling forward slowly. Almost mockingly it seemed, that or the armor weighed it down.

"I need to find a way to get out of here to hide for now. I need to rest before coming back to fight that thing." Turning back around, Cyrus sprints down the tunnel hearing a frenzied skitter behind him. Looking back, he sees the Spider Knight picking up pace, still quite slow though compared to the other spiders.

Pulling the orbs behind him to follow him, Cyrus uses Scorching Beams to blast the Spider in the face. As both orbs light up briefly, 5 beams from each orb fly out smashing into the face.

SCHREECHHHH!!!! Glancing back, Cyrus could see that the beams halted the advance of the spider. As the beams dissipated into shining particles. Cyrus could see that two of the eyes were destroyed in the blast.

Turning the bend back toward the small cavern with water, Cyrus slid into the room. Quickly moving toward the wall, he sprints into it. His shadow coming close as he enters his domain. Sitting down with a sigh of air from his lips. Bringing his legs up to his body as he rests his arms on his knees. Panting out ragged breathes, feeling his chest heave with each breathe.

"Damn that could've ended badly, if that thing was any faster. Those plates on it looks like they would be useful for crafting if I could kill it. I probably could once I gained back all my mana and stamina. It will be a tough battle for sure. There was quite a bit of notifications, I'm glad I made them small not to impede my vision."

Congrats! New Skills learned!

-Light Manipulation Lv. 3: Using Light Mana and Manipulating it is 1% easier per level

-Scorching Beams Lv. 3: Creates 5 beams from Orb of Light. That hits a 3ft area that burns all that is in the zone. Dealing 20 Damage + ½ of intelligence stat per beam. Costs: 25 Mana

-Analysis has leveled up-

-Orb of Light has leveled up-

-8 Stat Points earned-

-540 coins earned-

New Class Unlocked!

- Cleric Lv. 1: A beginner in Healing and Dealing Light Damage. +20 Health, +25 Mana, +5 Recovery, +1 Lv. To any light-based skill of choice.

Health 105 -> 125

Mana 375 -> 400

Recovery 30 -> 35

Scorching Beams Lv. 3 -> 4

-1 Stat Point earned-

Intelligence 75 -> 80

Mana 400 -> 425

Strength 13 -> 19

Health 125 -> 155

Stat Points 11 -> 0

"There I should be all sorted out in terms of stats. Another class as well which is nice, I wonder if there is a limit to how many I can have. I will just have to keep it in mind until I can find civilization after I clear this nest. I can't wait until I do, I wonder what goodies I can find at the end." Smiling, Cyrus sits back letting the slight breeze of his domain rustle his hair.

"I did earn a ton of coins; I wonder what I should try and buy." Cyrus says as he flicks to the store tab. Opening the Tome tab and going to the Standard tomes.

"Seems like the only skill available to buy are ones that are in relation to my classes, or random passives." Cyrus puts his hand on his chin as he scratches at the light amount of stubble. That has formed on his face in the last day and half. Selecting one skill that caught his eye. Spending the 500 coins necessary for the purchase.

Coins 620 -> 120

A book flashed into existence at eye height of Cyrus as it falls down into his out stretched hands. Opening the book to read the contents. Once the book was opened, the ink on the pages turned into a black mist. Floating into the air as it enveloped Cyrus's head. It quickly entered through his ears, as a burning sensation was felt in his brain. As it subsided another skill showed up on his page.

-Unique skill:

Boon of Shadows Lv. 1: Boosts Shadow skill Damage by 10% per level

"This should help against that Spider Knight, let's see what I can get in the weak section. Probably not anything worthwhile but who knows." Switching to the weak section, Cyrus glances through the available skills.

-Unique skill:

Child of Shadows: User can see 5% better in the dark

Coins 120 -> 20

"It's not the greatest but it will be helpful down the road when I need to be stealthy." Cyrus stands up as he grabs a few berries stuffing them in his mouth. Chewing them quick and following it with a swig of water.

"I need to find some food soon since I only have a handful of berries left. Wait I'm set actually." Cyrus looks toward the pile of goodies in his domain. Walking over Cyrus grabs a chunk of wolf meat and sits down. Looking at his hand as he heats hit up with Fire Manipulation. Once he felt it was hot enough Cyrus started to run it against the flesh. A crackling sound was heard as the blood started to cook off while the meat started to sear from the heat. Taking about 10 minutes as a wonderful aroma of cooked meat filled the air.

Smiling Cyrus took a bit out of the meat, savoring his first taste of meat in this strange world. Sick of berries Cyrus eats it quickly almost forgetting to chew it.

-Dire Wolf Meat: Heals user for 10 health. +2 endurance, +20 health, +1 Recovery

Health 155 -> 175

Endurance 18 -> 20

Recovery 35 -> 36

"Awww that was sooo good!" Patting his stomach with a smile Cyrus stood up.

"I should be as prepared as I can be right now. Unless I spent time training some of my skills in here. It might be worthwhile now that I think about it. Well time for some training then!" Pumping his fist in the air with a look of determination, Cyrus gets himself ready for a night of training and then rest.


Name: Cyrus Winters

(0/2) Equipped Titles:

Class: Hero Lv.1, Taster Lv. 1, Shadow King Lv. 2, Cleric Lv. 1


Health: 175/175 (36 per 4 Mins.) (+35)

Stamina: 120/120 (36 per 4 Mins.) (+40)

Mana: 425/425 (36 per 4 Mins.)

Strength: 19

Dexterity: 18 (+8)

Speed: 12 (+11)

.6% (.55%)

Intelligence: 80

Endurance: 20


Control: 29 (+10)

Luck: 24

+24 Coins


Recovery: 36

Willpower: 32


Stat Points: 0

Coins: 20

Mana Skills:

Lucky Coin Lv. 2, Airburst Lv. 4, Mend Bones Lv. 1, Orb of Light Lv. 4, Sightless Slash Lv. 5, Weightless Dodge Lv. 1, Scorching Beams Lv. 4

Support Skills:

Analysis Lv. 3, Identification Lv. 3, Material Inspection Lv.1,

Passive Skills:

Sage's Knowledge Lv. 1, Simple Crafting Lv. 7, Climbing Lv. 1, Wind Manipulation Lv. 3, Pain Resistance Lv. 3, Foraging Lv. 1, Mana Manipulation Lv. 6, Stealth Lv.3, Dagger Mastery Lv. 3, Shadow Manipulation Lv. 3, Harvesting Lv. 4, Poison Resistance Lv. 1, Tracking Lv. 1, Fire Manipulation Lv. 5, Butchering Lv. 1, Enhanced Hearing Lv. 1, Light Manipulation Lv. 3,

Physical Skills:

Bash Lv.1, Sneak Attack Lv. 2, Menacing Gaze Lv. 1,

Unique Skills:

Shadow King's Domain Lv. 2, Boon of Shadows Lv. 1, Child of Shadows,

Equipped Gear:

Greirat's Dagger: +5 Dexterity, +5 Speed, 15 + Dex. Stat = Damage (Standard)

Ring of Minor Control: +10 Control (Basic)

Dark Leather Armor: +35 Health, + 6 Speed, + 3 Dexterity (Basic)