
The Strongest Demon Lord In The Omniverse

What makes a demon lord a demon lord? Does power make one a Demon Lord? Fame? The power to lead others? What is it? Being the Demon King means being myself. And if my subordinates are threatened, I shall retaliate with destruction. It doesn't matter if I'm up against fate or providence, that is what it means to be the Demon King. Follow my story, as I go from Zero to being an All Powerful God. Just a warning, I might kill a few of your favorite characters.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

The Academy

"Father your powers are impressive." Within the human realm, Amon and I were currently walking along the streets, this was the streets of the Wizard Magic Academy. In the center of this city, one can see a huge palace. if one were to fly high up, one would see that this city was on an island, which was in the center of the sea, far from human land, and protected from human eyes.

This magic academy wasn't always on Earth, it was instead teleported here. this was a special school, it was here, but at the same time, it was somewhere else. it was in more than two places at the same time, which was hard for normal people to understand.

Amon normally would have been sensed due to how powerful he is, yet no one could sense him, so Amon was looking around in shock as the humans just ignored him. This was the effect after I got the use of my ability for the past few weeks. I was able to target the chances of Amon and I being sensed and used x0 to turn those chances into nothing. 

"Try having one of the demon lords from another demon realm make a move, I want to draw away the attention of the powerful mages in the academy. what normally makes those guys make a move?" I asked to which Amon's eyes brightened

"I see... Father, they would only make a move when the powerful members of our race make a move. it doesn't matter the move, so long as a demon above a said tier makes a move, they would have to leave as the whole universe is in danger." Amon said to which I nodded lightly.

"Try and spread the news that the humans challenged them into a battle, where the winner can take any resource from the human realm they want," I said making Amon's eyes widen, the demons would surely make a move at that...

I walked around this place for some time, and after getting a good idea of the place, we returned to the demon realm and had everyone get ready for the attack. To ensure everything went well, I sent a demon with sharp senses to the human realm to sense and see when the powerful humans left. I of course used x0 on him to ensure he wouldn't be found.

when everything was ready, Amon went to spread the news across hell. instantly, this news spread like wildfire amongst the demons. Cries of greed filled hell for some time, before countless demons shot out, heading to the human realm. I stood back and watched as the huge wave of demons shocked the humans, sending them into a panic as they went into battle...

3rd POV

Within the Wizard King Academy, at the moment Hannah sat on her bed, playing with flames. the flames danced around her body as if it were a gentle friend.

"The flames are my friend, so I shouldn't order you to do anything. I instead am one with you, feel you, and move alongside you." She said softly before she started moving her hands, along with the flames.

"We breathe together, we live and die together. our bond goes deeper than any friendship or marriage, for I'm you and you're me." She said while her mind entered a unique state, which caused the flames around her to relax... and by relax, I mean stop holding back and do what flames wanted to do. that being to burn the world.

But something landed on Hannah's head, causing Hannah to let out a cry while holding her head. She looked at the red-haired woman in front of her, who was glaring at her.

"Teacher! What did I do?" Hannah said while holding her head in pain,

"Are you trying to burn down the academy again?" She said in rage, causing Hanna to be confused, but seeing her room which was smoking, and the flames around the place, she felt awkward. 

"Teacher, I didn't mean to. I just felt one with the flames..." Hannah said in a soft voice, causing her teacher to freeze in shock. She was about to speak, but she suddenly frowned while looking at the sky. her face suddenly darkened for a moment, before she looked at Hannah.

"Do not leave the academy." She said seriously, confusing Hannah, but she could only watch her teacher disappear by having flames warp around her...

"Ava, you are the most gifted person in the way of wind, I have ever seen. but your mind isn't free." Within a room in the academy, there was a huge space, so big that one could find mountains within. on top of the countless mountains, Ava stood before an old man.

"Your mind needs to be free like the wind, but you are held down by your hunger for money, and this guilt you hold towards that boy." The old man said while looking deeply at Ava

"I will not even add the hatred you hold towards Emily. all of these things are holding you down from reaching your peak." He said softly seeing the struggle in Ava's eyes.

"you make it sound simple, one can't just ignore that stuff," Ava said to which the old man nodded lightly.

"Indeed, it was hard for me to clear my head and be free. Stop letting the past slow you down, sitting here blaming yourself for things you didn't even know about would get you nowhere. You ignored the fact once you knew, you made everything clear and handled things perfectly. Everything that happened was out of your power. You are a bright girl, you just have to understand you don't have control of everything." He said to which Ava nodded in her own world.

The old man sighed while looking at the sky before he stood up with unease in his eyes.

"Go on and leave. do not leave the academy no matter what." He said while pushing Ava out of the pocket space before he disappeared.

"Emily... you're an odd one. the more I look at you, the more confused I am. The power of ice should be most powerful with your mind as cold as ice. yet your Ice doesn't melt with your warmth." within a pocket space that was completely ice, Emily stood before a woman with ice-blue hair.

"You found a new path in Ice, I will not try and aim you in any path. Use these emotions as your power." She said softly to which Emily nodded slightly, 

"Leave, don't leave the academy." She said to which Emily nodded although confused. She left and headed off to walk around the academy. the academy was huge, it looked smaller on the outside than it was on the inside. space was stretched on the inside, leading to such a magical effect.

Emily soon met up with her children, just to find out their teachers had also told them not to leave the academy. this led to her gathering the whole group, just to find they were given the same order. it wasn't hard for them to realize something had happened...

"to think 2 months have passed already," Edward said with a sigh while playing with a dot of light, which he controlled to fly around at extreme speed.

After entering the academy, they were taken in by the elders of this academy. these elders were all moved by their talents. 

Edward's teacher was an Angel. 

Mark's teacher was a giant. 

Rosa's teacher was a fish man, 

Lisa's teacher was a demi-human.

Hannah's teacher was a dragon, 

Ava's teacher was a human, 

Emily's teacher was an Ice fairy. 

"Yeah, we all became 4th-tier mages within such a short amount of time," Mark said while looking at his fist, with a thought, his body became as hard as a diamond before he made it many times harder.

The tiering system of this world was in tiers. The 1st tier is the weakest, and the 10th tier is considered a heaven-defying level of power. Isabella was only 4th tier, if they fought her again, just one of them was more than capable of defeating her, that is how powerful they have become in a short amount of time.

"... well, I can't stay for long. I have kids to look after." Edward said he had a wife and kids who came with him. Mark also nodded while getting up, leaving the 3 single people there... but they didn't get far as they felt something above them.

they all looked at each other before they looked towards Ava who cast a spell, causing the air to ripple and reveal an image of the outside. there they saw the sight of Daniel touching the barrier, while a sea of demons stood behind him.

"Dad!" Rosa said in shock seeing Daniel. but he was cold and emotionless. As soon as his palm touched the barrier, the barrier turned into nothing, allowing the demons to rain down. 

Ava and the others looked at each other for a moment, before they all disappeared, quickly arriving outside where they saw the teachers of the academy locked in battle. these teachers were all around the 7th and 8th tier, yet they were overwhelmed. 

"Thats 9th tier demon Amon, he is leading the 8th tier demon Blazfor, Blazmor, Hemon, Hembon, and Shtik," Ava said with a frown seeing the demons. She had done her research into Isabella, and where she came from. So, she knew how dangerous things were for them. They couldn't do anything there, Amon was holding onto Daniel, so they couldn't get Daniel away.

"They are taking people away, Let's hurry up and flee. we can't do anything here." Edward said while turning into a beam of light and shooting towards where his wife and daughter were within the academy. Ava gritted his teeth while looking at Daniel, who just coldly looked at her, before pointing towards her.

Amon looked over and as his eyes landed on them, they instantly felt the pressure of someone who was a tier 9 existence. Amon reached out to grab them, but suddenly moved, putting Daniel in front of a lightning that shot from the sky. 

This lightning was powerful, bending space and time, and causing the whole planet to feel overwhelmed. this was all due to the fact this attack wasn't focused, if it hit the earth, it might even destroy the planet depending on where it was aimed. but the attacker knew this attack would never hit Earth as demons don't like destroying planets. But even with this lightning being so powerful, before Daniel's x0, it turned into nothing.

"A sneak attack from the Lightning Empress. Lucky me." Amon said while looking at the thunder's bird glare at him. The bird opened its mouth, gathering lightning within its mouth which it shot down upon Amon, but again, Amon just placed Daniel in front of the attack, leading to the attack being nullified once more.

"You shameless demon! Let go of the boy." the bird said angrily, it quickly realized this was the human who was kidnapped by the demon, but to expect the human power was this powerful.

"Daniel, reduce her chances of dodging my attack," Amon said with a cold smile, a sword appeared in his hands. while my hand reached out, and instantly the Bird felt weird. Seeing Amon pulling out a sword, it quickly moved, dodging the sword slash which Amon didn't even bother to aim.

The bird let out a cry, as it fell to the ground, its wing cut cleanly off. it transformed into a woman with blonde hair who landed on her feet, but she gritted her teeth while holding her left missing arm.

"Impossible, that attack was out of range to even touch me." She said in shock and disbelief at the fact she was hit by an attack that didn't touch her.

"Before this human power, do you think just because you dodged you can avoid his attack?" Amon asked with a cold smile. he and this woman used to be equal in power, well, not today. he ordered the demons to capture her, and just as she was about to resist, he swung the sword once more, cutting off all her limbs, and leaving her screaming in pain.

Lisa looked at her master in horror as the demons shot down, dragging her away. She looked towards Amon, just to see Daniel who was just coldly looking back at her.

"What are you fools doing there? Run!" Lisa's teacher cried, enduring the pain to quickly send them away. Ava gritted her teeth, but she quickly had everyone leave, but Emily didn't, as she created an Ice wall to block the entrance to prevent them from coming back.

Emily just looked at Daniel, who was just looking back at her with indifferent eyes. Emily's hair began to start turning white, while cold so chilling it even began to slow down time spread off her. She was about to act, but flames burst through her Ice wall. She looked back in shock, as Hannah grabbed her, and pulled her in.

"Stop acting like you're the only one responsible for what happened," Hannah said with slight tears in her eyes, Emily looked away, not knowing what to say...

"Should I catch them, my lord?" Amon asked in a low voice, to which Daniel just shook his head.

"Let go get the books and leave, they can be useful chess pieces in the future," Daniel said, and with that, Amon burst forward, slamming through the castle and searching for the library where he took it all to hell. after, we all ran away before any more 9th-tier mages or warriors could arrive to save the day...

Everything went perfectly, 50 humans were captured, and even a 9th-tier level existence was captured, awaiting to be converted to our side. as for whether torture or something else was needed, that was to be found out...